Wednesday, November 20, 2013


The gift of discernment is one that dad has but   I do not , but we both are very compassionate.  I like to think that others are reliable and motivated by a desire for truth.

I am sure that people become teachers or ministers out of a desire to pass on there understanding of the truth and also pass on moments in their lives that have been life changing moments.  Sad to say sometimes what we have learned through teaching or reading can be misleading.

Contradictions appear even in the writers of scripture. 

The doors of the church are opened to all who wish to enter.  Those who do so do for many reasons.  I felt discouraged and lonely.  I needed something to believe in and someone to believe in me.  I needed to be forgiven and forgiving..  I understand that many come; the weak and the strong, the poor or the rich, the quarrelsome or gullible.  Believers and unbelievers.  Different experiences have been apart of all our lives.  I have always come searching for answers and for a safe place of healing.  I have found friendship and grace!

I have had to find courage and  steadfastness and the knowledge that the important thing is to never give up.    Sometimes it has been out of sickness, stress and worry I have learned these lessons.

" If  could hear God speak I believe He would say: "there is greatness in you"  Do not be afraid."  -Rob Bell   I want to believe this!

Very windy day to day and I had a great time watching the birds soaring so free up in the air.  Dad and I went to Costco and actually bought a few things.  I came home and said I think I should go to the store.  Then I discovered my debit card was missing.  So today I will do something about it.


nancy-Lou said...

Discernment......a very interesting word and one that made me look up the meaning. It was what I thought!

We were at Costco too! Our Costco is tremendously busy at all times...parking is a nightmare and today, I nearly got ran over ( by shopping carts ) 5 times..people not looking where they were going. One lady backed right in to me. Honestly, where are manners these days?

It is cold here, -19 overnight with a windchill of -25. This was the first day we had to wear the real winter gear.
OUr poor wild birds were swarming me when I arrived home saying...peanuts, sunflower seeds where are they? Usually I feed them first thing in the morning.
I fed them and have the seeds ready for first thing in the morning.
Stay warm and dry, Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Did I miss another day? Hm, having a husband home sure can mess a person up. Hope you found your debit card. Sandra

beth bennett said...

We think we have had enough of Costco for a long time. Yes everybody seems to be rushing all around you and it is so busy and the parking is a mess too. I always spend too much but I did get two things I went for so that is good.

It feels cold here for us and the wind does make it cold. I did get my card back I was sure I had left it at the Safeway but a bit of a shock when you go to pay for something and you cannot find your card. So far I have managed to stay out of jail!
love mom

Anonymous said...

Glad you got your card back. Hurt my wrist playing golf, just a sprain ,will have to stop playing for a few weeks.