Friday, November 8, 2013


My hobo friend has moved his cardboard closer to a building but he is still hidden from view.  I just happen to see the cardboard  pocking out.  So the next day I take a little bag of food and place it under his big jacket which must be his blanket.  It is only a bit of fruit, some granola bars and left over candy.  It will be a surprise for him.

Some people do great things and end up changing the world.  Working on a cure for cancer or saving the rain forests or feeding hundreds of the poor.

I take my one milkshake and visit a few people sitting around.  I still try to drop into see Gundy regularly and we have a wee chat.

I think that even our smallest efforts, a kind word or a little gift or note brings a little more love into our world.
I am so grateful for each special friend in my life, all so different but I cannot image my life without each one.

My house is a mess but I will take on one corner at a time  and let the rest wait for another day.

An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.  Proverbs 12:25

Dad is doing more walking so that is good news, right now his shoulders are painful.  I am trying cold and hot,
We had a great visit from Kim she brightens up our day.  I am always pretty tired after visiting the Home so she hunts around and puts supper together for us.  Then she is off to the movies with her mom.  Then over to visit Oliver in Victoria..


Unknown said...

Yes, Kim and Carol went and saw a movie last night about Somali pirates, e had a quick Skype just before they went to bed. Carol is off to Chilliwack tomorrow for her counsellign work tehre, and sleeping over at Theresa's.
It's friday night here, so I'll be going to bed soon.

beth bennett said...

Thanks for the updates Panteli. It is good you can keep in touch.
Not sure what we are doing today but Cathy and Glen are coming over to night. Amazing how all their children are doing so well now and three of them mothers.
love beth

Sandra said...

Oh dear, you can tell I slept in when there are 2 comments before mine. Did not sleep well so let Randy get up before me and let the dogs out. I will go visit Tony on his own, he is at his house now and I wont stay long. I am also going to attempt to buy a piece of furniture off of Kijii, dont know if it will fit in my car though. I will have to go measure. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Very nice of you to leave the food Mom.



nancy-Lou said...

So now Beth, you are hobbnobbing with hobos? Does Larry know you have a someone else in your life....I can`t make question marks, just french punctuation marks....need to re-boot.

Of course I am teasing you! What a gal you are! Living life the way Jesus would....leaving treats for the forgotten. I admire you so much. If only, each one of us, could do one simple act of kindness a day, it would be a much better world.

Have a great day, Love, Nancy

Shandel said...

That is so lovely of you grandma, to leave that person some food. I bet it was a nice warm surprise. Compassion can do wonders.

Cameron is heading home tonight after a long road trip to Saskatchewan as well as BC.

I am looking forward to the long weekend. Have my poppy on for Remembrance day!

beth bennett said...

Yes, dad also finds out all IF he reads my blog.

Thanks for the comments.

Nice to have a comment from you Rick!

love mom

Anonymous said...

Good to hear Dad's walking more. Melina and I do the kid handover in the parking lot at the airport today. I start at 14:45 and she finishes at 14:15.