Thursday, October 31, 2019


Dressing up is always fun to do.
Strange creatures will be knocking at our door tonight.

We were very delighted to see Craig and Leah with Ophia and Astid driving up the drive way.  They spent the evening with us.  Ophelia and Astrid helped hand out the candies.

I will put pictures on to-morrow.

I wonderhow Sandraand Randy and the children made out.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Another perfect day.
Raked more leaves and cut the grass.
                                                         Quick visit to the store for goodies.

 I purchased two books at the Book Store both on imperfection
One is called "The Spirituality of Imperfection."  By Ernest Kurtz 

We accept errors to be a part of the game of baseball and it is time we see the importance of errors in our search for meaning.
For to be human is to be imperfect.

We can look at imperfection as a gift

We are sad at our church closing aware that we were a group of very imperfect people
who will always have a lot to learn.

Our minister was more like one of us and not a person of authority.
There was a mutual respect.

Jesus washed the dirt off the disciples feet to be an example for us to serve one another with humility and grace.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Lovely days to be walking in the park.

We were happy to hear from Carol and be invited for supper.  

We were uncertain about taking Spenser in to visit but figuring Haiti was not there we took him.
As soon as we walked in Haiti attacked poor little Spenser.  Dad pulled him away very quickly.  Spenser ran off down the street.  He does not run too fast so I was able to catch him and put him in our car.  Dad and I felt terrible.  Carol tried to put Haiti upstairs in his room but he refused to go.

Spenser is such a friendly little guy to all the dogs we meet at the park.

Sad to hear that Daisy, Cameron and Shandel's little dog was attacked and had to be in hospital over night.

We, like many in our church our a little uncertain about where we will attend church and even those who know where they will go fell uncertain.

Uncertainty will always be a part of our lives,

Jesus taught us to embrace it and look to the birds of the air and the flowers that continue to grow in the most unlikely places.

We are to be thankful for each day that brings new light.

Monday, October 28, 2019


Many years ago this would be the little hill we would walk to church.  I was young and healthy then!

The pianist sang the song "Forever Young" by Bib Dylan and I came home to read the words.

May God keep and bless you always
May your wishes all come true May you always do for others
and other do for you.

May you build a ladder to the sky
and climb on every rung
May you stay forever young.

May you grow up to be righteous
May you grow up to be true
May you always know the truth and see the light surround you.

May you always be courageous
stand up right and strong
May your hands always be busy
May your feet always be swift.

May you have strong foundation when the winds of change shift
May your heart always be joyful
May your song always be sung
And may you stay forever Young.  -  Bob Dylan

                                Our old house.  Dad put the heavy windows around the sundeck.

                                       Yes he was much stronger and much younger then.

                                        All we can do now is try our best to stay young at heart.

                                                       Good-byes are always tough.

Sunday, October 27, 2019


Even the children looked sas and thoughtful.
Our church has supported many causes like the food bank 
and the Hub store where we supply clothing and food for needy children.

As I looked on the faces of dear friends I could see the sadness in their tearful eyes.  We have dreadedthis day but it had to come.  We will all be going to different places but there will be plans being made to bring us together in some way.

A lot of old friends came to visit and brought to mind many good memories.  We have all touched the lives of others and wewill carry these lasting friendships with us.

Lots of hugs and laughter and reminiscing.

A excellent lunch was enjoyed as we sat around our round tables sharing our future hopes and concerns and uncertinty.

"Each of us has the right and the responsibility to asses the roads which lie ahead.

"Assess the roads which lie ahead and those over which we have travelled
and if the road ahead seems uninviting then we need to gather our resolve
and carry only the necessary baggage and step off that road into another direction,"
Maya Angela

We sensed the sadness even without speaking about  knowing that all good things and even some bad things come to an end.

Saturday, October 26, 2019


What a disaster, wind and power outages.
Ours was out for only 4 hours.
The best trees are the ones that are able to bend in the wind.
The weakest branches break and fall.

The Canuck's Hockey game was exciting until the end when they lost in a shut out.  Lots of goals scored.  I am thankful our power was back on by then.  Losing is all a part of playing the game.

I am so thankful for the many blessings that bring me more and more happiness each day.

Dad takes good care of me when I am not well.  He shops and he cooks.  He is caring.

We both remember the day we first met.  He was pushed into me and pushed me down.  He helped me up and then we sat down on the bench and he said he was sorry.  We laugh about it now.  Our life changed from then on.

We are thankful to have each other.

We have our own opinions about a lot of things which is good.

I break things and he fixes things.  A good and loving relationship.

Friday, October 25, 2019


A very windy day first thing in the morning'
I am huntiing for candles.
Things improve by noon.
There is sunshine.

I am feeling better but not up to a long walk.  Spenser and I walked to the little park.  He slept on the floor by my bed all night which is unusual.  I wish I knewwhat he was thinking, but one thing I know he is very attached to us both.

The halloween decorations are going up one by one in our neughborhood.

Our neighbors Natasha and Core love Halloween.

I am trying to unclutter in my computer room.
I have a big black bag we can drop off today.

Dad went for a bike ride first.
Branches are falling down with a cracking sound
as he rides thriugh the forest.

We do not feel like cooking so we will eat out because I am feeling hungry today.

A windy sunny day is a good day just to enjoy.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Good friends

Part of our Jet Lag Bible study group.\
What a lovely place to study.
We look out onto a  forest'
What a difference from the old small wooden hall.
I think the best Turkey dinners were served there. 

Today I manged to walk Spenser before I out very sick to my stomach.

All plans have been cancelled'
I guess it is flu season.

Glad to know your journey is going well/

What a exciting time for all!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Creative people have filled our  church with beautiful banners.
                                                  One by one they have found new home.

The church is now like an empty shell with the personality of our community going.  I attended our last Jet lag Bible study this afternoon.
 No one expressed what we are all feeling.  Sadness and loss.  We will all be leaving many happy memories and many close friendships.

Plans are being made to continue our study in a new place and meet once a month.

Sunday will be a big gathering with lots of music and a banquet after wards.

The sun shining on the colorful leaves  make the drive there and back a delight.

The wind is coming now and blowing down many of the leaves.  It is just kike some one is shaking the trees and these signs of fall will be disappearing.

The signs from the election are coming down and hopefully those who have been elected with start working together.  There was too much negativity during the debates.

A bare church and bare trees remind us to prepare for change

Mary should be well by the time Sandra and Randy arrive on Thursday.

In life we can grieve the past and discover our future which at this time seems to be a mystery of choices.

We are leaving the place that gave my life meaning and a deeper  faith.

I arrived home feeling old and tired.


Monday, October 21, 2019


Another rainy day worse than Sunday.

Dad and I were both up early knowing he had an appointment at the eye clinic at 10;30.  I checked the appointment time and we both agreed it was on the 8th floor room 5.  No problem we will be there early.

The drive went well and we found our handicap parking spot right across the road from the building we needed to enter.  We congratulate ourselves on being early.

We push the button for the 8th floor and it refused to go up.  We try several times.  It must be this elevator we decided so we try one right beside it.  Same thing happens.  We get to the 7th floor and decide we will walk up.  When we go up the stairs but the door is locked and we cannot enter.

We ask for help at a desk on the 7th floor.  We are looking for De. Csassman on the 8th floor.  The girl tells us we are in the wrong building.  We cross the road in the pouring rain and this time we do get up to the 8th floor but no doctor Crassman.

Back we got to the previous building.  Still cannot get to the 8th floor.  Again we ask for help and our told all the eye doctors are on the 6th floor.  Lots of eye doctors but  no Dr. Cassmon.

We look at each other and start thinking where are we going wrong.  We discover it is Dr. Rassmon and he is on the 5th floor in room number 508.  Meanwhile we are now quite late for our appointment and we could get a parking ticket.  We decide not to worry about that.

We wait patiently when we finally find the right place but it was hard not to get fidgety.  We were not sure how late we actually were.

The news is not good because the small growth is cancerous.  It will have to be removed with two procedures.  It will not get booked until the New Year.

Not good news but no use worrying about it.

Life can be a lesson that can challenge us to laugh at ourselves or feel annoyed.
Everyone knows laughter is the best medicine.
It also can release endorphins which are natural pain killers.

We stop to vote on our way home.

Yes we do go to the right polling station.

All is well that ends well.


The church was full of darkness, cold and empty when the minister arrived.
The power was off. Would the power come on in time for our worship service?

Chairs were set up in the hall just in case.  It would not be the first time we have sat in the hall with our coats and Jackets on.  Huddled together to keep warm.

By the time we arrived the power had been restored and one by one our friends arrived.  People are welcomed and we find our regular pew.  The question we ask each other when we gather for coffee is where are you going to be going to church?  People will be spread out allover the place but the main little group are going to attend Crossroads Church on Scott Road.

We may go there or we may go to the bell center.

The question this morning is how is Mary?

What will happen at the polls on this election day.  Craig has become very knowledgeable as he has put his heart into running for office.  Leah has been a big support.  We hope the Green Party will do well.  Craig's parents, Germaine and Willy are here to help over these last busy few days.

The question will be about whether whatever party is elected they will keep their promises.  

Dad has his appointment with the eye specialist about the small growth in the corner of his eye,  It will be good to know just what it is.  Cancer or not?

We were happy that Sandra and Randy were taking us out to lunch to a nice quiet place at the Hotel.
It was very quiet with only one other couple there.  We enjoyed our meal and our time together.

Then it was time to return home and see if Spenser would go for a walk.  He does not like the rain but after waiting all day he was ready and we enjoyed our walk together.

Am I happy that we have Spenser?  Yes we both are.

Today we will have some answers but life always continues to question us.

One thing I believe is that after this life there will be  many answers to our questions about suffering and the meaning of this life!  

Sunday, October 20, 2019


Nature gives us so many gifts that fill our hearts with wonder and delight.

I am remembering this Sunday morning the gifts of love wrapped up in friendship and happy times I have experienced over the many years in Colebrook Church.

We have a beautiful church that has been transformed with many gifts that have found life there.

 I know I found a voice there.  When I first walked in the doors I felt at home.  I was very shy and quiet.  Others saw in me a potential to be a leader in our U.C.W. group and then on to be a chairperson at council.  I found new gifts of strength and wisdom and compassion.

Dad and I have both taken part in the worship service.  Dad has been very involved in the Outreach Group and worked hard to bring our refugee family here to Canada.

You discover that you need to be a part of  a community by giving to it and learning together.

One more week left and we will out be scattered in many different directions. We carry the love we have apprenticed over many many years with us.

This last month we have been reconnecting to those who have left and that has been wonderful.

There is a small group of us who will continue to pray for each other.  Prayer has helped me through the difficult days when life has been painful for me.  

We are reminding ourselves have precious we have been to each other.  The gifts of goodness and caring and believing that we have shared.

We will be uniting in prayer for our friend Margaret dying in hospital.  She has been a been  fighter
and helped making tea and coffee after our services for years.

I have discovered that there is an outer beauty that we reveal to the world but it cannot compare to the inner beauty that shines from the peaceful faces that have excepted the end is near.

We will be asking for prayer for Mary in hospital with kidney stones.  Soooo painful.
Pray she gets good care and they pass quickly.  We love her lots.

We are looking forward to going out for lunch with Sandra and Randy.  We love them lots too.

We are thankful for the gifts of love we have receiver from all our family.  We love them all!

Friday, October 18, 2019


These mushrooms looked like little hats!

When you walk slower through our little park you see a lot more things
hidden in the grass.

We certainly had a slow day today until it was time to get ready to go to the funeral for Vera Fader.
I wore a hat just as Vera had requested.  The church was full of older people and a lot of different types of hats.  We listened to a lot of humorous stories about Vera.  She certainly lived life to the fullest.

The lady who played the piano was a jazz pianist and she was amazing.  The music was very lively and even old hymns were joyful while still meaningful.  

Yes one starts to think about their own funeral and what would one like.  
At this point I am not sure.
The best part was seeing some old friends again.
Today has been a good day."

I was thinking about my birthday party in July and maybe we should all wear hats.

There will be time enough to start looking.

I am sure Rick will find something at Value Village.

Transformation is a gradual process of seeing life in new ways.

Thursday, October 17, 2019


The watershed park was very quiet and empty Wed. morning.
So many memories of my past walks.
I do miss walking there.
Dad is fortunate he can ride his bike there still.
He has gone on a bike ride now.

I remembered it was my brother's birthday so we had a long talk on the phone.  He informed me his card had not arrived and I was sure I had sent it in good time.

His life has now changed dramatically as he is now taking care of his wife Traudl.  She is not doing well mentally or physically.  She is falling a lot and needs to walk with a cane or a walker.  He cannot leave her alone.  He leaves her in the car to get some prescriptions refilled and comes out to find she has gotten out and fallen down on the street by the car.  A young boy helps to pick her up.  This is unbelievable that a person can go down so quickly.  

I  have been meaning to visit Joan in the Nursing Home and dad is willing to drive me so Spenser and I will go visiting together.  The gloom and sadness always hits me when I first walk in.  A group of people are sitting there and a lot of them are sleeping.  The others are very happy and exited to see Spenser.

Joan is in a very paranoid  state of mind.  She does not feel safe there and even thinks they are tryig to kill her.  I talk to a nurse and she comes and speaks to her to reassure her.  It is an exhausting visit where I try my best to listen and be patient.  

We have shared many talks together and I tell her again that she is loved.  It is difficult.  She comes out of herself to tell me to thank dad for driving me and respond to my words of comforting love.  I was grateful for these of appreciation that made her seem more like herself.

I feel very empty as I leave and very thankful that dad and I are doing as well as we are.  I know we can be annoying at times.

I know I need to be aware of the presence of Jesus as I tempt to bring peace and love to this lonely soul.

"True spiritual gratitude embraces all we are and all we are being shaped into being."

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


It is very easy to keep the truth hidden, and to deny our true feelings.

We all need to feel loved and accepted.  So why don't we?  Why do we think we have to be perfect?

Yesterday our day began to brighten up with a visit from Carol and Panteli.  It is easier to visit in small groups where everyone can be heard and we really listen to one another.  They came to meet Spenser but he just slept through their visit.

We had to pick up some new puppy food on Scott Road so we dropped in to the White Spot where we are greeted by one of our many favorite waitresses.  We sat by the window and so the wind blowing the leaves off the trees and piling up on the ground beneath where they lie like a colorful rug.

Early in the morning I had discover a nest of mice hidden in the bottom of the vacuum where the dirt collects.  What a shock when I went to empty it.  I took the container outside where mice belong.

I have been looking for a small spray bottle that dad uses to keep his eyes from getting too dry.  It remains hidden but I did find other things that had been missing.

We need to feel loved, to express all our deepest hidden feelings that remind us of our imperfections.

We are all very human, human beings!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Thanksgiving supper.
I did not take many pictures.
Carol is taking lots with a better camera.
A happy group.
So nice to see happy faces and listen to the young people sharing and caring.

Another year may be so different.  Kim and Hamlet will have started their own lives.  It is wonderful that the family can surround them with lots lo love as they wait for permission to immigrate.

We do not know where Rick will be but trust that he will find the right position.

The message we are getting at our final church services is all about the good memories of our past.

We cannot live in the past but we can replace it with a new future.

It is important to forgive and forget the things that we did that hurt one another.

The church community is like a family where hurts can be experienced
and healed as we move on.

Monday, October 14, 2019


                                The fields are overflowing with pumpkins of all size and shapes.

Our church is celebrating another special Sunday where former ministers are returning to share our sadness at the closing of this our church home.  We have had so many different ministers over the years.  We have lost a friend each time they have left.

Life is full of sadness and happiness.

I was amazed at all the friends I had made over the years.
We stayed and had lunch after church and Jane and I had a good visit as we ate our lunch.

After a good rest I walked the dog and then we drove over to share supper with our family.

Kim and Hamlet made an amazing meal!  A lot of work thought and effort went to the preparation.

It was wonderful to see Oliver and hear all he has been doing.  He is off surfing on a big wave that is expected.  He caught a big Salmon and even canned some to give us. 

Life is a gift that we all share.  We are asked to say yes or no to life in our own way.

Saturday, October 12, 2019


I love the colors of the fall.

I was outside cutting the lawn, which is difficult for me to do now, but what I enjoy doing,  You see the results of your effort right away.  My neighbors across the way were also trimming and cutting.  

I have been taught that religion and politics are subject one does not talk about.  I had already asked two  neighbors if they would put a green sign on their lawn.  The first approach resulted in a very negative reply.  The second was easy because Natasha had expressed a willingness to do this.  I tried again with a reply they would think about it.

So this would be the last time and it was not easy but they agreed.  I am happy to see these other two signs.  I do not know how much signs affect our voting opinions.  I do know that it is a privileged to cast our votes.

I think it is wonderful that young people are speaking out.  One very young girl has made a big impact on creating an interest in the politics of her country.

It is easy to talk to people you know are open but when you do not know what they are thinking it is difficult.
We want honest and wise and compassionate  people to make the decisions that will effect our lives,
I also believe humility is important..

There is a spiritual truth that when we are open to a greater reality than our earthly existence   Openness to the goodness that surrounds us prepares us to face out future positively.

Knowledge is all about discovery and openness.  Finding a deeper reality and meaning to all of life.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


                                        Spenser is ready for the cold weather.  Sunny but very cold.

I also put on a warm jacket and mitts and a toque.  Dad is also walking Spenser so that is good for him.  His hip and knee are bothering him when he rides his bike.

Good to talk to Ken on the phone on his way to work I think it was 4 in the morning.  The family are doing well but one car broke down but they still have two.  When the one quite the guy who came over got the other one working,  That was a blessing with both Ken and Melina working and the children needing to be picked up at school.

Ken reminded us about the Canuks hockey so dad and I enjoyed watching the game.  A high soring  game for them so that was good.

I was at my Jet Lag Study on Wed.  We had a good turn out.  Clearing out the church has become a stressful job.  Up stairs in  there were many boxes to be emptied.  All the church Bibles and church hymn books need to be passed on too.  A lot of junk had been collected.

Our group will meet in January but where we do not know just yet.  We will discuss it more at our last meeting.

Our friend Vera passed away last Thursday.  A service will be held next Friday at Colebrook.

Life certainly is full of complications but challenge us to keep learning new lessons.

There is within each one of us a hidden resource that we can draw on to keep us going.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


Variety adds spice to life.

Each day we keep going doing the best we can, finding joy in the little blessings and peace in our souls.

Dad did a great job fixing my bathroom toilet so that now it has become musical making funny noises but iy works.

Each of us deals with life differently. Each one in our family has their own personalities and gifts to bless us all. 

Some solve problems with the mind, some with hard work and effort, and some emotionally from the heart of the soul.

All of us face the unknown.

Today we went to the Wooden Frog in Twassewwan to listen to Craig answer questions with the small group of us around a table.  He has been busy putting up signs and putting a messageon a sign towards the ferry.  He made a good impression.

There is much to learn about the game of politics.

Real is good in life and in politics.

Our emotions are real.

Love, Beauty Goodness and friendship are real!

I believe that heaven is as real as the earth.

Writers in the ancient world wrote about a "golden thread" that connects us.

Quatum physitists tries to explain the unexplainable.

Speak from the heart out of your own experiences.

Monday, October 7, 2019


                                               More rain and more wind.

Good news from Rick about his interview with the Tsawwassen Native Band about working for them. Evidently he drove down and back in one day.  No wonder he was tired when he got home but he said it was a good tired.  We are all rooting for him.  I am hoping and praying..

Good Panteli is getting a bit better after a miserable episode of coughing and no sleep.

Dad and I are doing good so far without any colds.

Today turned out good but a bit mixed up at first.  We had two girls from the Molly Maids come at 8 in the morning.  Too early for Spenser to have much of a walk and I also missed my early morning walk that helps me to wake up.  It too is a good tired that refreshes me after a short rest.

I am very pleased with the job that the girls did.  Especially with all the windows and mirrors.  They cleaned in and behind everything and got lots of cobwebs that I had missed.

All things considered it was a good day.

It was good the rain stopped by noon so dad had his bike ride and Spenser and I had a good walk.

Sunday, October 6, 2019


Next time we will take Spenser with us to the party.

What a lot of work putting up extra tables and getting out decorations and setting the tables that run through the dinning room into the kitchen

Randy and Sandra you are amazing!  !  Thank you, thank you.

 James and Randy look wonderful and I even got to hold Maxwell.

I was feeling poorly in the morning and expected not to be able to go.  Thankfully dadmade breakfast and took Spenser for a walk around the block.  I really look forward to being with everyone.

 Astrid's personality is changing.  She wants to explore everything from the pumpkins to the baby kittens
Always lots of fun to be around the young people.  All with exciting plans ahead of them.

A good job Carol joined the picture.  I missed taking her and Tasha which was my plan.  Next time!
Justice looks so grown up.  Busy with school and basketball.
Morgan looks lovely and is becoming a beautiful teenager.
This is what Sandra and Randy do best.  Holding Maxwell.

Justice designer of hia own ahows his own shoes.  Excellent.

Always good to see Shelly.

Next time I will chase after Randy to get his picture.

Sorry Penteli was too sick with a Nasty cold.

I am thankful that there will be a next time when even Ben can join us.

Friday, October 4, 2019


I had to take Spencer over to the Pet Store to figure out how to put his raincoat on.
By the time I got it on the rain had stopped
He knew that the manwho put on his jacket knew what hewas doing and he knew we did not..

Craig stopped by to bring us a sign for the green party to display on our front lawn.  He has a lot going on in his life.  Areal learning experience.  Politics I think is a tough game.

Sorry to hear that Carol and Kim are sick with cough and colds.  That is miserable.  We are looking forward to hearing about Carol's lastest adventure and all the new ideas she will be using to help counsel others and to live by in own life. 

Sandra and Randy are taking on the big tasks of hosting a Thank You Dinner.  Hard word by aloving couple.

Rick is also fighting pneumonia. I pray that he will feel less stress at work and enjoy the challenges of visiting Native places.  Hope this year will be a time for healing.We appreciate all your trips to be a part of our family gatherings.

Craig dropped by and we now have a green sign on our lawn and we hope a few neighbors will be willing to help by putting one on their lawns.

He has had his first all candidates meeting.  He gave some opening remarks and answered questions.  He is learning and improving in a stress calling.  Stressful but so worthwhile.

Dad and are coping with getting older and slower.  Old age has stress all its own.  We continue to try those in hospital just by visiting.

We can now look back and see all we have accomplished.

There have been stressful times as there are in all relations but that is all part of learning to understand and appreciate each other.

So Carry on gang you are doing great and we are proud of you all.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Joanne invited us to join her and a new friend to have dinner at the Green Lettuce.

She was surprised to learn that we already knew Lily.  We had met her at a volunteer thank you lunch
about 10 years ago. She had just met her when she walked by her house recently.

Lily also remembers me as the lady who likes to take pictures.  She has a very colorful tree on her property.  I visited Lily when she had a nasty fall and was unable to go any where.

She is now well and healthy and even climbing mountains.

They both are great story tellers with lots of humor.

I am busy trying to get items ready for a junk pick up day on Saturday.  The skating club is doing it to raise money.

I am surprised at some old treasures I am finding.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


                                 "I am grateful to live in a trust that now shapes my life."

                                            "There is a rhythm to grace as we move through the years
                                             finding peace with all that remain unknown."  Mark Nepo

You really have to trust the medical profession when you are having a needle put into the corner of your eye.  That was the worst part of the exam at the eye doctors for dad.  Although the neck rest was also uncomfortable.  Lots of questions too but he was glad they were willing to more than just take notes they took a small piece to be sent away to be diagnosed.  There was a young lady doctor who was helping.

Thankfully it was not too painful last night.

We left there to go over and see if we could visit Vera.  Her son Henry was with her while her daughter was at the doctors.

Her face has taken on a radiance as she greeted us with a smile propped ed us in bed with a lot of pillows.  She seems very serene and peaceful and trusting in this last stage of her life. She was talking on the phone to a granddaughter when we arrived.

It was profoundly comforting for us to see her like this.

We are all facing the unknown but learning to trust is helpful.

Dad and I were up very early because we had gone to bed very early.

Spencer got up but he is wise he is going back to bed.