Friday, December 23, 2011


Life is good when you can go through the park on a cold crisp sunny day with loving caring family!

Sandra was again able to find the bubling spring of water.  Amazing!

I am dreading going to the doctor today just because I am.  I am doing the best I can but I know both dad and I feel a little down about our lack of energy etc.  Keeping busy always helps one forget about self but when you cannot do what you would like it is hard.  I figure we just have to go through a peried  of adjustment. 

One never knows what life will throw your way.

Yesterday as I was writing this blog the egs on the stove were burning away.  Luckily I smelt it in time before disaster struck.

Before that I had got myself locked into our closet when the door closed in the dark and I got turned around and couldn't find the opining.  It was completely dark.  lol

My heart aches for so many who are suffering from poverty, abuse, loneliness, sickness and sorrow, especially at this time when joy should be in the air,

I m thankful for so many good people who are trying to help.
I pray that they will have the resources they need, and the strength and compassion to reach out to the vulnerable and lost souls.  I wish I could do more.  I wish this world was built on a foundation of justice and fairness not bound by rules and regulations.

Jesus certainly broke the religious laws that hurt and wounded those who were already beaten down by life.

Anyway our day is grocery shopping, baking banana bread; and yes I will measure!



Anonymous said...

Locking your self in the closet, hm, that is a new one. Is this just for your results of tests you are seeing dr Nolte? Hope we did not tire you out so much you could not enjoy yhe rest of your day. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Yes it is just the results and brobably a lecture.

It was a good tired and I slept longer today so that was ecellent.

See you Christmas Eve about 6:30

love mom

Anonymous said...

French Fries.



beth bennett said...

I have eaten a carton of eggs and half a gallon of ice cream and I don't fancy french fries. love mom

Anonymous said...

Hope there is fruit in your ice cream , you need the fiber..hah hha

Anonymous said...

French fries with GRAVY.

