Saturday, November 16, 2013


We dressed warm to go to Ben’s soccer game.  It was cold but I think it is even colder now.  Ben played very well and made one extraordinary save which the ball fly over his head but he managed to bat it out.  The game ended in a tie.

We are very proud of our Ben the goal keeper!

Three grandmothers.  But only I am a great Grannie!  Thankful Carol brought chairs and blankets because the cold slowly seeps in to your very bones.   I really enjoy being with my two lovely daughters!

Too bad Randy hurt his back again at work.   Hopefully he will heal quickly.

I came home and had a nap and then looked to see if I had any comments on my Blog.

Nancy so pleased to read you are recovering but do take it slow and easy. 

I was thinking about my perspective on pain and suffering which comes into all our lives at times.

I do not believe that God plans for us to suffer but it is allowed to happen.  He is like the father who runs weeping to welcome home his wayward son.  I do believe that Jesus smiles upon us and wants our best, abundant life he called it.  I also believe he has tears in his eyes when suffering comes into our lives.

There are some people
who manage time wisely
who love to cook and everything turns out beautifully
who always know the right thing to say
who are never too early or too late
who never spill sticky juice all over the floor
who keep going and going
who can even read their own handwriting.
who keep giving and giving
who forget the wounds of the past and live in the moment
who have the wisdom of Solomon and the compassion of Jesus
who are never tired and cranky, demanding or critical
whose faith is steadfast through even the dark night of the soul
who always know how it feels to be a child and use their imagination.
whose halo is always shining

My perspective is that there will always be things that I need to work on and improve.  I can choose which ones and not feel like a failure when I cannot achieve them all.

I will end with a prayer that as we are healed we will find peace but never perfection!

Dear Holy One,
May all the tears I have cried and all the ones I have not been able to cry but hold within the palm of your hands.
Please take each painful thought and unhealed wound and send your angels to guard and strengthen each one of us.
Help us to let go of the burdens we carry and find peace and purpose of our lives.
Life is a mystery to be lived by faith and trust.

Sunday and I am off to church alone.  Dad has a sore shoulder and several football games to watch! !


Sandra said...

Randy is off to the ER again this morning. He did not ice his back last night. He will not be going to work today. Oh, and he just slipped in some mud, not on a ladder. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Wonderful, comforting words Beth. You are right, we cannot be 'the be all and end all' to everything...I too need to work on many things..but am happy knowing I cannot do it all. Like playing at church today...I had to cancel, just not up to it. Thankfully there is another pianist.
Your prayer at the end is especially comforting and I have saved it, will print it out and keep by my bed!
Gosh you and Larry are amazing, going to the soccer game in such cool weather. Bundling up and good thing you had chairs! It must have been a bit of a drive to...was it to Chilliwack? We are watching the Grand Slam curling final on the telly today, along with the CFL playoff games....Carl ( not me ). I like curling not football! Have a nice peaceful day. Thanks for the wonderful inspiring thoughts.
Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Poor Randy. I have just put ice on dad's shoulder He will be happy watching the football games.

I will head off to church.

Nancy I am pleased you decided to stay home too from your playing at church. So important not to do things too soon.

The soccer game was in Langley a lot closer than Chilliwack.

Part of the prayer was taken from Illuminated Prayers by Marianne Williamson.

A book I forgot I had until I was looking for inspiration.

Hope everyone feels better as the day progresses.

Anonymous said...

Soccer game ending in a tie , what a shock. Good job Ben. Off today , yes there are football games and a hockey game to watch . The weather promises to be better here today, 28c ! Melina feeling better after a mygraine on Saturday , worst ever she says,Nona looked after the kids while I was at work.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, it looks so cold there, I'm not sure I want to come home now! It's between 72 and 76 here every day, and apparently, that's "cold" for this part of the world.

beth bennett said...

Yes, there is some talk of snow. Always so pretty.
And Ben's game was a tie if we do not count one goal that was undecided in Ben's mind it had not gone in
Sorry to hear about Melina's bad migraine they are terrible.

It will take her a few days to recover I would imagine.

love mom