Tuesday, December 28, 2010


My new book marks which say I dig books!

Today was not a day for reading but for cleaning and dusting and washing and putting a few ornaments away.  A day to enjoy the beauty of the ordinary as I think of the people who have given me certain items that I will always cherish. Dad actually went to the store because I kept putting it off.  This was after he once again fixed the leak in the bathroom that comes creaping into the kitchen ceiling if we use the bathroom tub or shower.  Now he is watching Russia play Sweden with slippers on and some mint tea to drink. 

Now I will pick up my books and finesh that mystery and dig into yet another God book.  I think that anyone who likes to write must also enjoy reading.  I would be lost without a book or two to read.  One of the things I loved to do best was read to my children and grandchildren; and would have done more if I had had more energy. 

Today when the house was a total disaster dad asked if I wanted to go to the Sylvia and I gave it serious thought.  It was late in the day and we would have been coming home in the rush hour traffic; although traffic is busy all day long.  Leaving messes has always been hard for me to do, like leaving dirty dishes in the sink or the bed unmade or the laundry not put away.

The movie "A wonderful Life" reminds me that I do not always realize the difference I may make in some one else's life.  I ran out early into the darkness of the morning to give the paper woman a little something.    She walks very slowly like a very old woman and I was surprised at seeing her youthful face.  It was a beautiful face as she smiled and said thank you.  Usually I am still in bed when I hear the paper coming through the door but the odd time I have seen her walking to the next house.  Her job is as important as anyone elses.

Our geand daughter Leah has an important job to do as she goes to treatment appointments and copes with pain everyday.  I pray that soon the soft tissue will heal completely and the pain will leave and never return.

I did not mean to sit and write anything but once I get started away I go!


Anonymous said...

lovely thoughts put into lovely words. thank you. - theresa

Anonymous said...

i like to read to the kids too , cept Jasmine keeps grabing the book.... and she has plulled half the keys off my laptop.
ps tying to read Keith Richards autobiography(rolling stones )