Thursday, December 5, 2013



The barren trees in Gas Town have come to life with sparkling lights‘
Magical beauty!

Out of barrenness there comes a new shoot of life.  "Quiet and unassuming and miraculous"  Time to reach for my old Bible with its well used pages and read again a love story.

Now is the time of waiting, taking time to be still and knowing that the promise of old came true and life takes on deeper meaning than unwrapping the gifts but being with our loved ones is what counts.

In the barrenness  of the tree we see the nest that housed a family of birds who broke out of their egg shells and learned to fly.

This is a stump in our forest, out of which you can see new growth. 

"The Jesse tree, named after Jesse, who was the father of David-David to whom God promised that his line would never end and his sons and daughters would reign forever.  But then his family turned from God and the kingdom fell apart.  But God had promised that out of the stump of David will grow a shoot-yes a new Branch bearing fruit from the old root."

Even when our hearts fill dead new life flows out from deep within.

Life is about growing!  Do not get in a rut!  Be vibrant!

Yes when morning came again too early and by the time I got ready to leave I was feeling like I was too tired to go.  I knew I would have fun but. .  . .
They all thoroughly enjoyed dad's story.  Dad asked me if their was some expert going to read it but no just me.  And sure enough when the time came I couldn't find my glasses so had to empty out my purse to find them.  I believe there is some deep hidden places things go in your purse especially keys and glasses and can never be found easily!

Dad and Geof had a two hour lunch in Ladner and both had fish and chips.  Did them both good.

I brought home goodies from the party for dad and he said I should go to more parties! !

And dad had a forest walk!


Sandra said...

Sounds like a good day. Randy got off work early so I got to come home to a fire and supper ready. Oh, and all of the Christmas lights turned on out side. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good day!

Wonder if Melina's mom had a birthday party.

Dad has gone for a morning walk and I will be going to the Home to take Jim his milkshake and visit some other ladies.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Your story about the Jesse tree was a new one for me. A good story.
Where did you read Larry's story? That is a wonderful story....good for you Larry!
We had lots of snow yesterday and we had to get shovelled out...but all is done and the car is plugged in. Do you and Larry even remember what that is? Living in Lotus Land all these years. Teasing you! We are in for a week of -20 temps and that is the HIGH for the day. Lows will be -30. Winter has arrived, but that is OK we dress for it. One piece snowmobile suit and boots. Sure not the latest style, but warm.
Nice pics of the trees with lights.....Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

I read Larry's story at our Women's Christmas luncheon. He is a good writer

I also took it to the Home today and read it to several ladies there.

Jim is so very hard of hearing so I have to yell when I talk to him.
His daughter came and took him out to her home which is in a very run down neighborhood so that makes him sad too.

I do not miss the cold and the snow and feel very spoilt being here. Yes, the secret is always to dress for it.
love beth