Friday, December 23, 2011


The news was good today at the doctors.  My blood work is excellent so I am eating enough good stuff.
The lungs are free of cancer although there is still some liquid there so I have antibiotics I can order if needed..

It would seem to me that both religious belief and skepticism are on the rise with both becoming more vocal.
The good thing is for both sides to honestly look at their beliefs and their faiths.  There will always be hard questions, some of which are unanswerable.

It is important too that no matter what position you take you respect and try to understand the doubts of others.  The days are over when we believed because our parents believed.

Doubts can strengthen faith.

Skeptics can learn to look for a type of faith hidden in their reasoning.

I have found that I need to hold a position of both humility; realizing that faith does require a leap into the darkness. and discernment.  The goal that I see as important is not one of trying to find the secret of happiness but the secret of meaning that remains strong even in the storms of life.

Concern for justice and for the poor which may have had roots in Christianity is a secular goal for many.
There can be no awareness of spiritual need unless one is willing to search deeper into some of the reasons we re-act to life the way we do.

Suffering is a part of life and for me my faith helps me to find a path through it.  Faith in our day and age demands intellectual credibility.  For those willing to search and listen with an open mind there are evidences of the presence of a higher reality.

All religions have good values that need to be practiced so that they become a light and a force for peace not religious pride or superiority.  Sadly religion has been one of the main barriers to peace.  This is because the paradoxes of religion are it's out spookiness that have caused intolerance and violence.

Christianity is now growing in Nigeria and Ghana and theirs is a robust kind of faith that believes in miracles, the value of scripture and personal conversion.

The church is a place that honors teaching and invites questioning.


Anonymous said...

Good news Mom ... but "if needed"????

Aren't they needed now if you have fluid in your lungs?



beth bennett said...

No they are not needed unless I develope a cough or an infection.

But it appears that I do not ask the right questions.

I was very pleased that the bllod work showed that I was absorbing goodness from what I am eating.

Now dad is the one who needs to try and find answers to help him feel better.

P.S. I added more to the blog which I am not sure if I should even be writing.

love mom

Anonymous said...

You added more to what blog, just todays? What do you mean you are not even sure you should be writing? The blog or the religouse content? If you are doing it expecting certain results then you may be asking for disapointment, but if you do it for the love of writing and sorting through your own thoughts then why not? Sandra