Sunday, December 22, 2013


Saturday was a long day especially since I was up so early.  I had not slept well although I had no reason for being awake.  Dad had a miserable runny nose and was sneezing a lot and I thought he was coming down with a cold but he had a long, very long nap in the afternoon and we went to bed early.  He is fine today.

I went for an early walk as I was awake but did not meet anyone.  It seemed like the whole world was very quiet and everyone sleeping.  I did a bit longer but not up to my longest walk as of yet. 

Came home and feed the birds and knocked some of the heavy snow off the branches so they do not break.

Dad and I went out to do a few errands but the traffic was horrible and big line ups in the stores, so we just dropped of some used clothing at the thrift store.  I showed dad where the hobo lives and I am still wondering what to put in a little parcel for him.

I have missed the fun times we have had with Jane and Geof but they are busy getting ready for their move.

I missed not having a mystery book to focus my mind on yesterday as I find that the best way to focus my mind and feel calm.  So I bang around making a big mess cleaning out the frig.

Today SUNDAY  Dad and I  am are  driving with Carol and Panteli to hear Ben sing his song.  I think he may have made up the words.  It should be fun!

I did not expect Shawna and Stephen to be here as I thought it would take two days.  I would dearly love to go over to see them all!

Jesus spoke with authority that was not a set of rules but wisdom to help each one of us journey through life.  He came to set our hearts on fire with the flame of loving-kindness.  He spoke with all as equals but had special words for those who were headed  in the wrong direction if they wanted to be apart of the Kingdom, the purposes, of God.  But even he could not help those who did not want to change.

Jesus exposes us to reality at its rawest and this will make us uncomfortable; but   his truth is flexible which means we are free to discuss it and question it and find a way to understand it.

Although Jesus spoke with authority He reminds us that God is bigger and more than we could ever understand.

"God is bigger than any than any religion, or any world view."  "True mystery, the kind of mystery rooted in the infinite nature of God, gives us answers that actually plunge us into even more. . . . ..questions."  - Rob Bell

Thankful for safe arrivals.  Thanks for families that understand.


Sandra said...

I love that picture of the tree and christmas lights. If it did not have the date stamp on it I would print it out.Oh, and Stephen and Shawna and Lincoln are here. They drove straight through and got here about 11:00 last night. The traffic was light and not too many snowy parts so they just kept driving. Let me know if you are going to pop over after church.

beth bennett said...

We will pop over as soon as we get back I wish I could be in two places at once but this is the first time going to church with family in ages!

Sorry. I love you all. Cannot wait to see you. love mom

Anonymous said...

I had a two hour nap yesterday when i got homefrom work . Melina was at Nona's , they got home about 10:30pm , I was asleep . Jassy had a nightmare and Melina brought her into our be about 1am just before my alarm at 2am ...Last early then two days off for Christmas .

Shandel said...

grandma,i thought i would share with you some ideas of what i would put in the parcel for your homeless man. I think it would be lovely if you could leave him some Christmas dinner. If it was possible to have it all wrapped up good so it does not spoil too quick. i bet they would greatly appreciate that. As well as maybe some warm socks and something warm to drink! Hope you all have a great welcome visit and meeting Lincoln. He will truly steal your heart, much like Simone did. XO Merry Christmas

Shandel said...

Sandy! i still printed and framed some photos that had the date stamp on them! haha i was like "oh Cam why did we have to put that setting on!" haha but they still look sharp on the walls. DO IT!!! <3