Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I can't believe there has been hockey all day!
That was yesterday.
Dad actually went for a bigger walk than I did between watching the hockey games.  Wasn't one of my better days. 
I was thinking to myself how important it is to be happy where you are in life.

There are a lot of benefits about going to work and being with other people that helps stimulate and give purpose to life.

I did do some shopping and went to visit a friend who is very sick.  It is very hard on her daughter just having the constant worry. She had  had another fall the night before.  She is very lonely and it is so hard because she has been so very active until about a year ago.  She misses not being able to go to church and not being able to garden and her friends.

I am reading "Learning to Breath" about a very successful person who has panic attacks and her goal in life is to stop being her neurotic self and become a calm nun. Sounds a lot like me. She is learning it is not easy.

Take advantage of the creative energy that surrounds you, knowing you are who you are and you are where you are meant to be for this moment in time.

Today I will enjoy my gluten free cheese cake, my quinoa salad and a mystery book among other things.

There is a saying in the bike world "enjoy the Climb".


Anonymous said...

Yes, even though I hate going to work and look forward to the day, some time way way in the future when I dont have to any more, I do try and see the positive in the people I meet and the chance to set goals and accomplish things. Sandra

Anonymous said...

we went for a bike ride yesterday, Melina on her new bike, and the hills on the way home were not enjoyable.The Canucks game was a good one yesterday.

beth bennett said...

Yes, I guess it is easier said than done, but glad you went for your bike ride. It has been raining here so dad has not ridden for awile. But he is walking.

Love mom