Sunday, December 15, 2013


First a candle is li by a family called advent candle.DSC04039
Eva, the same age as Jasmine wants to grab the mike and say something.
Mary and Joseph arrive looking for a room to stay.
               The baby is born and little creatures come to see her. DSC04050
Another little one comes.
The angels arrive.  Triplets and Eva.
The angel tells them not to be afraid.
The wise men come but my picture has disappeared.
They are all adorable and of course the little ones wander all over.


nancy-Lou said...

Where would the Christmas Story be without children! One of the churches in Winnipeg actually has real animals and a real baby. They are displayed in various dioramas. It is very popular and if we lived in Winnipeg I would like to see it too.
I am not very much in to fear, regarding God...I do believe in trust and He being a loving God.

It is snowing to beat the band today...shovelling to be done,later on!

love, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

Forgot to say that the pictures of the Christmas Story are lovely. Good job taking them!