Saturday, December 31, 2011


I wake up feeling happy.  It is going to be a good day starting out finding matching socks in the dark.  Not that easy even in the light.

I say to myself that I am free to be healthy and happy and enjoy this day.  I relax and enjoy the quietness of the morning with my morning coffee and toast.  Slowly the room is warming up and the warmth feels good.

As I prayerfully think about each one in my family I am thankful that each one is finding happiness in their own way.  I smile when I think of all the little ones that have blessed our lives over the last few years.  .

I am so thankful for the ways that dad is making my life easier. 

The card from Kim was a lovely surprise.  Joy is certainly one of the best gifts of Christmas as we allow ourselves to feel childlike and excited and enjoy being with family and friends.

As I pray for others I am reminded of those who are also praying for me.

The grace of God is flowing all around me and as I allow myself to be open to it I can feel renewed joy in my spirit. 

I am looking forward to my walk and even if I do come home tired out;
 I can throw off my coat and throw myself down on a soft chair and relax. 

Happy ducklings are swimming in the early morning light!  Delightful!

Friday, December 30, 2011


I think that dad and I are both practicing determination.

I was determined to go for my long walk yesterday and was so happy I did as I saw a beautiful sun rise.

The day seemed to just fly by as we went to White Rock Hospital to pick up my -ray results and to visit our friend in Palliative care, who is going down very quickly.  She was so pleased to see Larry. 

Then we stopped for a bit of lunch and then home to shop for the ingredients for a made up casserole.  It looked very pretty and I thought it tasted good.  We took it to the party {our book group studying Buddhism) where there is always good food and fun times.  Lots of joke telling.  Have you ever notice if one tells a joke then some one else remembers one. 

We were happy to have a talk with Theresa and hear of their amazing holiday in the Grand Cayman.  Their journey home went according to plan so that was good.  We may see her on the week-end but they want to rest up.

Dad went for a bike ride this afternoon but it has turned colod and windy.
Off to another party to-night.  It is a birthday party and we will see some old friends we see once a year or so.  Should be good fun.

We still seem to have a mouse hiding in our laundry room but at least he cannot get into the sitting room where he had gotten into the back of the chesterfield and was throwing out the stuffing.  He had managed to chew a hole in the bottom of the door from the laundry room and dad has now boarded it up.

Today he jumped out at me again and of course I screamed.

This is taken on Scott Road on my walk about 8:30.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I can't believe there has been hockey all day!
That was yesterday.
Dad actually went for a bigger walk than I did between watching the hockey games.  Wasn't one of my better days. 
I was thinking to myself how important it is to be happy where you are in life.

There are a lot of benefits about going to work and being with other people that helps stimulate and give purpose to life.

I did do some shopping and went to visit a friend who is very sick.  It is very hard on her daughter just having the constant worry. She had  had another fall the night before.  She is very lonely and it is so hard because she has been so very active until about a year ago.  She misses not being able to go to church and not being able to garden and her friends.

I am reading "Learning to Breath" about a very successful person who has panic attacks and her goal in life is to stop being her neurotic self and become a calm nun. Sounds a lot like me. She is learning it is not easy.

Take advantage of the creative energy that surrounds you, knowing you are who you are and you are where you are meant to be for this moment in time.

Today I will enjoy my gluten free cheese cake, my quinoa salad and a mystery book among other things.

There is a saying in the bike world "enjoy the Climb".


                Life has not yet settled back into a daily routine.
Memories of this Christmas will be a blessing to me for many years to come.  It was not a year when a lot of us were able to be together but there was great enjoyment in our small gathering.  The focus was not on giving presents but just on enjoying each other and getting to know our family better.

There is always sadness when we say good-bye to those who have been visiting.

  I feel I am still spiritually aware of the true heart of Christmas which was remembering the struggles that Mary and Joseph went through and how lonely they must have felt having this baby so far from home in a strange place.  I love this simple Christmas story that makes me feel so humble and yet hopeful too.
Yes Shandel and Cameron  are back home again.
Theresa and Mikie and children will be on their way today I believe.
Talked to Carol and Panteli by phone.

I love my children deeply but do not always understand them. 

I am thankful for friends that I can share my faith with because it is a most vital part of who I am.

There have been nations like Soviet Russia and Communist China and Khmer Rouge to name a few that have tried to outlaw religion and persecute believers.  This was done I believe out of fear and a need to control.  Sadly the church has been also used to control and abuse.

This has driven many away from the church and it is time for changes in how we practice and LIVE out our faith.  I hear from some that all  either allreligions are bad, or that all contain some truth.

I think a lot of people are somewhere in between.  The skeptics have now become the evangelists that make fun of traditional beliefs.  Growing up religion was a very private thing that I did not even know what my parents really believed even though they went to church and were good living people.

I believe that there is more to this world than just the material and intellectual reality; and at the same time there is an overlapping of values and goals.

Does Jesus teach us to be good so we can merit salvation and go to heaven?  Just the opposite Jesus came to those who realized their need of forgiveness and their need to change their lives.

I need to be more sensitive to others.

I believe there are both earthly angels without wings but also heavenly angels that bring the glory into the ordinary.  I believe in the goodness of the spirit of God that fills the emptiness of our existence! !

It was love that made the angels sing.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


The wise will fearlessly search until they find and in the words of Jesus I have found great wisdom and compassion; so I believe that he found the deeper meaning in life!
The world is full of shadows that can stir up the desire to see beyond reality.
 I think that being inquisitive is a good gift.

I like hearing stories of things that others have experienced and just because I have never seen visions does not mean that others cannot.  I believe that our dreams can speak to us, showing us our fears or renewing our hopes. 

"In Ancient times it was understood that there was a transcendental moral order outside the self, built into the fabric of the universe.  The path of wisdom was to learn to live in conformity with this unyielding reality.  That wisdom rested largely in developing qualities of character, such as humility, compassion, courage, discretion and loyalty."  Timothy Keller

We have all been conditioned by our culture which seems to me at this time to be making the intellect god and being deaf to the spirituality that can be a shadow or it can be real.

I have found that prayer is a time to meditate and listen.

Monday, December 26, 2011


A very beautiful room waiting for our happy family to enter.
.CRISTMAS morning was clear and cold and I went for an early morning walk.  Later in the day it got extremely windy and we wondered if we may lose power.

Missed Rick's phone call as I was out walking and dad was not awake.

I was very pleased to see Ken's message on my blog in which I was trying to  expresas my love and appreciation for my family.

Dad and I took a quick visit over to Cathy and Glen's to see the girls and the newest baby.  I was thrilled to hold him and enjoy their holiday spirits.

After a little rest at home dad and I went over to The Wises where Sandra greeted us at the door looking very beautiful.  Everyone was busy when we entered the door.  Randy was fixing a special dinner for the dogs and then made a cherry pie.  Yes, I saw him doing it!

O no get that camera away from me he is saying.

Everyone had helped with setting the table making special little place settings with sayings on them and the dinner was awesome as usual.  We were glad Leah was able to join us.  Shandel and Cameron are great fun and it is always good to have theseyoung people around to liven up our visits.

I really miss Carol and Panteli and Kim and  Mikie and Theresa and Ben and Morgan.  They have been a great part of our Christmas celebrations.

We also skyped with Mary and Michael John.  They seem so far away from us now. 
It was a time of laughter and just relaxing for me.

Words cannot express the appreciation I feel for all the hard work that made the day so wonderful.

Today dad and I will go for our walk in the park and I am glad we can do this together.

Sunday, December 25, 2011


The best gifts of Christmas I have been given has been the gift of love.
I feeled loved by all my family and my heart is full of live and thankfulness for them.
I miss all those who are so far away and I know that the love of Jesus that born so long ago lives in all our hearts.

Sandra and Randy make Christmas come alive with their beautiful home so colourful and cheerful.  I am so happy that Shandrl and Cameron are here to bring an awareness of new love of a young married couple.

My heart was full of joy as we all went to church Christmas Eve.  The music was beautiful and the message was the hope that awaits for us in the days ahead.  He told a story about two brothers having a disagreement and how each thought they were right.

Time would slowly healed their hurts so that the next Christmas was one of unconditional love.

I treasure the memories of all the Christmas days from the past and look forward to more in the future.
Jesus became one of us to share our sadness and to give us the gift of love that waits to be unwrapped experienced again and again.

The best gift we give is the gift of our presence and our love. 

Love that was born so long ago flows to us again this day and to all my loved ones I send my love.

Friday, December 23, 2011


The news was good today at the doctors.  My blood work is excellent so I am eating enough good stuff.
The lungs are free of cancer although there is still some liquid there so I have antibiotics I can order if needed..

It would seem to me that both religious belief and skepticism are on the rise with both becoming more vocal.
The good thing is for both sides to honestly look at their beliefs and their faiths.  There will always be hard questions, some of which are unanswerable.

It is important too that no matter what position you take you respect and try to understand the doubts of others.  The days are over when we believed because our parents believed.

Doubts can strengthen faith.

Skeptics can learn to look for a type of faith hidden in their reasoning.

I have found that I need to hold a position of both humility; realizing that faith does require a leap into the darkness. and discernment.  The goal that I see as important is not one of trying to find the secret of happiness but the secret of meaning that remains strong even in the storms of life.

Concern for justice and for the poor which may have had roots in Christianity is a secular goal for many.
There can be no awareness of spiritual need unless one is willing to search deeper into some of the reasons we re-act to life the way we do.

Suffering is a part of life and for me my faith helps me to find a path through it.  Faith in our day and age demands intellectual credibility.  For those willing to search and listen with an open mind there are evidences of the presence of a higher reality.

All religions have good values that need to be practiced so that they become a light and a force for peace not religious pride or superiority.  Sadly religion has been one of the main barriers to peace.  This is because the paradoxes of religion are it's out spookiness that have caused intolerance and violence.

Christianity is now growing in Nigeria and Ghana and theirs is a robust kind of faith that believes in miracles, the value of scripture and personal conversion.

The church is a place that honors teaching and invites questioning.


Life is good when you can go through the park on a cold crisp sunny day with loving caring family!

Sandra was again able to find the bubling spring of water.  Amazing!

I am dreading going to the doctor today just because I am.  I am doing the best I can but I know both dad and I feel a little down about our lack of energy etc.  Keeping busy always helps one forget about self but when you cannot do what you would like it is hard.  I figure we just have to go through a peried  of adjustment. 

One never knows what life will throw your way.

Yesterday as I was writing this blog the egs on the stove were burning away.  Luckily I smelt it in time before disaster struck.

Before that I had got myself locked into our closet when the door closed in the dark and I got turned around and couldn't find the opining.  It was completely dark.  lol

My heart aches for so many who are suffering from poverty, abuse, loneliness, sickness and sorrow, especially at this time when joy should be in the air,

I m thankful for so many good people who are trying to help.
I pray that they will have the resources they need, and the strength and compassion to reach out to the vulnerable and lost souls.  I wish I could do more.  I wish this world was built on a foundation of justice and fairness not bound by rules and regulations.

Jesus certainly broke the religious laws that hurt and wounded those who were already beaten down by life.

Anyway our day is grocery shopping, baking banana bread; and yes I will measure!


Thursday, December 22, 2011


This is our precious little Morgan in her secret little hiding place under the stairs.

The children love to hear stories and I love telling them.

We are all a part of an unfolding story that express who we are in words and in deeds and they become memories for others to carry in their hearts,

I love the Christmas Story because it brings Good News of unepected  joy and love to all.  The shepherds came just to worship, just as they were, to see for themselves the new baby.  They did not bring presents but simple hearts of faith.  They lived close to nature and were excluded from the more educated people of that day.  They were chosen to see a miracle and I believe that when we listen and wait we will see and experience good news.

I had a fun day with the ladies at church.  It was good just to talk and be together.

Dad has his shoulder x-rayed because it is painful and then came home and worked very hard to make Shepherds pie for me.  It was excellent.  Watch the hockey game and went to bed early as usual.

I know that there are many unbelievers who are more kinder and generous than those of us who believe and I believe that all human beings are made in the image of God, carrying goodness and wisdom hidden within us all.

At the heart of my faith there is the awe and wonder of all that Jesus did and said to help me bear sorrow, receive forgiveness and be blessed by the assurance of unconditional love.  The birth we celebrate was a birth of love, a gift of grace and truth that strengthens me deep within my soul!

May we like the shepherds come and see for ourselves and feel the presence of love!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


O Happy Day when Jesus was born and God's radiance filled the earth and has never left.

Ken we are so happy you got the job, that is such good news.  You and Melina have had such good attitudes through all this worrying time so we are very happy for you all!

Our family is the greatest!

Thank you for the beautiful calender that arrived yesterday.  Also one came from Ranu in Trinidad.  I sure do need help remembering what day it is and keeping track of the time.  Also remembering important dates.

I need to remind myself just to enjoy life and have fun!

Yesterday dad and I had fun having lunch with Jane and hubby Geof. which was good because of the sadness of being with our dying friend in the hospital and family concerns.  Marg's face is glowing with peace and she is a blessing to all who visit her.

Jane is a wonderful friend and prayer partner!

Today an old friend from our other church is dropping by; we really have made such good friends where ever we went.  It is the husband of Gwen, your old teacher Ken, who still remembers you.
Today I have several things to deliver and then have lunch with the ladies in our United Church Women's group.  I am looking forward to enjoying a fun time with such dear old friends!

Then afterwards Jane and I will visit Louise who is not up to coming.

Thanks Rick for our Chapter's gift card one can never ever have too many books!
  And dad can add to his Kobo or what ever it is called.

I planned to do a little shopping after we got home yesterday but just ran out of steam.  O well.  It is not the presents that matter but the presence of Love!

Believe that miracles still happen and your life can be changed!  I do!

Christmas reminds me of the miracle of Love!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


There is almost a feeling of anticaption in the air all around us.

The Word did become flesh and the unseen would now be revealed in the life and words of Jesus,
the Christ Child!

Dad and I were not epecting to discover a new place in our walk through the Water Shed Park but we did.

Dad has his new walking stick which has proven a big help.  He is at the top of a fairly steep incline which the camera does not really capture.  We had wandered on to the bike trails and found this area.  We also met two happy bikers speeding along.  We are going to try and do this walk in the oark regularly as it does us both good.

Today dad is off to the doctors and then we planned to meet with Jane and Geof for lunch. later after Jane and I have done some visiting.  The good news is that Pearle is coming along so quikly now after her fall and is anticapating being home for Christmas.

The story of the birth of  Jesus has a message for us all;
there is love and grace and truth hidden for all to see.

Seek and you will find.


Monday, December 19, 2011


A baren womb becomes fertile.
The miracle incurs in our hearts as we ponder this new life.
Maybe it is time for the world to take time to live life at a slower simpler and more heartfelt pace,

Maybe it is time for me not to get all anxious and what  to get things done quickly.

Maybe it is time for dad to get a little more active.  I hope he can get in to see his doctor today because his feet are very painful and he has a sore eye lid and stomach problems.  He is really not feeling that good.  On the other hand I am finally feeling a bit stronger everyday.

Maybe it is a good time to remember the prayer of serenity.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a tine,
enjoying one moment at a time,
accepting hardship as a pathway to peace.

Taking, this sinful world as Jesus did, with the grace of acceptance
Trusting Jesus will make things better as I learn to surrender to His will
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him forever in the next.,

Maybe it is time to consider the birth of Mary's child and her dreams for his life.

Maybe we need a new vision of who Jesus was, what he did, and why it matters,

I experienced a real sense of joy and peace in church yesterday.
  I would like to go Christmas Eve if it works out,

It is wonderful to have Cameron and Shandel visiting and bringing lots of fun into our lives.

We are sorry Oliver will not be coming but joining the group in the Grand Chayman.

Rick is on his way to Trinidad to see his son; yes we have family there and in the Grand Cayman and in Australia, in Edmonton and in Kamloops as well as Vancouver.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Love is present at the birth of every child.
Love is the gift of the grace of Christmas

It is much easier to feel loved and to be loving if one is healthy and happy and feeling lovable.

I   know that I too often do or say the wrong things. I need to receive and give forgiveness!

Love is the candle that is lit at church this morning.  There are three candles that have been lit to remind us of the sacredness of hope, peace, joy and love. 

 Love comes in many forms romantic, fraternal, sacrificial, communal, and holy.  I believe that in God I see the passion and compassion of love. 

If one could travel back in time to be in the presence of Jesus I believe that the awe and wonder that we would  experience would  fill all the emptiness within our hearts and heal all our past wounds and we would feel the unconditional love that is the gift of Jesus for each and everyone of us.

Light reminds us that even when there is so muck darkness and suffering all around us there will always be the presence of love to strengthen and to guide  us.

God, the creator, gives us life and lives within hearts that are full of compassion and love. 

Rained hard last night and today looks very dull.  We are off to church to see the children in the pageant /  The little girl that is the same age as Jazzy is an angel.  It is so cute seeing the little ones take part,

off to the store to buy dog food to take with us to feed hungry animals.  The youth group has taken on this job.

Waiting to hear from Shandel and Cameron and the Wises.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Does anyone know where these beach pictures have been taken?

Had a good visit with Leah and Rick and it was great that the famous party planner Sandra dropped by also.
She was looking a little tired as she was on her way home from work.  Rick also was yawning once or twice as he had just flown over from Victoria after attending business meetings.

Leah was looking very smart as usual!

Off to get some blood work done.  I had my x-ray at the White Rock Hospital yesterday.

Feeling tired today myself.

Friday, December 16, 2011


The travellers have arrived safely and can now enjoy a wonderful peaceful time at the beach swimming with the fish. and eating the gluten-free muffins made for them.  Carol and Panteli and Kim are all very happy.  And the dogs too!

I think I was just born to be a worrying mother.

Ken, we are so pleased that you have come through your testing so far.  Good on you!

Yesterday was a disaster as I tried to find parking at the Surrey Hospital and all the lots only took credit cards, which I do not have and they were all full anyway.  Finally found one that the machine took money and a man was just pulling out so I was so very happy.  Then the money machine took my money twice and gave me no receipt.

  Inside they were tearing up the place and information was in the cafeteria, now who would have guessed?  Had a hard time finding Freda, who was looking great and has had her hip operation and is in good spirits. 
She was very pleased and surprised to see me.
When I left I walked around and around trying to find my car.  I was feeling desperate and would have used my cell phone but it was in the car.

Today will be a good day.  Rick is safely in town visiting Chris and then comes to visit us.  Craig and Leah and maybe Sandra and Randy will join us.  We will go out to the Green Lettuce.  Rick likes going there.

Life should be simple and peaceful if we keep trying to love one another and keep trying to do our best!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


At times I feel so far away from my loved ones.
Yesterday both dad and I were both so worried about Theresa and the children it was hard to concentrate on anything.  We kept waiting for news all day after we got the early morning phone call they could not get on the flight they had booked.

Finally got hold of Panteli last night to find out they had flown to New York and finally  on to Miama where there they were forced to stay in a motel because the plane had an oil leak.  In some ways that was good news as they would  hopefully have some rest.  They are due in Grand Caymon around noon or one.  What a miserable experience for Theresa travelling without Mickie who is going later in the week.  Had a hard time sleeping last night.

Dad and I did go out and get a book for Lucas for Christmas which we will give to Rick to-morrow.

I will visit Jim and take him his cookies today and carry on to the hospital to see Freda who is in hospital from a fall.  So much sadness.

The rest of the world seems to be caught up in parties and having fun but not me.  I have no desire to go shopping and I really do not know what to buy anyway.  I have a book for dad and myself and one for Sandra and Randy and we have cards and money for Craig and Leah if we see them.

There is a joy in giving and receiving gifts; simple gifts can create a loving atmosphere.

I think both dad and I feel so old.

 We are looking forward to the Christmas play at church where some little ones will be taking part.  It should be great fun.  Also Sunday will be when Shandell and Cameron arrive and we are so looking forward to their visit.

I think in my heart I feel that Jesus is saying to me "Do not lose hope".  I feel discouraged with myself and I know from the past it is time to draw closer to Jesus and trust that a plan is unfolding for all of our lives. 

I cannot see into the future but I believe my future is in His hands and my joy comes if I can bring some joy to others.

God is so unpredictable, like having a baby born in a strange place, in a world of unrest and despair.

I look at dad and I feel so blessed that we have one another to share our worries with. 
I am so thankful that Sandra and Rany also live close by and I know Christmas day will be great fun just being together.  Life is full of blessings like these logs on the beach that I remind myself to see the good things in life.  The world is full of such breath taking beauty that can renew our spirits if we open our eyes to look with wonder at all of life. 

 God is with us and also shares our burdens!
 Joy awaits hearts that are open and filled with love and faith!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Poor Theresa her connecting flight from Toronto was booked for the next day.  Hopefully she will be able to get on a plane to Chicago and then another stop before she reaches the Grand Cayman.  She is in touch with Kim who is helping her.  She is exhausted having not slept and the children were hungry but now have had something.

I was sound asleep when she phones which never happens I am always awake at that time, so am, not quite sure what she will be doing but hoping and praying it will work out.  She has a four hour wait for Chicago.

Are there people there who should help her?  She has her baggage but wonders if it will be checked onto the next flight automatically.

We feel so helpless and so worried for them all.

Our friend Larry Olsson who lives in Toronto has been in hospital with atrial fibrillation other wise maybe they could help.

Christmas is a disaster time to travel I believe.

Sorry Sandra that there was no supper left for you but I thought you said you would phone if you were coming.  I would have set a plate aside if I had known.

I am waiting to hear from Leah if she is coming today if not I have other plans with U.C.W.

Friday has been changed and Rick will come over later because of my doctor's appointment.
Rick had a visit with Leah on Kamloops so I doubt we will be seeing Chris.  But I am hoping and praying that all the family will be safe on their travels.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Waiting, watching, trusting and listening & praying 
Today I will be listening for Theresa to arrive with Ben and Morgan to say good-bye before going to the Grand Caymans.

I knew the girl at the library was not listening to me when I tried to explain that I had not taken the book out that was going to be overdue.  The name did not ring any bells for me.  She just said well renew it and maybe it will turn up.

Sometimes you just need to be listened to.

Dad has a new inter-net radio that he is having great fun in getting lots of stations.

His hearing is definitely not so good so often if he does hear me it may not be what I have said.

Sometimes when my prayers are not answered in the way I have prayed
I have to keep believing that God is still listening.  I keep trusting.

There is so much beautiful Christmas music this time of the year.

I am so thankful for my hearing!

A cold day to be at the beach but dad and I enjoyed a short walk together on Sunday after church.

Monday, December 12, 2011


I can't believe how cold it has gotten and how frosty the windows can get.
     but I should because it is winter

I can't believe how I keep losing things.  Now I have lost a library book which I do not even remember taking out.

I can't believe that I laundered money again today when I was sure I checked the pockets.
     But now it is hanging up to dry.
I can't believe that I dropped my camera not once but twice yesterday.

I can't believe how many people are feeling down at this time and so many not well.

I can't believe dad did not say "Do not go too far" as I headed out the door this morning.
     So I managed my whole walk!

I can't believe how little I remember from the sermon at church.
     Joy is a mystery that cannot be captured but can be
     experienced even when things are not going well.
I can't believe how much we take freedom for granted.
     There are many places in our world to where there is no freedom
      and especially this is true for the  women.

It is good to be able to believe in the good news of the birth of Jesus
     but even more important to live out the values that he came to teach us.

I can't believe how quickly Ben and Morgan are growing and how much they know about a lot of things.
Ben does not believe it either.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


There is joy in God!
As I came slowly and carefully down the stairs this morning it was still dark and cold, I smell the pine branches that makes it feel so much like Christmas.  I am thankful that  can turn on the heat and make my coffee and toast.  I am now sitting by my computer with the a cup of coffee and a Christmas orange.

Happiness is found in the simple things of life, like memories, smells and tastes.

Joy seems so far out of our earthly reach because joy comes with surrender that allows us to feel the sadness in our lives and to know that the joy of the Lord will be our strength.

I look forward to going to church this morning as it always gives meaning to my day.  Music helps me to express the inner joy that is hidden within my spirit; and is so difficult to express in words.  Jesus is the giver of joy that is available to us all. 

Life has an aura of sadness that keeps us, or me, from experiencing the powerful emotion of joy.  For many people Christmas is a very difficult time because they want to feel joyful but they cannot.  I know that I would love to solve the problems within my family and make them all happy, but I cannot.

"to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.  This is to have succeeded."
Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Douglas Todd writes about joy that comes through the music of Beethoven in Ode To Joy that was written by an aging and depressed composer.  He expresses his musical yearning for communion with a loving mystical reality.

This is what I long for because it promises JOY!

May the true joy of Christmas touch and heal us all as we continue to journey towards the Lord.!

They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendour.

Instead of ashes, the oil of gladness
instead of mourning, a garment of praise.

Isaiah 61:3

Saturday, December 10, 2011


A busy time of year when one has to make choices which are not always easy.

Emotionally the last three days have been full of joy and sadness.  Being with the great grandchildren and going to their concert was just a lot of fun.  There were noisy, excited and happy children all looking so full of life.

The last two days I have been visiting the elderly who are experiencing the loneliness of sickness and aches and pains that comes with aging.  My heart aches for these dear ones who once were young and full of life.

Every human being has a need to feel loved and to feel that their lives are still important.  Some have lost all their family and wonder why they are still here.  Some like to talk of their past and share their memories.

"Everyone has physical, psychological and spiritual needs.  Phtsical needs include food and shelter.

Psychological needs are a sense of self and our relationships to others.

Spiritual needs include the awareness of and the connection to a source of power or strength bigger than oneself."     From the book "What Dying People Want"   by David Kuhl, M.D.

Dad and I drove to White Rock together.  I was visiting a friend from church and he was visiting a friend from his work.  After we took a little time to walk along the beach.

We have many memories of going to this beach with our children and grandchildren.  Again I am aware of how important relationships are; even when their is imperfection and misunderstandings.  What do  really value in life.

I would have liked to attend the concert at the church but I had forgotten about it till later that evening.  I was feeling very drained and a little nauseated so home was the best place to be, to rest and relax.

Friday, December 9, 2011


A young peasant girl and a simple carpenter  gazed with love at their tiny baby!
(in this picture Joseph is moving to the microphone to sing)

What a story!

The best stories are the ones we read over and over again to our children.
This story from the past comes alive as we read again the words of scripture!
 So powerful that it touches our hearts with love beyond words and many (for me) emotions.  There is joy and there is sadness.

  The concert at Ben and Morgan's school included Mary and Joseph and the new-born baby.  The these was about giving instead of wanting just to receive.  I am very impressed with their school as the Principal greets the children when they came in in the morning, and the teachers seem to be very happy being with the children.

Said good-bye to Theresa and Ben at their house.  Ben had been up in the night with an ear-ache.  He will have to go to the doctor before his plane ride.  Flying with fluid in your ear can be extremely painful I know I have experienced it.

Said good-bye to Morgan at her classroom after meeting her teacher.  Children do make Christmas more exciting because they are so excited.  She always wants us to stay longer.

"Live each moment completely
and the future will take care of itself.
Fully enjoy the wonder and beauty of each moment"     P. Yogananda

Dad and I are anxious to hear any news from Ken about the progress of his getting work
Waiting, hoping and praying.

This waiting, hoping and praying and wonder is very much a part of the story that is retold at Christmas time.  This story has grown out of the prophecies and promises of the Old Testament and reminds me of the mystery of faith that transforms the simple things like a stable or a star. or heavenly choirs into
divine revelation.

"Divine revelation is the opening of a door, which can only be unlocked from the inside when the time is ready and the heart is open."

Revelation does not need proof because true wisdom is beyond our understanding.

Our drive to Chilliwack.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Dad and I had a calm slow drive out to Chilliwack with a stop in Langley.  A perfect day for travelling.

Ben and Morgan greeted us with big smiles and of course silly faces when we went to take pictures.
Theresa and Mikie made us feel right at home and shared in cooking a very special supper.  The beets even got cooked

I have been dreaming of how wonderful it would be to be really healthy but I am finding the dream of happiness comes when I realize how truly happy I am spending time with my loving family.

We went to the concert and I will write more later.  I am feeling exhausted after a wonderful visit and so special to see Ben perform and sing as Santa.  Morgan was very proud of her big brother.