Thursday, December 30, 2010


So thankful that we have survived yet another year and we have much to look forward to in the New Year

Went to visit Rosanna with a small dish of homemade chocolates and came home with a huge box of chocolates.  She is always giving me things.  She was leaving to go back to her apartment in New Westminster as she really wanted to start the New Year there.  I am her only friend here and her family is always too busy to visit her much.

Then Mike came with his son Michael with two boxes of chocolates and we had a good visit.  Both the boys where very happy and excited going downtown Vancouver to go shopping and spend the night.

Larry also bought two big chocolate bars at the Safeway which he said were on sale.

Had a big rest today and just ignored my mess. 

Success at last dad liked the smell of my cooking which does not happen often.  Now we have full tummies and are sitting reading.

Maybe this is a good time to reflex on what we do believe.
I believe in being passionate about what I choose to believe!

I believe in love.

I believe for looking for the good in others.

I believe there is a longing deep in our souls for life to have meaning and purpose.

I believe in laughter

I believe that to believe is not any easy thing especially when our very belief demands action but the rewards and benefits are astronomical !

I believe in miracles.  I believe in angels.  I believe in the Holy Spirit!
I believe in goodness and kindness and faithfulness and compassion.

I believe in ancient wisdom that contains the truth which we are all searching for.
I believe that the weak can become stronger.
 and that one can gain all the riches in this world and lose their soul.

I believe that their is a still small voice that communicates with us.
I believe in dreams and dreamers.
I believe in healing through medicine and through prayer and through Love.
I believe in New Beginnings!

Yes, I am a believer who is trusting in Jesus, and trying to follow his ways.


There is magic in the freshly fallen snow.

There is magic in the excitment of Christmas.

There is magic in prayer that invites the spirit and presence of goodness to renew us and be with those we are lifting up in prayer.

There is magic in a lunch shared at a home with friends as we share good food and warm hospitality.
Thank you Jane and Geof.

There was magic in the beauty of the glowing sunset that travelled with us on our way home.

There was magic in the beautiful face of my paper lady, who I could see had known suffering, but there was a glow of warmth.  I also looked into the face of grief as my neighbor's mother shared that her dear husband had passed away on Dec. 24.  No words could ease her pain so all one could do is give her a hug.

To-morrow we will be going to a grave side service for an elderly friend I visited at the Nursing Home.  She was ready to see Jesus face to face.

There is magic in saying "I believe" whether it is at the manger or at the cross.  Life and death are mysterious.
I am thankful that when I feel doubt creeping into my soul I am able to pray "help me Jesus. help my unbelief."

There are no words to express the experience the magic, that is available to each one of us, when we are open to it and allow unconditional love into our hearts.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


              I love to walk and enjoy the beauty of the Christmas lights. 

Even in the early morning light.
Our lights are still up in our window where I like to sit in the morning to pray and hope that I can carry a peaceful and content spirit with me through the day.  That is very hard when you are a young mother and children can easily upset you by spilling something, [your dad was good at that when he was little, always spilling his milk I think because he did not like it warm]]  or teasing one another, or not doing what I asked them to do, like brush their teeth or make their bed.  They knew if they did not make their bed I would do it.

God is like a sugar cube that you put into your cup of tea or coffee and it melts.  It is still there but cannot be seen.  So too the glory of God fills my inner being even when I cannot see it or even feel it   "The truths of religion are accessible only when I am prepared to get rid of the selfishness, greed, pride and self-preoccupation [that darken the soul] and our often the source of our pain."
"The Case For God" by Karen Armstrong. 
So much in life cannot be controlled like birth or death, disasters and misfortune, sorrow or joy; so as we begin the day we do not know what is going to happen and how we will react.  Yes, I believe God still exists even as I know that pain, fear, hatred, grief and unfairness still exist.

If I can look into the ancient stories of the Bible and see beyond the culture and superstition and false image of God I find people who are honestly seeking and searching for the sacred around them and within themselves.  I know I have to discover for myself the truth I am searching for; as do each one of us.

Two of our neighbors have had death's in the family.  Colleen's dad passed away on Dec. 24 and Gundie's husband died early in Dec.  I have just talked to her recently and she told me she had taken her little push cart down to Home depot on the bus and bought a little potted Christmas Tree and brought it home on the bus.  She is one amazing character and yes tears came into her eyes as she talked about her husband and all the things they did together.

As I walked early this morning in the falling snow i saw in her window little lights from her tree shining.


Sandra did you see the pictures of the photographer blog?  You can see the paint is different and the fireplace and the floors.  but with the Christmas tree it was hard.  I will put a picture of Donna and Ron up here but take it off.  Mikie's feet got in the way.  Those our new blinds behind them.

Did you pass my Christmas story around?  I will understand if you did not. 

How are you?  How was the drive to work and back.  Are the puppies glad to see you?  Are you worried about the one that limps.  Peanut? or Lucy I cannot remember.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


My new book marks which say I dig books!

Today was not a day for reading but for cleaning and dusting and washing and putting a few ornaments away.  A day to enjoy the beauty of the ordinary as I think of the people who have given me certain items that I will always cherish. Dad actually went to the store because I kept putting it off.  This was after he once again fixed the leak in the bathroom that comes creaping into the kitchen ceiling if we use the bathroom tub or shower.  Now he is watching Russia play Sweden with slippers on and some mint tea to drink. 

Now I will pick up my books and finesh that mystery and dig into yet another God book.  I think that anyone who likes to write must also enjoy reading.  I would be lost without a book or two to read.  One of the things I loved to do best was read to my children and grandchildren; and would have done more if I had had more energy. 

Today when the house was a total disaster dad asked if I wanted to go to the Sylvia and I gave it serious thought.  It was late in the day and we would have been coming home in the rush hour traffic; although traffic is busy all day long.  Leaving messes has always been hard for me to do, like leaving dirty dishes in the sink or the bed unmade or the laundry not put away.

The movie "A wonderful Life" reminds me that I do not always realize the difference I may make in some one else's life.  I ran out early into the darkness of the morning to give the paper woman a little something.    She walks very slowly like a very old woman and I was surprised at seeing her youthful face.  It was a beautiful face as she smiled and said thank you.  Usually I am still in bed when I hear the paper coming through the door but the odd time I have seen her walking to the next house.  Her job is as important as anyone elses.

Our geand daughter Leah has an important job to do as she goes to treatment appointments and copes with pain everyday.  I pray that soon the soft tissue will heal completely and the pain will leave and never return.

I did not mean to sit and write anything but once I get started away I go!



Kim has her own camera now
Planning his next chest move
Waiting for kim to come on skipe

I do not know what they were looking at!


Yes, I have been struggling and I have to confess I have been having cookies for breakfast.  Gluten-free of course.  No matter, what we struggle with, poor health, family issues, financial stress, finding faith in a faithless world [or so it seems] emotional problems, missing loved ones who move away the list could just go on and on.

I know without a doubt that we are not alone in our struggles.  "Where there is struggle there is life" I do not know who said that but some very wise person.  I bought myself for Christmas the book "What Good is God" by Philip Yancy and I do not always agree with his writings but I like the way he says things.  Some books just seem to preach at you, yeah I can get preachy at times too.  I was also given a book by Jane called "The Genesis Trilogy" by Madeline L'Engle who I really love because she is a lover of beauty and mystery.

I love to read and have been trying to read books I may not agree with.  I have struggled with many of them.

At our church we have three very different Bible Studies.  I belong to a middle of the road one but we have people who are at both ends, some taking it literally and some who don't.  The main thing is that we have now become knit together as a happy group of friends and we laugh a lot and we also share our heartaches.
Agree never except to listen and learn.  Sometimes I come home tired out from laughing!

All my life I have struggles with tiredness.  My mom would take me to the doctor and everything seemed okay, mainly they would check your blood.  I was happy when the very serious doctor told me I had a hole in my heart from which blood leaked but since I had lived this long not to worry about it.  I was happy because I said that must be the reason for my tiredness and I wanted to let my mom know.  Mom is in heaven and the doctor said no that would not in his opinion cause tiredness.  I am going to believe it did because I feel better thinking it wasn't some how my fault.  I would play hard but then be completely exhausted and I always have gone to bed early.

I have lost faith in All experts and that may not be a good thing but it is where I am at.  I talked to my sister-in-law who has a great sense of humor and is married to my very serious brother so it is good she has the ability to laugh at life.  She is having problems with sciatic nerves and it is very very painful.  They can not hike like they use to do and now she can not ski.  The doctor so far has not been helpful.  She laughingly said that at times she feels like shouting herself but then she would proberly miss.

Embracing the struggle of old age if you have health problems can be very hard.  I am so thankful that I can still go for walks.  I am slow at taking advice from family or friends if it means seeing the doctor just because it often seems like a waste of time.  I know that I need to do all I can to keep healthy.

I believe in the power of prayer and the power of letting go.  I am grateful for what I do have, like two daughters who live close, and a good [sometimes annoying husband] and good friends.  I have a loving family and I feel their love whether they are close or far away.

God is Good but He allows us to struggle so that we can become stronger and more compassionate.
I would say more loving but often I find that when I am very tired I also get very cranky but that's life!

Monday, December 27, 2010


The simple things in life are what really matter.

Faith is so simple living out of love and being true to yourself and your beliefs.
Like the hymn "O Holy NIght" decalares the soul finds it'sworth!  What a gift!

For me to believe in the supernatural has always been easy.  It is like when i \Iwrite in my blog I sometimes sense some one is reading it even as I write.  It is like waking up from a dream that is strangely real.  It is like reading poetry which I am not sure I understand and yet I feel drawn into it.  I feel the same way when I read the Bible; no I do not understand but I can experience the love especially in the New Testament.  Our minister said yesterday Christianity has changed the world; which can be easily seen as we compare our values to some of the religions built on the Old Testament.

I love Christmas when it is simple but if it gets too complicated I get tired and stressed.  I think that we will continue to give to the food bank instead of given to one another, although there will be exceptions.

I have loved everything I have experienced in my Christian walk of faith.  There have been times of great joy as well as times when I have felt confused and that I was standing outside of the direction others where headed.

There really was a Star of Bethlehem which was made up of a group of stars.  The sky was very much apart of the lives of people who learned to live by its signs.  And yet it was a group of wise men that realized that this special star was proclaiming the birth of a King.  Who would have guessed that  this King would wear a crown of thorns.

Love was what I experienced as I read about the birth and life of Jesus.  Somehow I felt over the years of learning at his feet that he could understand me.  In reading what others thought and believed I have had to wrestle with manipulation and different interpretations.  I have  had to balance emotions with logic without losing the sense of the Presence.

Jesus may seem like a simple man from a small place but the simplicity tricks us and we may miss the complexity and paradoxes in his message and life style.

Today the Christmas decorations are still up and the temptation of too many sweet or salty food are all around.  Life will be simpler when this are all gone and put away for another year.

           Hebrews 12:14:        Make every effort to live in peace
                                                with all men and be holy!

Today our first daughter, Sandra, returns from Edmonton; and Carol and Panteli return on Dec.31.  Oliver has dropped his mom's car here that he was using while she was in the Grand Cayman.  Mike, Kim's Mike, will return Pantali's car to-morrow or the next day.

We were given simple instructions on how to find John's restaurant but we could not find it.  I know myself I get an idea of where something is then I stop listening.  Dad thought for sure he could find it.  We will try again.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Finally it is time to open the presents! !

Children and Christmas just seem to go together!

We are very appreciative of all the work and time and effort Theresa and Mikie put into planning and preparing for our Christmas evenning and the morning.  It always adds a certain amount of stress preparing for company. 

Ben and Morgan love books and daddy is a good reader.

Theresa has been so busy looking after all of us and always has a smile.

I am sure that Mary gazing at her new baby smiled like all mothers and loved poured out of her heart for this new wee life.  She reached out for Joseph whose love had been there for her, to protet her and provide for her.

Each one in our families have an important place.
Our beautiful Theresa with daughter Morgan.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Ron and Carol play the part of Mary and Joseph when Kim was but a baby.

I did miss going to the Christmas Eve service which always helps me to feel in the true spirit of Christmas.  A time when one can be free of all the worries and anxities of life and just enter into a time of beauty, mystery and love! !  All expressed in a story of a young couple bound  together by their love for God and for each other.  A story that is being told all across the world in every culture, time and place.

A story that captured for those who hear it a message that asks the questions we ask ourselves everyday;  how do we face change?  how do we forgive the unforgivable?  how do we receive joy?  how do we serve one another? 

I was very happy to be in Theresa and Mickie's home and share a good time with them, the children and Ron and Donna.  We had had a visit from Kim's Mike in the morning along with Oliver as they travelled on about their visiting.  After a quick cup of coffee with Jane we started off for Chilliwack.  I thought I had everything but forgot my over night bag.  What a crazy lady.

Christmas morning as we snuggled in our beds downstairs we awoke to hear the running of excited little feet above us.  The Christmas stockings had been filled and we rushed up to watch them enjoy every little thing.  Look! look! look!  Christmas stockings are magical filled with everything from slippers to flashlights, from candy to big black bugs from hair ribbons to books. 

It was hard for the children to take time for breakfast but after eating a very filling breakfast the time finally came to open more presents  Amazing presents of books to read and lego to be made; so many games and activities to hold their interest in days to come.  So before we knew it we where on the road home and had a nap as soon as we arrived.  I think everyone was tired so hope they had time for a nap later that day.

I went for a walk and as I past by the house where I knew the elderly lady had lost her husband early in Dec. I decided to stop in. " Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked. " Yes, please come in and have a visit."  She had been feeling lonely so was happy to see some one who had time to spend with her.
Her family had invited her out but she did not feel like being with a bunch of people but she was so pleased to have a visit.

We where blessed  to talk to all our children later Christmas Day and thus complete a very special but very quiet day.  There was beautiful music on the T.V. and then we watched our new video "UP".

I was reminded that we are all surrounded by the AMAZING AND CREATIVE POWER OF LOVE.  This time is a special time to feel and be aware of that love.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

WAKE UP! ! !

Yes  I found Santa sleeping out in the hall at Shirley's apartment.  Does he know Christmas comes sooner in that far away land of Australia.  I would a hitch a ride if I only knew when he was leaving and there would be no worries about airport closures.  lol

We are happy enjoying an evening at Theresa and Mickie's and be with them Christmas morning.  Ron and Donna are here but leave for the ferry at 7.


Becoming intimate with the characters

This is my hard working printer which has been busy making page after page of my Christmas story.  I am experiencing a deepening of my faith through my writing and a new sense of joy and purpose.  In some mysterious way I know there is a power that redeems and transforms any life that is willing to be open to God's gift of loving grace. 

Sometimes we believe because we want to believe but there has come a time in my life when it is impossible not to believe.  There is a strong emotional attachment.  I did not seem able to control my feelings when I fell in love with dad  and there is that same feeling for me falling in love with Jesus! !

Yesterday just flew by with early morning visitors, a quick walk down to the stores, a enjoyable lunch with Jane and Geof, a visit with Shirley and just as we got home  a phone call that several of Cath's children were coming for a visit.  The baby with mom and Auntie Jazz and Uncle Ryan.  It is so wonderful these busy young people take time to visit us and we thoroughly enjoyed our conversation.

I had found in life that love can come and go and most not be based on our feelings.   Born again can mean for me falling in love again!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Some decisions are life changing!  Some are not.  Our biggest life changing decision is to realize what a great gift we are to our family as we struggle with the problems of getting older and more and more short term memory problems.  As long as we can laugh, ya I know they cause wrinkles, but then the winkles match my graying hair.  I amaged myself that I gave my Christmas writings to Danial, the new minister, but I felt he is a kindred spirit, and somehow it would be safe to share.  Mostly I share with friends that I know will appreciate my ramblings.

No matter how tired I am when I I fall in to bed exhausted at night,  morning finds my brain wide awake and my body ready to escape from it's cocoon. 

I am thankful to be me knowing there will never be another me and the future is what is offering me new challenges and new decisions.  I am so thankful that we were able to buy gifts for the mystery grandmother and her nine year old grand daughter.  I was so thankful that we visited Louise (92) in the hospital.  She said right away "I knew you would come.  I knew you would come.  She is a very brave lady and I love her a lot.

Today we will visit Shirley some time and maybe spend time with Geof. and Jane if they have time for a coffee or lunch?

I love the song "Don't stop believing" sung by the young people at Walnut Grove.  I am thankful that I am a believer and that has been my ground for my philosophy for life; which reminds me that my decisions not only affect me but others around me.  I want to be happy and cheerful but find that I can be miserable and grumpy just as easily. 

I love the song "Amazing Grace" because when I live in the power of grace I find not only my fears relieved but that the grace that spoke to me as a child is still apart of me!

Monday, December 20, 2010


I welcome Jesus each and every day to be apart of my day.  Sometimes with just a short prayer but I know that I ned His presence because I want to be loving and kind, compassionate and understanding.  On my own I easily become grumpy and difficult.  I think that even if I have the odd moment when the grace of God allows me to be a better person then that is enough for this world. 

This is early in the morning on a very dull day with more clouds being blown across the sky during the day and a few light snow flakes falling.  I went and had a much needed hair cut and dad went to meet his friend Robert in Langley.  My other plans failed to work out but I did do some visiting by phone.

I agree with Phillip Yancy who writes "I've concluded that God goes where he's wanted."  We live in a society, a world of know it alls, who have intellectualized the belief of others and have ended up believing they do not need religion.  Most of them have reached a level of comfort and prosperity that they see no need of welcoming God into their lives.  They like to let you know exactly where they stand and as I listen I sense that God has quietly moved on and left them.     

Dad came home excited and happy with the purchase of a new chess set.  Very beautiful. 

Dad is looking at the e-mail and I am down-loading a few pictures.  The boys across from us are out playing hockey on the street.  Mary and Scotty have just put there lights up with the help of their daughter Linda.  Still, a big job for them all.  Scotty was a bit grumpy but I am sure he is happy now they are up. 

To-morrow we will be shopping for a hamper for the other church for a grandmother and a nine year old grand daughter.  I am not sure what to get because we know so little about them.  What can I buy for a grandmother I have no idea of her age, her size or what she needs.  I think that she will welcome any gifts.

This will be our task for today.


Yes it really did snow on Saturday night.  I love a walk in the snow and was happy that dad came too as it was dark outside. 

This path leads to a little walkway but it is too dark and scary to go through at night.  I went to bed worried about one of our grandchildren, this one in Australia, and lay awake listening for the phone.  My fears were ungrounded as the person who was mugged was not one of our grandchildren.

Fear is so powerful that it can actually make you sick.  We do live in an uncertain world and although I am extremely happy for our children flying all over the world I am praying for their safe return.  I do miss them.

I tried to put into words the fear that Mary would have experienced when the angel came to visit her.  Fear mixed with awe and unbelief.  Then when she experienced the rejection of Joseph, the man to whom she had committed her life to, the fear of her own safety would be over-powering.

I am reminded that God works in the hearts of believers and unbelievers and His love for us had to be revealed in human form.  Into this uncertain world Jesus was born to help us overcome our fears and find strength to do our best.  I think that there is hidden deep in my soul a spiritual hunger for some certainty in an uncertain. 

Countries like China who are looking to the West to discover our success hopefully will find that our belief that what we do and how we treat others matters.

Yesterday a day of blessings.  A message that stired me, good friends and good food together at the open house at Pat and Jims. 

Sunday, December 19, 2010


The morning promised a sunny day, this was last Friday I believe.  The sun filled us with the joy of light and warmth.  Last night we had big soft snow falling and what a joy to walk in it. and feel the gentle touch of it upon one's face.

I am remembering all the past joys I have had over the past years of celebrating Christmas.  The excitement as a child believing in Santa who would come mysteriously in the night to put little gifts in my stockings.  I was not surprised however when my brother told me there was no Santa but that  it was really mom and dad, after all moms and dads do love to give presents.  I remember the first year I was able to buy them something and I was so happy to be able to do that.

Then there were the busy years with our four children when my parents would come to visit and somethings Larry's grandmother.  Christmas was a very busy time and by Christmas Eve I would be exhausted but full of joy having the family around all in bed fast asleep; and knowing that all that could be done was done.

Yes, I have wonderful  memories of driving over those majestic mountains to visit our family in Alberta.  There was lots of joy in our time with them all!

When I think of Mary and Joseph becoming the parents of baby Jesus I know the story is one of many journey's.  I like to imagine God laughing with delight at the birth of Jesus and all of heaven rejoicing with Him.  My joy will go with you promises God.

The healthiest  response to life is laughter and every time I hear a child laugh I feel great joy!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Saying good-bye with mixed emotions.  We are happy for our children who are travelling this year at Christmas time but concerned about the weather etc.  We spent the evening before at Sandra and Randy's house feasting on Turkey and by the time we got home from this airport trip Sandra was already in Kingston Ont.

Rick had informed us of his plans to fly to England but because of the weather ended up in Paris.  Snow and wind had closed the airport.  It is hard to imagine the days in Australia getting warmer as they prepare for Christmas.  I am sure they will now be busy buying presents for excited children!

We are looking forward to Christmas Eve at Theresa and Mikie's home.  We hope to see Oliver over the holidays as he will be here for a few days.

Friday, December 17, 2010


It was such a beautiful sunny day yesterday.  Dad went for his first bike ride in ages and got very winded.
We had a excellent turkey dinner at Sandra and Randy's and I even sat in a heated chair.  Dad had picked up the perfect pie for desert made with real flour from Applewood bakery!   Rubarb and strawberry one of ken's favorites.

Speaking about food the dear old gentleman at the Nursing Home has been complaining and complaining about the strange food and how hungry he is.  So being a tender-hearted soul  I make some delicious sandwiches pack them with a nice napkin, add a little cheese and a cookie I set off happy as a lark.  This is the part if you were at the Stuart McLean show the audience would groan knowing something bad is about to happen.  And it did.  He yells at me to take it away I get lots of food here I do not want yours.  Gracious he is not but I should have and almost did expect this re-action but it still hurt.  Grumpy me was very angry and inside I think to myself well I sure do not need to visit this miserable, ungrateful piece of humanity!

I had made an effort to feeling tired and with lots to be done at home.

Then I pick up my book from the library "Anyway".

"Yes the world is crazy.  If it doesn't make sense to you, you're right.  It really does not make sense."  But in some small way I have to make it make sense by doing what I feel is right and thus find personal meaning in my world.  Yes we live in a world of paradoxes; and the Bible is full of them.  I am free to do what makes sense to me whether others appreciate it or not.  I am free to be who I am.  I do not need the world to stand and applaud when I do good nor to boo when I fall flat on my face because if you try to please people it often does not work.

"People are illogical, unreasonable and self-centered."

I met the activity worker, who is being laid off.  She is worried about money but glad she will be able to spend some time over the holidays with her daughter.  As soon as she sees me she says I am so glad to see a smiling face.  I tell her about the box lunch and it so happens she got so busy she had come to work without any lunch,  She was extremely grateful.

I end my visiting making tea for Shirley and reassure her all will work out.  We laugh together as I share my grumpy old man story.  Then this reminds her of a story and away we go spinning tales back and forth.

Yes, I will go again and again knowing he is a lonely and angry old man who is frustrated because he cannot look after himself.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


This is a very colorful plate that I bought at Colebrook Fair to support the Go GoGrannies who are supporting grandmothers in places like Africa
where there are 13 million orphans being looked after by grandmothers.

Here is the poem in the book that also supports this work.

Ordinary miracles
that keep burning bright
Ordinary miracles will help us win the fight

They are acts of kindness
that are done most every day
As simple as a wish to help when times become too tough.

As simple as a friend who sits to keep you company
As simple as a second chance to sing anew

As simple as a Grannie who opens her heart so true
As simple as a Grannie who shows what love can do.

My children have given me the greatest gift of all being a mother and a grandmother,

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


So lovely.  Morgan was delighted to see us as we were her.  I found the drive long as we hit road construction and I was very cold the whole day; but warmed up seeing her sing with all her heart.  We were late arriving at Theresa'a so did not get in to see the new living room make over.  It is still in a bit of a mess so she may not have wanted pictures taken.

There was tea and coffee and goodies afterwards and then they were taking Ben to the doctor, minor problem, and then going shopping.  We headed home and stopped at the White Spot on the way home.  I am so careful what I eat after a bad re-action on Sunday eating out is not really that much fun.

It was too bad the church ladies were meeting and I missed that, but very thankful Jane filled in for me with the reading.  We had home group dinner and sing a long at 6 but getting home at 5 and not being hungry and being tired we did not go.  My asthma was bad as I was coughing a lot on the way home but then I was just fine.

Off to go visiting today.  Taking sandwiches instead of cookies.  Some do not like the Koren food.

Well it is the little things that we can do that matter and I am grateful for those who are so kind to me.


We all respond to the beautiful lights, candles, decorations, Christmas plants and trees.  It is a beautiful time of year and I hope everyone has at least one of the above.  Thank you Leah and Craig for my beautiful flower.

It also can be a time when I feel stressed and becoming more forgetful adds to that stress.  I am so thankful we collected things for the food bank instead of buying presents.  We drove all around the parking lot in New Westminster and could not find a place to park.  We went just to pick up some gluten-free bread. 

Today we are off to Chilliwack to see Morgan sing in her Christmas concert.  It will not be a big production but it will really make her happy for us to be there.  We will also be spending Christmas Eve there and Christmas morning will be very exciting.!  I will be quite happy to drive home and let them carry on over to Mikie's parents home.  Chuck and [my mind has gone blank] are very caring people and are wonderful hostesses.  Chuck and Robbie I just remembered.

We have a dinner at Ron and Judy's to-night but I have informed them that I will probably be too tired to go; but we will see.  I know it is good to make an effort sometimes.  So I tell others.

Some of us enjoy just being quiet and also need to be alone at times.

I know I enjoy just gazing at the beauty around me and wait quietly to listen to the inner voice that renews my strength and touches my heart and soul with peace.  I feel for the moment that I am  sheltered in great soft wings and I feel loved! 

Monday, December 13, 2010


What a precious time reading the Christmas story to Ben and Morgan.

As I have been writing my thoughts on the story of Mary and Joseph I have seen it as a beautiful love story.
  1. Joseph, who had first worshiped and adored Mary, was shocked to hear that she was pregnant.  He rejected her which would put her very life in danger as a pregnant unmarried girl.  His heart softens and he takes her as his wife and accepts Jesus as his son.
It is good to look at our own lives and to see the love story that we are in.  I appreciate so many things about Larry.  Certainly his sense of humor and his wonderful story telling.  He does so many things to help other people like taking our friend to the hospital, or delivering food hampers, or making tea for me yesterday when a friend dropped in unexpectedly.

He does like to argue and considers it great fun and there are certain subjects we just have different ideas about.  But all this is done in love, even when it annoys me.  He is very good at fixing things and did a wonderful job with our shade deck and also the pond in the front yard, which all the children love to come and see.  If I do not feel like making supper he is quick to say "O let's just eat out".  He is very thoughtful and loves buying me little things and never complains when I buy another book, or two!

He cleans up the kitchen which I can make very messy.  We both love our family very much and we are very thankful for each and every one.  So we have our differences but that makes life interesting!

During a little debate we were having the other morning one of our children said to the other something like : "How long will we have to put up with this jokingly" but it did make me stop and think.

Keeping a sense of humor is the most important think especially when I get stressed and worried!

We are very happy and blessed to have each other.


Happy but too tired.

It was a great party actually the party of the year!  !  All the celebs were there.  Dad is doing hampers this morning   I may just stay in my pj's all day.  Glad Sandra took her excellent cookies home I would be tempted.

I would like to have a bath but since is leaking again I may not be able to.

You are all awesome angels.

I am going to look up the difference between ghosts and angels just for fun.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Where is God when life disappoints and leaves one feeling sad and empty.
I am thrilled to have the family come over, although I am totally unprepared.
I feel so very sad missing those who cannot be here.
My prayers go out to them..

Friday, December 10, 2010


I am reminded very forcefully at this time of year how very fortunate we are to have a home, comfortable chairs and plenty to eat.  Circumstances can force people to be homeless when everything goes wrong.  Circumstances drove Mary and Joseph away from home and family to a strange place to have their baby.  Note I say their baby because because by this time Joseph excepted this child as his!

  Dad and I in our travels have twice been in a place where it was late and there was no room available.  Once driving back from Calgary, where we had been visiting mom and dad, the road ahead of us was closed at Golden because of a slide.  Consequently all the travellers were searching for places to stay that night.  To my utter dismay Dad found a room above a very noisy smoky bar where the man next door continued to serenade us long after the music down stair; music? well it was boom boom boom for the strip er to dance to, finally stopped about 2.  I as over tired and fell coming out of the bathroom, which had a raised step, and ended up with a swollen lip.

The next time we were in the States in a town where there was a huge convention and all the rooms where taken.  Larry had a brilliant idea to go up to the control tower to see if they had any ideas.  One fellow kindly let us use his bed while he worked all night as long as we were out by 7 and changed the sheets.

We have had a little experience at being exhausted and being told no there is no room.

The story within the Christmas story is what is important.  There is every human emotion.  Mary faced death by stoning for being pregnant without a husband.  Joseph was full of doubt and unbelief.  The journey to Bethlehem was long and hard.  A king born in a stable is a joke for they uptight and self-righteous.

The baby is a miracle! ! !  Love brings new life and blooms in the most unexpected places

What better place than in a stable with fresh clean hay which Joseph provided, and with gentle animals like the cow and the shaggy dog and the faithful donkey.


I like my family! ! !  All of them!  As the good book says "My cup runeth over.

I like writing in my blog because I write and then forget about it.  I do not read it over or have second thoughts.  Not like my devotional thoughts for the U.C.W. which I am rewriting and rewriting and now reprinting.  I need an editor but I know I would still rewrite it.

Spilled a whole bottle of mouthwash on the bed so had to wash all the blankets sheets etc.  Felt very sad visiting Jim yesterday and wish I could do more to help him.  I could take his sheets home and wash them as he says they have not been washed in weeks.  He has to line up to put his bread in the toaster and with his walker it is just to hard.  More and more Koreans are moving in.  Yes, we are all God's children but talk a different language and eat different food and it has become for me a strange place and I am just visiting.
Agnes was asleep and Shirley was out with her daughter so it was home tp put sheets etc. into the drier.

I will have to warn Rick about his clest as  openning the door with immediately bring the world os junk down up on the unsuspecting person.  Yes, I will get things organized after the 12.  Right now it is in the closet or under the bed!

This morning it is coffee with Jane, make a jelly salad and go to the pot-luch to-night at the church.  I like our new minister and I like our community of friends.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Dad travelled into Ladner to go to the old Ladies store where he used to by me things many, many years ago.  He was disappointed it was not there.  I had been to the church doing hampers and then going out for lunch.  Today I will bake a few cookies to take to the Nursing Home and try to clean up a little.  Right now that means hiding things in closest and under the bed and doing a little dusting!

I was remembering Christmas when I was young; with all the excitment.  Dad decorated the tree and I wonder where those old oraments went to. Of course mom did lots of baking and I helped especially cutting up the fruit for the fruit cake.  Shortbread and mincemeat tarts were very important; and gingerbread cookies.  I love the smell of baking at Christmas even the little I do. 

Then there was helping dad wrap the parcels for England with brown paper.  I had to put my finger on the knot so that it got tied good and tight.  For Christmas from my Grandpa and Aunts and Uncles we usually got candy and books which I loved.

Christmas dinner was either at our house or next door at Jennie and Stan's.  We took turns.  They were an older couple who where like grand parents.  I would go to her house after school for cookies and to play cards.  She made me my favorite rag doll.

Walking to the church in the snow and in the dark Christmas Eve was magical.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


We were rushing around from store to store in between the raindrops that where falling sporadically.
There is an ancient story about a little Christmas tree in the forest who was dwart by all the other giant trees and rude jokes were made of it because of its size.  One night the big trees saw a wonderful sight of the sky being lit up with a glorious light and the stars appeared to be dancing among the clouds and angels came and sang the most heavenly music.

The little tree sighed and wished that he could see.  When suddenly the angels came into their very forest.  The music surrounded the little tree and it felt loved and beautiful and filled with divine peace.  The dancing stars came and rested upon his branches and all the other trees bowed to see what was happening.  All the angels left except one and the light from its presence shone upon the tree.

This little tree grew strong and tall guarded by the angel so that no strong wind could threaten to break it's branches.  Over the years there wwould come a man alone who climb this hill and sat among the branches of the tree.  He too felt his sadness and despair leave and strength return to his soul.  He would hear in this quiet place the voice of His Heavenly Father saying again "You are my beloved son.  I am proud of you!"

One night the man came with a group of his friends who lay and slept under the other trees while he wept in anguish great tears of grief and words of desperate prayers.  He left and the angel left too.  The next morning men came and chopped down the tree and stripped it of it's branches.  The tree felt life being taken from it.

The tree became the cross upon which the man who had saved others now died in agony.

This time of year can be very sad for many people, especially if they feel alone and some how unwelcome as they watch others celebrate.  But even these who appear to be happy are just putting on an act.  They cover themselves with beautiful clothes and wine and dine but inside there can be an emptiness.

I feel a great sadness as I pray for young children with cancer and a 16 year old paralzyed by a stroke and a widow who has lost her husband. Listening to the news I hear of people being shout or run over or dying alone and I wish the world could be a happy place for us all.

The gift of Christmas is the love of heaven coming to descend upon each one of us especially those who are the most wounded and sad. 

Monday, December 6, 2010


It is beginning to look like Christmas as more and more lights appear on our street.  Christmas cards are arriving in the mail and I wonder if there will be a time when we do not use the mail at all.  I like my mailman a lot, he is a good guy.

I spent the afternoon looking for a cheque that had come in the mail which was not in the place where I was sure I had put it.  Very distressing.  Rosanna my neighbor asked me over so that took my mind off it for awhile.  I found it just as I was getting ready for bed.  I feel like the day was wasted going through papers and drawers etc.

Today I will be shopping for groceries after the cheque gets deposited.

"Believe that miracles happen and that they can change your life.
Believe that you have an angel by your side to help you through
and believe anything is possible at Christmas."  Jennifer Lewis-Hall

Christmas means so many different things to people.  For many it is the partying and lavish decorating and for me it is family and church and giving to those less fortunate. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Imagine a beautiful pink sunrise hidden by the fog.

Imagine a world of peace and compassion where there are no misunderstandings.

Imagine that today we will be touched with inspiration and reverence for all life.

Imagine a world of angels and miracles, where  the music of heaven could be heard on earth.

Imagine a world of new possibilities!

Imagine the God of the mountain becomes the God of the heart.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


                                                          The Word Became Flesh.

Yes, this is my very old Bible that has been well used.

It is good to have a day that is quiet and calm.  I woke up this morning feeling a sense of deep inner peace.  I have been reading about the angel that came to Mary to tell her she had been chosen.  I would like to think that an angel had visited me in the night and the words would have been the same for me. 

Luke 1:28   The angel went to her, and said, Greetings, you who are highly favored.
 The Lord is with you.  Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God."

Some people have experienced angels as real people who have appeared quickly to give them aid and then disappeared just as quickly.  Spiritually I have moments when I feel an awe and wonder at the unconditional love that is Divine love.  It is important that I take time to kneel at the feet of Jesus and put aside all the demands of daily life.

To worship is to enter a new space, a place of calm and reassurance the heart of the soul.

"Tradition teaches that the Soul lies midway between understanding and unconsciousness, and that its instrument is neither the mind nor the body, but the imagination."   -Thomas Moore "Care of the Soul"

Imagination like dreams are so important in spirituality

Friday, December 3, 2010


I think real people have days when they just feel cranky I certainly do.  It is never just one thing but one thing after another.  It all started with my cake disaster and then  was it misjudging a speeding car, loosing my wallet with the money I had just taken out of the bank and all my I.D. and credit cards, was it the phone call that was never made to say "I'm okay" or was it that the house just seems to be getting messier and messier.

My legs felt weak as I asked at the counter if my wallet had been turned in and I was so thankful it had all i could say was thank you! thank you!

Other people seem to look forward to craft fairs and special dinners mixed with birthday celebrations but not me.  I am feeling just plain tired.  I know that I am not alone and I am not feeling sorry for myself but just wondering "What is wrong with me?" 

Conformity can be such a drag.  Wild and crazy seems like more fun! ! !

I know it will be fun helping at the church Christmas craft fair and the place will look all beautiful.  To-morrow dad can peel all the potatoes for the scalloped potatoes I am taking for Pot Luck get together.  I have not read chapter 2 called God so I'll just listen to the discussion.

It is amazing to see Matthew and Jasmine looking at their little books we sent them for Christmas.  I wish I could have been there.  I love seeing pictures of them!

I am trying to make healthy meals and dad is a great help after I mess up the kitchen I let him know he can clean up now!  A few Christmas lights and red candles brighten up our home.  Now that I written all this I am feeling in a very good mood. 

The best gift that we can give is our time.  There is a lot of love in the air even when people are rushing about.


Healing oil was a very ancient way of healing and restoring the skin to softness, wounds for healing as well as used in cooking like we do today.  Anointing with oil expressed caring and also kings and prophets would be anointed by oil to carry on their sacred roles as leaders of the community.  The Talmud even allowed the treatment of pain with oil on the Sabbath.

At the beginning of the ministry of Jesus he spoke in the synagogue saying; "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor."  His love would be expressed in touching and healing the sick, the frightened, the forsaken outcasts with healing words that flowed from him to be poured out like oil over the ones in pain.

  Jesus spoke with authority that came from a heavenly Father even though he had no publicly recognized father and could have been even denied entry into the local congregation.

Even today religion tries to impose rules and restrictions that slow down the ministry of restoration and renewal.  Religion needs salvation that only saving grace can provide.
This time of year there often seems to be sickness and taking our friend Shirley to the hospital felt sad but also a sense of relief as we knew she needed to be under a doctor's care.  We are now waiting for news from the family.

It takes more than Christmas decorations to lift our spirits this time of year; so busy and stressful for many.
      We need the loving presence of others to visit and bless our homes.
            We need to remember those for whom this is a sad time of year.

Jesus would have his feet, filthy and dirty, annointed by a woman anointed with tears and with oil as she repented of her sins and received forgiveness.  Love expressed was returned to her.

"Her many sins have been released, because she loved much; but to whom little is released, loves little."  Luke 7:47  Forgiveness sets us free and releases acts of generosity and compassion!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Christians all over the world are entering into a time called advent.  Nature has it's seasons when the leaves fall and the days grow darker.  People are walking faster to keep warm especially when the wind is pushing at their backs.  It is time to layer a few extra clothes as I get ready for my walk each day.

Time now to wander back into the past and let the story of a birth of a baby speak to our hearts once again.  We have read ancient quests about the idea of God, who he is and what he does.  We can easily argue with the ideas that disagree with our view of the world and the values that we build our lives upon.

Religion has been a process that even now is being formed and kept alive in the lighting of the candles and heavenly music and the reenactment of the story that whether we realize it or not change the perception of God.  God was not far off but he is apart of time.

Now is the time to take time for friends and family as well as time to awaken the inner soul to a beauty that outlives time and will outlive us.

Having tea with Shirley and coffee with Jane and Geof have made this week a happy time.

Sharing an evenning with our home group as we share experiences that have imprinted their lives and as they retell them it it is a gift that lifts our spirits.