Wednesday, November 13, 2013



We drive down to the beach with Carol to the Peace garden. It is dusk.  Peace replaces the sadness and brokenness that lies heavy on my soul as I remember loved ones lost but not forgotten.


We pray and hope for more of God's shalom, peace, to bring about a world that begins within us and reaches out to others.  A peaceful attitude, a quiet spirit of grace, a healing presence, to welcome the small and the big into a world where children are protected, the elderly respected, the oppressed are set free and the grip of evil is finally loosened and destroyed.

John's metaphor speaks about Satan who personifies evil is thrown into a bottomless pit.  His dreams in the book of Revelation are frightening, but his questions address the issues that live on in our own lives even today

When will the poor and needy have enough in our rich society?
When will the widows and orphans be cared for with dignity?
When will we welcome the strangers be welcomed among us?
When will we understand that God is a God of peace not of vengeance?
When will we forgive and let go of our resentment?

When will help reach those desperate survivors of  the typhoon in the Philippines?
Suffering is everywhere and overwhelms all of us who feel so helpless.
Our prayer is that action will start to feed and rebuild all that has been devastated.
Looking back at the death and destruction of war it is amazing how the human spirit carries on and out of the rubble homes are restored. 

Fill our hearts  Lord with your love and compassion and guide those who are trying to help.

Dad goes to the skin doctor today and I am off back at Jetlag Bible Study.


Sandra said...

We went to a home owners association meeting last night. It was mostly older people, but I am glad we went, even Randy was getting a bit fidgity by the end. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Good to feel you are the young ones eh!

Dad goes to his skin cancer doctor today who usually tells him he is doing the right things.
love mom