Wednesday, December 15, 2010


So lovely.  Morgan was delighted to see us as we were her.  I found the drive long as we hit road construction and I was very cold the whole day; but warmed up seeing her sing with all her heart.  We were late arriving at Theresa'a so did not get in to see the new living room make over.  It is still in a bit of a mess so she may not have wanted pictures taken.

There was tea and coffee and goodies afterwards and then they were taking Ben to the doctor, minor problem, and then going shopping.  We headed home and stopped at the White Spot on the way home.  I am so careful what I eat after a bad re-action on Sunday eating out is not really that much fun.

It was too bad the church ladies were meeting and I missed that, but very thankful Jane filled in for me with the reading.  We had home group dinner and sing a long at 6 but getting home at 5 and not being hungry and being tired we did not go.  My asthma was bad as I was coughing a lot on the way home but then I was just fine.

Off to go visiting today.  Taking sandwiches instead of cookies.  Some do not like the Koren food.

Well it is the little things that we can do that matter and I am grateful for those who are so kind to me.


Anonymous said...

Good to see that you are making choices on just what you can do, and passing up on some activities. I know I will be exhausted too by the time I get back from my trip, but thankgoodness it will be a short week at work and then I have the weekend to look forward to.

beth bennett said...

You looked absolutely gotgeous at your party.
I am very proud of you!
The excitment gives uw the energy to carry us through the busy days.
love mom