Saturday, November 30, 2013


:Raindrops keep falling on my head"  all day Saturday.
Dad watched the hockey game but got bored and turned it off then went back again.

Dad and I went to sit with Howard and he was pretty good .
Still very hard to move him from his wheel-chair to his big recliner.

It is still very sad for us because many of the people are close to our age.  The amazing thing is most of them are exceptionally cheerful.

I walk by this church on my morning walks.  I know it is a building that has been turned from a restaurant into a church because it now has a cross. 
Symbols communicate facts to us and is one way we communicate.

Communicating the meaning of faith requires myths, parables, stories and relearning by listening and reasoning,
Some things I believe but I do not like the idea that I have to believe in certain things to prove I am a Christian believer.  This is called dogma and I understand it had it's place where faith in Jesus was being expressed in so many different ways.  The feelings that come when I put my faith and trust in The Beloved are powerful

"A person whose faith is based on Trust rather than Certainty is easy to spot in this world of self-importance nonsense.  First they are humble, show to judge, gives the benefit of doubt to others.

They sense the bravado of others, around the corners of the ego and into the heart of their brokenness-just as I understand my own brokenness".     -the Underground Church

Believing can be a intellectual activity that does not require living out that belief.

"Faith, in contrast, is an orientation toward the mystery of God, best understood by many as unconditional love, not a list of demands   Faith requires faith.  Faith is energy that opens our hearts to trust and to believe.

Certainty removes the need for faith.
Christians will often have different opinions about what is important to believe.  It is important not to create idols to explain religious ideas but too often that has happened.  What is important is our actions and my attitude!

What is the most important ingredient in all human and godly relationships is Trust.  I must not lie to myself or to others or to God.

Time for Heartbeat
So ended the sixth day!

Looking forward to going to Stewart McLean tomorrow.  If I go to church I will need a short nap.


I was all organized ready to go Thursday  morning only to discover I went to put my shoes on and one was missing.  I am really trying  to be ready on time, but the harder I try the worse it seems to get.

I feel that I have lost the ability to be organized enough to get anywhere on time.

Anyway this is the bench at the Sylvia where other days we have sat last in thought looking at the ocean.  The sun seemed to disappear and only a weak light could be seen.

So many new buildings each one getting taller and taller so that the smaller ones seem lost in between.
Lots of happy walkers, joggers and moms with baby buggies and dogs

Lost my camera when I got home.  Dad is getter better at finding things now than I am.

I confess that I have lost interest in a lot of things.
The top of my list right now seems to be Christmas. 
Too many decisions and tasks one feels one should do.
I have lost interest in shopping in crowded busy stores.
I have lost interest in cooking
Things do not turn out as they should, either undercooked or burnt.
I have lost interest in the social gatherings at church.
I feel I should be helping but I just get in the way.
There is a Christmas craft fair at the church today but dad and I will be helping Vera instead
just to give her a break as a care giver,
My writing has gotten worse so finding writing Christmas cards hard.
I do not have any addresses for Tyler, Brittan or Hobie.
But this is just how I am feeling at the present moment.

I will now sing a chorus of "Help" by the Beatles.

I love to read and study.  I love being at home relaxing.  I love being with my family.
I love taking pictures and thinking  of things to writer on my blog.
Reading comments.
I love the Christmas Lights going up on the houses of our street. 
I love the little Japanese Gama who gives me a hug every time we meet.  She speaks no English!
I love visiting with my neighbors as I rack leaves or putter around outside.
I am looking forward to going to see Stewart   McLean Sunday with Carol @ family.
I am looking forward to our U.C.W. Christmas luncheon and of course are Christmas gathering at Sandra and Randy's.

I love to breath and smell the fresh air!

I start writing Christmas cards and Carol dropped by and we had pizza.

Thursday, November 28, 2013


I will start by being positive about  the spirit of love and friendship I have experience in my life.  I  have found love and peace especially when it seemed my faith was growing dim others would be there to help me.  I found hope and a trusting sense of goodness time and time.

"Love alone is capable of uniting human beings in such a way as to complete and fulfill them;
Love alone takes them and joins them by what is deepest in themselves."   -Pierre  Teilhard Chardin

We are all very human and needed to be loved and accepted as ourselves.  ..we all need to keep a sense of humor. 

Our drive into town went well but the huge parking lot was completely filled.
As we were driving up and around we meet a lot of cars coming down.  A traffic jam in this huge  many levels where cars could not pass going around each corner so one would have to back up to let the other go by.  Great fun!  The next lot was also full.  Then we discovered a parking lot in the same building as the eye clinic was located that we never knew existed.  So we were right in the right building and just had to go in and up the stairs.  His eyes are okay, nothing has changed, so that was good news.

Now there has always been critics of religion and there always will be. 

 What I am saying is that faith does not need religion.

The trouble can be that religion turns into talking when we need to be listening.

  Faith is a gift not a goal or a prize that one can earn. 

 Religion writes Barth can be outward show  and but faith flows out of trust in goodness and love.

There is a lot to be critical as far as religion goes but it has done wonderful things too and also changed a lot of lives.

If one has the answers to all the questions-
that is proof that God is not within him."
Pope Francis

"Flames need oxygen to light
   Flames need a bit of wind
     as  theology needs to put on skin."    -Ann Voskamp   

Yes so what we need a lot of the time is God with Skin on that gives real hugs.



Dad took my camera on Tuesday when he went for a walk and it really started to get dark.  Yes h did get a bit lost.  I do know the park like he does so I would really get lost trying to find him.

I lost an hour in my day when I looked at the clock I was sure is was 11 o'clock but it really was 12 actually 12:30.  So I was late getting to the Jetlag study.  The girls had already arranged the articles we were putting in the bags to be little gifts for single or poor moms. 

Our study of Revelation was difficult and especially hard to see God's plan being worked out through in times of darkness and struggles.  I can see how things can be woven into God's plan and good can come out of suffering.  I put my faith in the grace of God who I believe is a God of mercy, forgiveness and love. 

I am reminded that Jesus said those who live by the sword will die by the sword. 

After the study I had tea with Jane and Geof and again seemed to lose an hour and got home much later than planned, The move is a big stress for her.

Thursday I am up early as usual and it sure seems dark outside.  Dad and I are off to Vancouver for his eye exam and hopefully he gets a good report.

Our eyes are so important I would not want to lose my eyesight.  Also one thing I realized was that it is important to see what God sees and to value what is important in His eyes.

"Life is short and we have not too much time for gladding the hearts of those who are travelling the dark way with us.  Oh! be swift to love!  Make haste to be kind."     -Henri F. Amiel

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


My walk yesterday.  Nancy I do not know flowers at all well and sometimes take a picture on my walk.  Cold walking in the morning and if I wait till 7 it is getting light.

Radical faith is accepting uncertainly but keeping on, keeping on!

Dad and I went to the cancer clinic about his PSA . Everything is okay for now!  But what a comedy of errors  There were big signs everywhere saying to pay your parking ticket. Dad had  few choice words about that, one of his pet peeves.  The only pay station was a couple of blocks away so I  went to pay while dad headed into the building.  It demands my license number which I have not a clue about.  So I head back and am digging in my purse hoping for a pen and paper when a lady walks by and goes over to a small pay station hidden by the bushes but in front of our building.

So I am sure it must be the right one.  To start with their is a sign that says the office is closed and then this only takes credit cards, which I do not have.  I have to go find him and get him to come out and work the machine.  All this for a ten minute session with the doctor.  Thankful that they doctor says ne is doing fine.

Then we did a bit of shopping and stopped for lunch at the White Spot.  They have a gluten-free menu and also an founder's menu which is smaller selection and smaller portions but that suites dad fine.

Home again I have a nap and dad goes on the computer.  Later dad went for a walk in the Water shed and it was getting darker and darker as he got twisted around heading in the wrong direction.

Radical faith is what I need in times of worry and stress.
Christianity can be seen as being about creation, forgiveness, compassion and love that flows from the heart of a loving presence.  I as a Christian have been called to embody this love and compassion in my world.  Radical faith calls us to listen and care for everyone .Faith stirs up in me the desire to worship with a sense of  wonder and always with humility.
 Our Jetlag  group collects food for the food bank all year long and diapers and baby food.  Faith has given me faith in myself and in the goodness of others of all faiths.
I could not open the front door to go out in the morning.  So decided to go out through the garage door. I opened the door and then closed it and tried to make it out before it closed again.  I barely made it and went flying out landing on cold cement.  Nothing was hurt because I have so many clothes on!  I hope nobody saw me.  It was early and still dark thank goodness.

Faith comes not from belief buy from "a feeling of absolute dependence."     -F.Scheirmacher
\it is not a closed door system made up of beliefs.
Faith is the key to hope and keeps it alive for me!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Blessed are the peacemakers

Yes, the neighbors
started putting up Christmas lights on the week-end.  It does brighten up the neighborhood.

Yes dad and I have gotten into an annoying habit of  being negative about some of our annoying habits.  Now, that I am aware of it I will try to stop.  We do a lot of things differently and sometimes it's the little things that are most annoying.  I think I will go to the dollar store and by some little note books to record dates and phone numbers.  Believing I can change takes a lot of faith but I can try.

Christmas will be starting at the church next week with a breakfast before church that the men cook for, but the women shop and organize.  We are to bring a toy.  I do not attend breakfast as getting to church on time has been hard enough for m and pancakes are not on my diet.   I can never find my purse or collection etc. so I will try and get it ready the night before.

Although we are called to be peaceful people, we sometimes kill to protect innocent people and defend pour freedoms through God-ordained wars,  not  Why were the first disciples pacifists who were turned into crusaders by Constantine?

Is it possible to be a Christian and a soldier?

Can violence ever produce peace?

Does nonviolence actually encourage violence in others?

Difficult, complicated and agonizing questions.

All wars have been fought to end all wars!  The defeated, or their ancestors, dream of revenge.
"Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."-   Robin Meyers

Does the church realize it is not a collection of people who all look alike?

Ronald Reagan established the prevailing military strategy of our time call it "Peace Through Strength.  While Jesus reminds us the Kingdom of God is not of this world because he came to build a Kingdom of peace.  The Kingdom of this world is built on injustice and violence and superiority of those in power.  Jesus was a non-violent revolutionary and in his fight against authority and corruption  and cruelty was crucified or like our minister said I think God died so Jesus could live on in our hearts. 

Humanly we withstand the storms of life with war and famine, disaster and loss so as we come together in community the spirit of compassion and peace can live.

Dad is feeling a bit better and went for a walk in the Watershed yesterday.  Me I was up to my ears with laundry and then some work in the yard.  Just catching up. 

Jesus said:  " Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you."  John 14 :27

Off to the cancer clinic today  a sad place to have to go and makes you realize how much you have to be thankful for!

Monday, November 25, 2013


“Let not your heart be troubled.”
The One who said this is the One in whom I believe and that is Jesus. 
“Trust in God and also in me”   John 14:i
The writer of this written word is experiencing anxiety which Jesus knew his disciples would face.  Persecution and rejection just like he did. 

A word that I need to absorb into my heart as I read it again and again
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may truly overflow.
My life becomes richer, fuller as I read these words and look upon the beauty of my world with great thanksgiving!  I will trust and put my faith in The One who holds my heart with gentle grace!

“To trust in the wisdom of the moment.
The joy of small that makes life large!  I look at the heavens full of color and beauty and I feel the joy!   -Ann Voskamp

Sandra  dad and I really, really appreciate you  coming over when  you could have been resting.    S.  Thanks for the visit!   Hope you had a bit better sleep.

  Yes, I know you have to see that people get paid but I hope you will just go for half a day. 

Both the soccer and football were good games but I had a nap in the middle.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


PB190019Reading, reading, reading trying to get my study book finished.  Now it has been decided we will have a pot-luck after are study on Sunday
Dec.15. ( I have to stop and think of food how boring is that! )  But at least I have a few more days grace to catch  up reading!

Talked to Vera and was thankful she did not need our help.  She needed someone  for the evening which is not good for us.  Also  Larry cannot go right now anyway so it would   have just been  me and I do not think I could do it myself.

I would like it if dad and I could do some volunteering together but we both need to be healthy.

One man’s journey to rediscover a Jewish Spiritual Tradition.
            -Climbing Jacob's Ladder.
Telling us that at our core we are holy,  and it shows us ways to change those qualities within us that obstruct the light of our holiness from shining through.  It assures us that we are not condemned to live forever with every aspect of our personality we happen to have right now, but that (with effort and with time) but that we, you and me, can make the changes that will set free the radiance of our inner light.

This takes discipline to desire the ideal qualities that will make our lives more meaningful, happier and spiritual!  It  is not about just following commandments because one can keep the letter of the law forgetting the most important law is the law of love! and kindness!
honesty and generosity,!  Trying to do my best not to hurt others.

This is not to be practiced in isolation ( although some quiet meditation is good) but with others in community.  Value is placed on the inner resources that will help us in our busyness, with the kind of strength and insight that will free us from negative temptations.

We learn spiritual lessons in our everyday life!  "Kindness!

Sharpening awareness and climbing one step, one rung at a time learning the wisdom and lessons of past hers.  Learning with the help of a teacher or through study.

The first step as seeing ourselves as souls. Each of us is a soul.  A soul that can transform the ego.
as all personality flow from that essence.  At its core the soul is pure, but habits, tendencies and imbalance often obscure that inner light.

He is welcomed by his teacher with a kiss, warm lips on his check from his teacher with a thick, wiry, graying beard.  Even the most mundane detail of our lives is teaching us what is right and wrong, what is yours and mine.  Moving higher into the potential of our destiny!

  The service, the author,  attends is in a room where disorder is everywhere (a boy's school) and prayers are said everyone speaking aloud at their own pace,
After there is a very informal talk about simple truth like "Do not place a stumbling block before a bind man: or in other words do not give bad advice.

Mussar's goal is to help prepare you to make choices,
through maturity,
through judgment
 and learning from experiences.

Dad and I did a bit of shopping I need some small presents.  Then he came home for a nap.
Hockey on again tonight so that is good.

Chufrch this morning and then we turn into wild and crazy Sask. football fans!  !

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Waking up too early and see the moon waiting for me as I start out my walk.
I  am half way and now turn to head back up the hill to home.  I have met my dog friends who seem as happy as their masters to see me.
The sky continues to reveal the glory of a sunny day.  Yet if one were to look at the clouds they seem very dark and threatning. 

Yes,  believe that there is a spiritual goal for each one of us but each one is unique.  We all have our strengths and weaknesses.

Up the hill and towards the trees and the stream.
The water is rushing fast and looks very cold. 

The days also seem to be rushing by especially when I do not get done the things I have planned.
Behind, behind, behind will I ever catch up.  I have to decide what is important and concentrate on finishing a few simple tasks.

I try to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary,  I am not just walking I am training for the Olympics!
(honestly I am becoming more and more like the tortoise but I finish even when my legs feel weak!)

I am not just reading I am reading books like the "Underground Church"  "Wisdom for Our Times" God Is Back"(I do not think he went anywhere,)  "Cruel Creeds and Virtuous Violence" and "The End of Lie Book Club" and my study on Revelation and Climbing Jacobs Ladder.

An Extraordinaire!  That is you and me!

Friday, November 22, 2013


For a brief moment the sun was shining with amazing color on these tree leaves.  Dad and I had just returned from the library when the sun started to bring the beauty of these leaves to life.  By the time I ran in and grabbed the camera it had already lost it's strength and had returned to a weak autumn sun..  I have been taking so many dark pictures I was disappointed I missed this,

Dad is now fighting a cold and a miserable runny nose and it is actually turning red.  Also his stomach is upset too.  Once again I am thankful we are not living life in the fast lane but seem to be joining a lot of our friends with all our aches and pains.

I just found out that our book club of avid readers have changed the get to get her day  to Dec. for a book study and a pot luck Christmas due.  Here I have been burning the midnight oil (until almost 10) to try and get my reading done. 

I had no intention of getting books but ended up with my usual  bag full.  There were an adorable family getting their first library cards and they were all so excited.  As we left a nice gentleman held the door open for me and dad; and yesterday a lady offered to drive me home with my two bags which where a bit heavy.  I refused politely.  \I think we must be looking old.  Which is okay I often feel just a touch old.

Dad has the hockey game tonight to look forward to and of course the gray cup game on Sun.

The first Christmas lights were put up to-night.

"So faith may be the most misunderstood word in our religious vocabulary"  -The Underground Church.  It is more about trustworthy action not faith as in belief.  It is a verb not a noun.  It is not referring to a person who has the assurance of all their questions being answered.  Faith was not meant to give us an unshakeable confidence in our own righteousness.

I  was so sure I would be able to catch the sunlight but it disappeared.  I think Sat. will be another quiet day for dad.



     Thanks Kim for the phone call.  I have very thoughtful children and grand children!  Thanks for blog comments too!



Most of the leaves have now been blown off the trees.  But we have the promise of spring, that reminds me to do what I can, with what I have, where I am right now.

Good times come and go
and so will the times of trouble and woe
It helps me to keep a sense of perspective knowing this.

Dad is not feeling the best right now so it was a little hard for me to go visiting, but I was greeted with such happy smiles and brave souls who in telling me their stories remind me of this truth.  Dad had a good rest at home.

Sometimes we just need some one to be there with us, to listen and to care, not to fix our problems for us but just let us know we are supported and cared for.  -   The teddy bears are mine!  Words are not!

"You can transcend all negativity when you realize that the only power it has over you is your belief in it."
-Eileen Caddy

The journey is one step at a time at whatever pace I can manage.  For me it means loving the one I am with and going on together with thankful hearts.

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Yes it is cold and getting darker in the early morning.
Yes, I often do not feel like stepping out the door.
Windy and wet days are the worst.
I am so thankful that is is not so cold as other parts of the country.  The moon has been looking so big and bright bot hard to get a picture
The sky starts to brighten and I see the sun down in the bottom of that picture.
Will the sun come and chase these clouds away.  I hope so!
We are so fortunate compared to the rest of Canada and other countries with tornadoes and storms etc.
A touch of pink appears too bad my camera cannot really capture it.

Family visits are fun..PB170006  They have so much energy and so much love for us I am grateful!  Ben and Morgan are changing in so many different ways.  Grama Carol in the background has had a busy weekend with them.  They are so fortunate to have such a fun grama!

Dad worked on his family  history at home and at the library.  I stayed home to clean and get the recycling stuff all sorted out.   I have an excuse to do some reading too because my book from the library is due on Friday and cannot be renewed.  Also I have reading to do for our study group on Sunday.  The day keeps changing but I think they have finally chosen this Sunday afternoon.

Sorry about your wrist Ken that would be a big disappointment,  Just when you were getting in the swing of Things!  Visiting for me today.

The open heart is one that lives feeding on the love that surrounds it and energy is renewed.  One secret is not to cling to life nor to push it away but just let love flow through because life is a gift and inspiration and appreciation renew our energy.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


The gift of discernment is one that dad has but   I do not , but we both are very compassionate.  I like to think that others are reliable and motivated by a desire for truth.

I am sure that people become teachers or ministers out of a desire to pass on there understanding of the truth and also pass on moments in their lives that have been life changing moments.  Sad to say sometimes what we have learned through teaching or reading can be misleading.

Contradictions appear even in the writers of scripture. 

The doors of the church are opened to all who wish to enter.  Those who do so do for many reasons.  I felt discouraged and lonely.  I needed something to believe in and someone to believe in me.  I needed to be forgiven and forgiving..  I understand that many come; the weak and the strong, the poor or the rich, the quarrelsome or gullible.  Believers and unbelievers.  Different experiences have been apart of all our lives.  I have always come searching for answers and for a safe place of healing.  I have found friendship and grace!

I have had to find courage and  steadfastness and the knowledge that the important thing is to never give up.    Sometimes it has been out of sickness, stress and worry I have learned these lessons.

" If  could hear God speak I believe He would say: "there is greatness in you"  Do not be afraid."  -Rob Bell   I want to believe this!

Very windy day to day and I had a great time watching the birds soaring so free up in the air.  Dad and I went to Costco and actually bought a few things.  I came home and said I think I should go to the store.  Then I discovered my debit card was missing.  So today I will do something about it.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Theresa was forces to detour when there was a big pile-up of cars in front of her.  Thankfully she was not one of them and I am reminded to pray for all who are travelling, especially my family.  Dad and I remember many trips through blowing snow and icy roads when we travelled back and forth to Calgary, Saskatoon and Edmonton.

The world can look bleak when we are faced with detours like old injuries, sickness, stress and disappointments.

Life does not always live up to our expectations.

We count our blessings when we see the tragedies in other parts of the world.  People suffering and losing everything even family.

Sometimes it is hard to say "Yes" to life when there is a voice within that shouts "No".  No to sickness, no to worries, no to anxiety, no to complications and a big  no to fear!  Cold weather and problems will come but I try to trust that good will come out of everything and that since everything has a season this too will pass.

I did go to the vegetable store and dad did get his blood P.S.A. checked..  I had a sick stomach and dad has a sore throat and cold.

Dad has written a story about when he was a young boy about eleven who after struggling through the cold snowy streets collecting money from his paper route set out by bus to buy his mom a Christmas brooch he had already picked out.  By the time he got downtown the store was closed. and he needed to get a return bus home.  He ended up having to walk seven blocks dome but as he was walking home he saw a movement in the snow.  It was a tiny poodle dog which he immediately picked up and put in his jacket to keep it warm.

Hos mother as a young girl had had a small poodle dog which she loved very much.  Imagine her amazement when dad walked in with this tiny dog under his coat.  A night of disaster was changed completely by the warm loving arms of his mom for him and the little dog.

"As I walked along I began to get a feeling that God had really been with me all night"  writes dad as he retells this story.

We do not see that sometimes a detour turns out for the best and yes I believe in a God who goes through cold and difficult times with us.   Yes we often our walking into the unknown but never no never alone!

Rain was falling heavy all day today so dad and I stayed home except for our two little jaunts out, and took turns looking after each other.   This is what love is all about.  We were thankful to be at home and not out driving in traffic and worrying about detours.  We are thankful for all the love in our family!

Monday, November 18, 2013


The light we have inside ourselves is our own original thoughts, ideas and experiences.  Only the light which burns within us can be an illumination to others too.

This light is always burning every morning when I go through the park.  It is on long after daylight has arrived.  It has a purpose and it does it well.

The mornings are slowly getting darker and colder.  Yes the long underwear and layered clothing takes time to put on but I am thankful when I go out that I have taken the time to do it. Dad stayed home from church with a painful shoulder and also there happened to be two football finals on which were very exciting.

The message at church just happened to be on truth.

"Climbing the mountain of truth, you never climb in vain.  Either you reach a higher point today, or you exercise your strength in order to be able to climb higher tomorrow."  -Fredrich Nietzsche

I think I want people to be completely honest with me, although at times it can be hurtful.  It is also important that I tell the truth and there are certain things I do not like which include prejudice, no sense of humor, and people who refuse to listen to another persons point of view.

After church I had a visit with Jane who like dad and Nancy had not made it to church.  I was glad when Daniel the minister also dropped by to enlighten her about what his sermon had been about, which was about truth.   I was thinking how much I admire Jane's truthfulness!
Sometimes we wrestle with the world around us and it takes courage to say or do the right thing.

Later in the day Theresa and Mikie dropped by to pick up their children who had been having a fun weekend with Grandma Carol.  Soccer, shopping, swimming and a movie were all included in their activities.  We enjoyed a long visit with them all.  I couldn't find my camera but maybe it was just as well.

Dad watched the hockey game after everyone left.  Rick phoned and I tried to put it on speaker and hung up on him.  He is use to me by now which is good.

"Even when our eyes cannot see the light of New Life that shines from Jesus we can be comforted by the truth that this light will not be overcome by darkness."  


Saturday, November 16, 2013


We dressed warm to go to Ben’s soccer game.  It was cold but I think it is even colder now.  Ben played very well and made one extraordinary save which the ball fly over his head but he managed to bat it out.  The game ended in a tie.

We are very proud of our Ben the goal keeper!

Three grandmothers.  But only I am a great Grannie!  Thankful Carol brought chairs and blankets because the cold slowly seeps in to your very bones.   I really enjoy being with my two lovely daughters!

Too bad Randy hurt his back again at work.   Hopefully he will heal quickly.

I came home and had a nap and then looked to see if I had any comments on my Blog.

Nancy so pleased to read you are recovering but do take it slow and easy. 

I was thinking about my perspective on pain and suffering which comes into all our lives at times.

I do not believe that God plans for us to suffer but it is allowed to happen.  He is like the father who runs weeping to welcome home his wayward son.  I do believe that Jesus smiles upon us and wants our best, abundant life he called it.  I also believe he has tears in his eyes when suffering comes into our lives.

There are some people
who manage time wisely
who love to cook and everything turns out beautifully
who always know the right thing to say
who are never too early or too late
who never spill sticky juice all over the floor
who keep going and going
who can even read their own handwriting.
who keep giving and giving
who forget the wounds of the past and live in the moment
who have the wisdom of Solomon and the compassion of Jesus
who are never tired and cranky, demanding or critical
whose faith is steadfast through even the dark night of the soul
who always know how it feels to be a child and use their imagination.
whose halo is always shining

My perspective is that there will always be things that I need to work on and improve.  I can choose which ones and not feel like a failure when I cannot achieve them all.

I will end with a prayer that as we are healed we will find peace but never perfection!

Dear Holy One,
May all the tears I have cried and all the ones I have not been able to cry but hold within the palm of your hands.
Please take each painful thought and unhealed wound and send your angels to guard and strengthen each one of us.
Help us to let go of the burdens we carry and find peace and purpose of our lives.
Life is a mystery to be lived by faith and trust.

Sunday and I am off to church alone.  Dad has a sore shoulder and several football games to watch! !


Nancy Lou I am so sorry to hear that you are so sick.  I know how exhausting that flu and coughing can be.  You have a lot to deal with in your own life.  Very stressful for you.

It is a terrible tragedy for your friend Gae to loss her baby and although the pain will lesson the sorrow will always be a part of her life.  Listen and just be there.  We all go through gried differently and in our own way and own time.  Knowing others care will help.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and carrying heavy burdens
and I will give you rest.  Matthew 11:28

I have found comfort in believing that God cries  with us in our sorrow and holds us in His arms.  Love never dies so this little one will be in eternity waiting .
Beloved God thank you for your love that is stronger than death.  I pray she will feel the embrace of others who are praying for her, knowing that angels have carried this little one to a safe place and that angels will also bring healing to her heart and soul.

"May the Lord bless you and keep you
May He turn His face toward you and give you His peace.
May His love heal and restore you
May He be with you in this hour and every moment of your life.
Yes, Jesus loves you.

You both will be in the thoughts and prayers of my dear friends and family that read this blog.

I just read your message after I had written my blog so I have added this to the top of it.  I will keep you both in my prayers. 


  “You can not teach a man anything
You can only help him discover it himself.

The sun appears after a dull morning and shines upon my neighbor’s tree.  I enjoy the beauty of this moment as I climb into to the car to head over to the Senior’s Home.  I sit with Jim and share his unhappiness with a past that seems to haunt him and the sadness of his poor health and he wishes his daughter would be able to visit more.  I really do not know what words to say but I sit with him for awhile.

Then I have a more cheerful visit  with  others with whom I share laughter.  Pain and joy both a part of all our lives. 
As I walk this morning I took delight in the leaves traveling down the water at the side of the road.  This reminds me of the joy I had as a child floating things down a little stream. 

But even as children we had worries and questions about many things.  As an adult with a worldly view point one that thinks if they change the problems around and outside of them every thing will be okay. The spiritual answer is to become more objectively aware of my own inner emotions and realize that it is important to be aware of the real problem that is me.  Evidently one can
learn to be more aware of their inner strength  because there will always be problems big or small and we cannot just ignore them but learn to see the positive in a real way and focus on helping others and find help for yourself.

I am not there yet but I am interested in trying.

I started by going to visit Gundy in the morning and she perked right up as we talked together.  I am learning more about her story growing up in Eastern Germany and what happened when the Russians took over.  She is very happy to have come to Canada and to have her children grow up  here.

Dad and I went to the library and then on to Costco but it is such a big place and we were fortunate to find a parking spot close by the door.  It is such a big place I found it overwhelming and felt extremely tired so we did not stay long.  I will go back again sometime when I am well rested.  I know dad wants to have a good look around so he may go alone.
Saturday we plan to attend Ben's soccer game once we find the time and place.  Ben and Morgan are going to have a fun week-end staying at Gram ma Carol's.

Being blessed by the joy of small pleasures and the beauty around me as I  enjoy the day moment by moment.
And be thankful!

Friday, November 15, 2013


Every now and then a picture disappears but the worst thing is when the whole blog disappears.  Yes I know it is around some where but I cannot retrieve it.

May the God of Hope fill you with all Joy! and peace as you trust in Him, so that you will overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  -The Bible.

I go to church to renew my faith in the awesome power of God’s love and grace that fills me with hope.  The words reach beyond my reasoning  that could cause me to doubt and touches  me emotionally.

In the book the Purpose Driven Life “because God is love, the most important lesson He wants you to learn on earth is how to love”

Accept that I  am loved and  I will try to be patient and tolerant of others who can be annoying.  Our church like all churches, and even the first churches, is filled with people with annoying habits and disgruntled faces.  My prayer has always been “Thank God  our God loves the unlovable.”    And every now and then I am able to do the same.

It is hard for us to grasp the truth of unconditional love because we have not experienced it in our daily lives. 

We ourselves can be quick to judge ourselves and others.

Yesterday I went to the store and as I walked in saw it full of firemen.  I tried to avoid them but they seem to be in every aisle so  I would turn back the other way I did not want to be seen.
I felt so stupid when I got home and  I realized what I should have done was tell them what a great job they are doing.

I think that if I allow fear to fog my mind I can get my thoughts in a knot. 

I am thankful we will always have chances to redeem ourselves.

I am reminded that we are all created differently with different health and physical strengths and also emotionally and spiritually strengths.

 Like the message on Facebook said "Yes I am a strong person (with many good talents) but every now and then I need some one to take my hand and say everything will be okay".

I am thankful for this light that  lights my path in the morning and the light of Jesus which can also light my way. 
 His love is so beautiful
 and like the beauty of nature and the joy of family and friends makes my life more hopeful.

Thank you God for loving us unconditionally and giving us the choice to see or not see His light.

Dad enjoyed the hockey game even if we did not win.  We may go to Costco today as we now have cards again.  But I do not want my picture taken,

Thursday, November 14, 2013


‘Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but the moments that take your breath away”.   
I do not know who said this but I will put it on anyways.

I was feeling very slow Wed. morning and it took an effort to go for a walk.  I was glad I did because I knew I would feel better afterwards.
Dad went to the skin doctor and have a few spots treated.  After he came home and went for a bike ride.  It just may be one of our few sunny days.
Doing my study on Revelation took an effort but being with our small group was great.  It is a book meant to give hope and guidance.  The Old Testament provides most of the clues to understanding what the spirit is saying to the church.
Being “in the spirit” helps especially when our need is to worship and express our love to Jesus.  We all have had times when we have experienced the powerful presence that is indescribable.  Church allows worship to bring us out of our everyday worries and allow Jesus to minister to us.
I see worship as a time of giving and receiving.  I come to give myself as an act of surrender and be open to receiving the love of God but also the love that surrounds and binds us together as we worship with praise and thankfulness.

Worship, whether in a church or in our garden, is a time I believe that God wants to talk to me and I just need to quiet my thoughts and listen.  I have learn to pray and I can learn to enter more passionately into worship that feeds my soul.  Joy is the appreciation of what we have and knowing that from the heart of God comes good gifts.

     There were a lot of things I did not feel like doing today but I did them anyways!

                                 That was yesterday and today is visiting day.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013



We drive down to the beach with Carol to the Peace garden. It is dusk.  Peace replaces the sadness and brokenness that lies heavy on my soul as I remember loved ones lost but not forgotten.


We pray and hope for more of God's shalom, peace, to bring about a world that begins within us and reaches out to others.  A peaceful attitude, a quiet spirit of grace, a healing presence, to welcome the small and the big into a world where children are protected, the elderly respected, the oppressed are set free and the grip of evil is finally loosened and destroyed.

John's metaphor speaks about Satan who personifies evil is thrown into a bottomless pit.  His dreams in the book of Revelation are frightening, but his questions address the issues that live on in our own lives even today

When will the poor and needy have enough in our rich society?
When will the widows and orphans be cared for with dignity?
When will we welcome the strangers be welcomed among us?
When will we understand that God is a God of peace not of vengeance?
When will we forgive and let go of our resentment?

When will help reach those desperate survivors of  the typhoon in the Philippines?
Suffering is everywhere and overwhelms all of us who feel so helpless.
Our prayer is that action will start to feed and rebuild all that has been devastated.
Looking back at the death and destruction of war it is amazing how the human spirit carries on and out of the rubble homes are restored. 

Fill our hearts  Lord with your love and compassion and guide those who are trying to help.

Dad goes to the skin doctor today and I am off back at Jetlag Bible Study.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


The morning looked promising which is very unusual for Remembrance  Day which is usual very wet and miserable.  I went for a good walk and then came home to watch the service on T.V. from Ottawa.  There was a slight snowfall.  So many stories could and should be told by those old warriors as they marched by the Cenotaph.  I think they are real hero's.
After raking more leaves in the front this time I took out my lessons on Revelations.  A vision by an old man who had a message for the churches.  There is the violent imagery which has in years since created Apocalyptic Warriors in a terrifying battle between good and evil.
His message seems to address the “harlotry of injustice” and the divine Judgment that was waiting ahead for all who do not do what is right.  The messages to the seven churches was written  in code to which we may have lost the key.
There was no standard theology, no single pattern of governance, no uniform liturgy and no common accepted scripture at this time but  they were passionate about being followers of  Jesus.  That is a good thing to be passionate about!

The ancient and often disturbing symbolism of Revelation  was not what I had been taught to believe as a  vision of the end of the world but an end to the domination of Rome

We study the past through the eyes of the writer and the eyes of the readers.  Our biggest problem is to oversimplify and romanticize the past and so our beliefs can be built around what is false and inaccurate.  Like this old tree I can feel some of my root beliefs are under attack.  Apocalyptic warriors have gained much by using the terrifying images of good and evil to create a different gospel than the ones that I have studied before.
I did some of my reading for our study on Wed. and \I have  a lot to try and sort out.  Jesus is the one who rode into Jerusalem on a donkey
not to be a Warrior King but to be the Prince of Peace.  That is the One that has been the light for my path.  (I am getting tired so I will stop for now.)  I realize I have much to learn but also much to unlearn.
Dad and I drove into to visit Carol and then we drove to the Peace Garden.  It was dusk and our walk through the garden really was peaceful! !  I will put pictures on later.
After a visit and supper and a visit with Pentali on skype headed back home.  It had been a good day for me.  Dad has started writing a story based on his uncles experiences during the war.  Part fiction built on facts.
Apocalyptic Warriors is from  the book the "The Underground Church"  by R. Meyers