Sunday, December 8, 2013


Early morning walk just a very few brave souls out enjoying
the cold, crisp air.  The dog walkers have to be faithful but they are taking shorter walks after all the dogs here are not used to the colder weather either!

Yes one humble, honest, compassionate person can make a difference.  We see this in the life of Mandala, Gandhi Bishop Tutu,   Buddha , Mother Theresa and Jesus!

All trying to teach us to better ourselves and make the world a better place. 

One baby, like many babies born into a cruel world, have a destiny to bring change and  with wisdom from a higher power.    "What the world needs is love."  To teach those willing to listen.

For me I am a follower of Jesus because he is more real to me than the others.  His life a gift the true meaning of Christmas.  A perfect gift that lasts forever.  Advent is also the gift of time to be still and wait.  He promises to clothe us in His righteousness for all of us who feel worn out and a little run down.

Prayer helps me to follow His path.

Dear Lord Jesus,  Thank you for coming to be a human being and blessing us with Your Love.  Breathe upon our souls and fill us with your Holy Spirit so that each one of us can be strengthen by Your Grace and empowered by Your Love.

"In all the Universe,
In all Eternity,
there is no great Love than the Love of Jesus."    -  The Christmas card my brother sent.

This is the wonder and beauty that lights up our inner darkness and gives us peace at /Christmas and all through the year.  This  week has gone by very quickly and so has today.  I went to Chapters and dad went to Home Depot.

Today I think we will both be off to church.  There are more children coming now and it is wonderful to see them.


Anonymous said...

Yes, it is still very cold outside, or as the song says," Baby, it's cold outside." I have a bad cold which I think I got from the airplane ride coming back from China. If I'm OK I hope to see everyone at Sandra's later. Carol and I were going to go to my work party last night but I had to phone and cancel because I was so stuffed up. xo Panteli

Sandra said...

Yes, me and the doggies went out and did not see a single other person. tired and sore this morning, had the work Christmas party last night. Glad it is over. See you later for supper. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Looking forward to going over to Sandra and Randy's. Good food and good fun. I will put pictures on later.

Sorry about your cold Panteli You should probably rest up.

nancy-Lou said...

Isn't that can look forward to a lovely supper at your daughters and son in laws with family. We are going to have a pot roast and watch the Roar For The Rings curling final. Pulling for John Morris's team, which is BC..Jim Cotter is the fourth and it was his team until Morris took over the reins. The winner goes to the Olympics.
It sure is cold for Vancouver....we watch the news from there often. We had -35 last night and the wind chill was -45. But we are prepared for aren't!We are off to Winnipeg tomorrow to run errands...-30 or not!Have a wonderful family supper.
Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thanks Nancy. Larry is watching the curling while I have a nap.
Another early morning but a good walk. I go for a shorter walk but take longer. Today I walked in the front door and fortunately caught Larry as he was in the car about to go look for me. I tell him he should not worry,
love beth

Anonymous said...

Watching the Seahawks play on tell this morning. Was going golfing but rain and thunderstorms will keep us off the fairways.ken