Saturday, November 9, 2013


Our little golf course
where we go for lunch occasionally.
And where Ken worked briefly as a young lad.
The restaurant is very plain but the food is good especially the fish and chips and hamburgers with onion rings!

This is a picture from the computer where Ken went golfing the same day we were at the old place.  It is from the back so not so good.  I believe that kangaroos also join him when he is golfing.  I can not find the name of it.

Fear can come unwelcomed into my thoughts.  I often can feel confused and forgetful but this is not really new for me.  I find it hard to make decisions and that has gotten worse.

My car went blaring and flashing when I tried to open it with the wrong key.  It scared me.  At least dad was able to find the car and me.

Later I starting walking to the store from our house and couldn't remember if I had turned the stove off under the rice.  So a quick visit to the store.

I think one thing Jesus was trying to do by allowing fearful situations to happen to his disciples was to teach them to face their fears.   His violent act of clearing the temple would probably frightened them.  And being on the stormy water seemed life threatening.  Yet in the end they abandoned Jesus fearful for their own lives and maybe full of doubts.  Later they would understand his teachings.

The angels of the Lord always told people to fear not.  Awe is a healthy emotion when being aware of the Holiness of God but I do not need to live in fear of this powerful presence.   

I do not see our friends Cathy and Glen very much but she is always so full of kind words for me which I appreciate.

DSCN1417Many years ago at Colebrook church when I was on council.  We all looked so young then!  Off to church today.


Anonymous said...

Growling Frog golf course. Off for four days now, the weather is turning worse here , rain and high of 16c . May try and get some golf in. BC lions holding on at half Time.
Will watch the rest then the canucks on here at 2pm.
Ps Matthew two dry nights with out pull ups. I could have put my last nappie on at 51! ....

beth bennett said...

Good news!

Dad and I watched all the game and were cheering for both sides.

Enjoy your days off.

love mom