Monday, December 5, 2011


This is my second blog of the day for any who care of read it.

This baby helded in his mother's arms and gazed upon by his loving father has been a controversial person causing deep emtions to rise up against him before he was even born. 

"Who is the father?"  everyone wanted to know.  Joseph tried to reasurred himself and others that he was his father.  And indeed Joseph did father and love him and teach him because he was a very good, exceptional person.

Jesus was born in a time of trouble and despair.  There was no peace.  There was even less faith.  The priests ruled by making others keep the rules that would bring the blessings of God into their lives.

There have been many interesting accounts to uncover the historical Jesus, and I have read lots of them, and even though they were written with scholarly skill none have seemed to touch even the hem of his garment. 

But the fact remains that the only Jesus we really know is the Jesus described in the New Testament, which was not interested in scientifically objective history.  The fact that the gospels were written at all and are what we read every Christmas is a miracle.

We do not know if Jesus claimed to be the Messiah although some would read this into his words.  His central message was of a new kingdom not built of precious stones but one built on the truth.  He invited sinners, prostitutes and tax collectors along with the religious to become apart of this kingdom.  Also gentiles would become welcome as his disciples continuing to grow in their understanding of his message after his death.  IT WAS DECIDED THEY DID NOT NEED TO BECOME JEWISH TO BECOME FOLLOWERS OF THIS NEW WAY.

All must live as if the new kingdom was in their midst and take care of the poor and behave respectfully and humbly.


Anonymous said...

I love Your blog Beth ☺
I have to hide my Christian side when with friends my own age and out in the homeschool community . even on my logs I've received hate mail. even from christians telling me I' not christian enough .
so I stopped postng much of my christian / catholic stuff I feel I can only show my christian faith within my home and the few people write to online privately .
my husbands family is full of hate towards christianity ( and many oter thins ) so it is difficult to be with them at times .
really I do not like to hide but honestly I just could not take that persecution any longer .
I love your blog it is so calming for me anyour spirit is gentle and warm . Thank You so much for sharing .

beth bennett said...

Dear Rox.
I have some problems in my family too but I feel on my blog I can express my true feelings.

You have cheered me up today just when I needed it.

I am discouraged as my energy is not returning as quickly as I would like so spent the afternoon in bed.

Bless you. love beth

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is possible to hear the cold, but I don't know how to explain that.



PS it was more Paul than Jesus that wanted to let in the non-jews.