Wednesday, December 29, 2010


              I love to walk and enjoy the beauty of the Christmas lights. 

Even in the early morning light.
Our lights are still up in our window where I like to sit in the morning to pray and hope that I can carry a peaceful and content spirit with me through the day.  That is very hard when you are a young mother and children can easily upset you by spilling something, [your dad was good at that when he was little, always spilling his milk I think because he did not like it warm]]  or teasing one another, or not doing what I asked them to do, like brush their teeth or make their bed.  They knew if they did not make their bed I would do it.

God is like a sugar cube that you put into your cup of tea or coffee and it melts.  It is still there but cannot be seen.  So too the glory of God fills my inner being even when I cannot see it or even feel it   "The truths of religion are accessible only when I am prepared to get rid of the selfishness, greed, pride and self-preoccupation [that darken the soul] and our often the source of our pain."
"The Case For God" by Karen Armstrong. 
So much in life cannot be controlled like birth or death, disasters and misfortune, sorrow or joy; so as we begin the day we do not know what is going to happen and how we will react.  Yes, I believe God still exists even as I know that pain, fear, hatred, grief and unfairness still exist.

If I can look into the ancient stories of the Bible and see beyond the culture and superstition and false image of God I find people who are honestly seeking and searching for the sacred around them and within themselves.  I know I have to discover for myself the truth I am searching for; as do each one of us.

Two of our neighbors have had death's in the family.  Colleen's dad passed away on Dec. 24 and Gundie's husband died early in Dec.  I have just talked to her recently and she told me she had taken her little push cart down to Home depot on the bus and bought a little potted Christmas Tree and brought it home on the bus.  She is one amazing character and yes tears came into her eyes as she talked about her husband and all the things they did together.

As I walked early this morning in the falling snow i saw in her window little lights from her tree shining.


Anonymous said...

Spring is still a long way off. It's going to be 38c on New Years .

beth bennett said...

Yes that is true. Every day now the light will come sooner and the days very slowly and gradually grow longer and before we know it the magic of spring and new growth will be here.