Saturday, December 11, 2010


Where is God when life disappoints and leaves one feeling sad and empty.
I am thrilled to have the family come over, although I am totally unprepared.
I feel so very sad missing those who cannot be here.
My prayers go out to them..


Anonymous said...

I love that picuture mom, all that greyness with just the slightest hint of blue sky. I hope everyone else helped to clean up after we left, sorry we had to run. It is hard with Randy's job sometimes, never knowing when his next shift is. And while there were a few missing, there were more who made it and I think we did pretty well. If you have salad left let me know, I think that is all I should eat for the next month!

beth bennett said...

No the salad went home as did the tempting cookies but the chooltes are here!
Great meat balls.
Thanks for the pictures. ;love mom