Saturday, November 16, 2013


Nancy Lou I am so sorry to hear that you are so sick.  I know how exhausting that flu and coughing can be.  You have a lot to deal with in your own life.  Very stressful for you.

It is a terrible tragedy for your friend Gae to loss her baby and although the pain will lesson the sorrow will always be a part of her life.  Listen and just be there.  We all go through gried differently and in our own way and own time.  Knowing others care will help.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and carrying heavy burdens
and I will give you rest.  Matthew 11:28

I have found comfort in believing that God cries  with us in our sorrow and holds us in His arms.  Love never dies so this little one will be in eternity waiting .
Beloved God thank you for your love that is stronger than death.  I pray she will feel the embrace of others who are praying for her, knowing that angels have carried this little one to a safe place and that angels will also bring healing to her heart and soul.

"May the Lord bless you and keep you
May He turn His face toward you and give you His peace.
May His love heal and restore you
May He be with you in this hour and every moment of your life.
Yes, Jesus loves you.

You both will be in the thoughts and prayers of my dear friends and family that read this blog.

I just read your message after I had written my blog so I have added this to the top of it.  I will keep you both in my prayers. 


  “You can not teach a man anything
You can only help him discover it himself.

The sun appears after a dull morning and shines upon my neighbor’s tree.  I enjoy the beauty of this moment as I climb into to the car to head over to the Senior’s Home.  I sit with Jim and share his unhappiness with a past that seems to haunt him and the sadness of his poor health and he wishes his daughter would be able to visit more.  I really do not know what words to say but I sit with him for awhile.

Then I have a more cheerful visit  with  others with whom I share laughter.  Pain and joy both a part of all our lives. 
As I walk this morning I took delight in the leaves traveling down the water at the side of the road.  This reminds me of the joy I had as a child floating things down a little stream. 

But even as children we had worries and questions about many things.  As an adult with a worldly view point one that thinks if they change the problems around and outside of them every thing will be okay. The spiritual answer is to become more objectively aware of my own inner emotions and realize that it is important to be aware of the real problem that is me.  Evidently one can
learn to be more aware of their inner strength  because there will always be problems big or small and we cannot just ignore them but learn to see the positive in a real way and focus on helping others and find help for yourself.

I am not there yet but I am interested in trying.

I started by going to visit Gundy in the morning and she perked right up as we talked together.  I am learning more about her story growing up in Eastern Germany and what happened when the Russians took over.  She is very happy to have come to Canada and to have her children grow up  here.

Dad and I went to the library and then on to Costco but it is such a big place and we were fortunate to find a parking spot close by the door.  It is such a big place I found it overwhelming and felt extremely tired so we did not stay long.  I will go back again sometime when I am well rested.  I know dad wants to have a good look around so he may go alone.
Saturday we plan to attend Ben's soccer game once we find the time and place.  Ben and Morgan are going to have a fun week-end staying at Gram ma Carol's.

Being blessed by the joy of small pleasures and the beauty around me as I  enjoy the day moment by moment.
And be thankful!


Anonymous said...

Breaking news. Ben and Morgan didn't stay at Granma Caraol's, but Grandma Carol stayed at Ben and Morgans last night! Theya re still playing soccer, though. Have fun watching and say HI to everyone for me.

Shandel said...

Nice to see your photos, it still looks like fall is hanging around for you guys. We got a big blanket of snow last night, i think over 10 cm. it was so deep in some spots while Daisy and i were walking that i had to lift my knees up to my hip height haha what a workout. Daisy dog sure loves the snow though, she looks like a happy child on Christmas morning hahaha....Cameron thankfully dug out our vehicles and cleared a nice big path way for us and the neighbor, he is such a good man. Hope you feel more rested. Enjoy the soccer game!

nancy-Lou said...

Thank-you, thank-you Beth for such sweet and tender words for my friend Beth. They are inspiring words of comfort and words that I do not have the gift to have a very special gift Beth...a gift from God.
I copied the words and sent them to Gae and I am sure they will be very meaningful to her. She is an amazing lady, just as you are and has an amazing belief in God. She writes a blog called Cherished Hearts At Home on I think you will enjoy reading her blog...she has 12 children, all home schooled and taught the old fashioned values that are often lost today. She lived in Tasmania when I first started following her and now lives in Australia.
I am feeling a lot better, but still rather weak and cannot do a lot...which means, Carl has to step up to the plate...and YES, he still can do the work around the house! AMAZING!
Take care, my special friend and I do hope to meet you one day,thank-you so much,
Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Lap top is limping along, desk top not so much. Made Kimberly,s soup today, did not turn out like hers. : ( Sandra

beth bennett said...

that would be a great soup for a cold day.

Sorry to hear that Randy hurt his back again. Hope he recovers quickly.

love mom

beth bennett said...

that would be a great soup for a cold day.

Sorry to hear that Randy hurt his back again. Hope he recovers quickly.

love mom