Wednesday, November 6, 2013


The cold air hits my face when I go out for my early morning walk.  I am thankful for long underwear, gloves and scarfs.  Dad went out later for his walk in the park and did a good long walk with little pain.  Today I have a U.C.W. meeting and will be seeing Jane there.

Yes, our lovely fall weather is coming to a close.  It takes more of an effort to go for a walk but by layering clothes one can stay reasonably dry.
I stop and  think how much our very lives are layered with ignorance that prevent us from growing and learning.  We can be ignorant of the emotions of others, ignorant of the past history that has shaped our lives today, and ignorant of our true potential.  Ignorance of our soul.
According to the ancient Jewish teaching of Mussar is the reality that there is a spiritual place within each one of us, that we call our soul.

One of the lessons of the ancient Jewish path of Mussar is do not place a stumbling block before a blind man,.  Giving bad advice can be a stumbling block.  We can learn from each other as we learn to discern what is good and what is false.  It was through reading that I was first challenged to see that my life is that of a soul.  The soul can bring light into my darkness, my anxiety and my feelings of sadness.  All these thoughts and feelings are teaching me something.

Anxiety is the feeling that I am stuck in the place where I am miserable and it can be frightening.  Fear controls and the joy flees.  Yes it means letting go of  worry mostly my worry about others,  but also trusting more by being more thankful.
"A soul perspective knits the inner life back into the whole, without for a second denying the reality
and distinctiveness of  our thoughts, feelings, the physical body and all the attributes we know in our lives."  The soul is my teacher and my source of wisdom.  "To thy own self be true."

  Coming to realize the precious gift of the soul is the true gift of salvation!
Yes, I still need to remove whatever blockages that were obstructing "my way to realize the fullest potential of the soul (the real me) which is revealed when I uncover and live in the light of holiness that shines within.   -Climbing Jacob's  Ladder.

The fall beauty is slowly fading as the plants now know it is time to rest.  We can be very ignorant of the necessity of rest and rejuvenation in our own souls.  That deeply hidden part of us that can get lost in the hurry and stress of life.

Sadly we are losing the wisdom and beauty that comes from spiritual awareness and knowledge.

Sometimes what is needed is time to rest in the amazing love that is a gift for us all.


Sandra said...

It is nice to have a bit of light, but with the clouds in the morning it is still dark when I go for my walk. Sounds like life is slowly getting back on track, you are getting out more. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Yes, and it is good.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Glad your blog was nowhere to be seen when I first logged on, this morning.
Isn't it wonderful that you are getting stronger and able to walk a longer distance. Good for you Beth, in rain or shine. love nancy

Anonymous said...

I went golfing yesterday, 30c and 70km wind gusts , very tough day on a very long course( growling frog if dad wants a look. off to work now , a week of late s for me.

beth bennett said...

Yes we looked it up on the goggle map. Funny we were at the Golf Course where you worked Ken and I was thinking of you. And you were at a golf course too!
love mom