Tuesday, May 31, 2022


                                                  Yes I prayed and looked and prayed and looked again.

                                                  The answer was keep looking.  I did.

                    Dad and I had a busy day in the yard.  Dad did a great job cutting down branches that are blocking the side walk. I cut the lawn and cleaned off the back patio with the blower.  Dad kept working.

I went in to have a rest and then noticed I had lost a hearing aid.

Carol and Panteli came by and we had a visit with ice cream and blueberries.  Pentei finished the job cleaning up after he went to the store to buy more big brown bags.   Sometimes a little help makes a world of difference in your day.

Did not sleep well.

Made my coffee this morning and was looking in the dining room and I found it.

Yes I lost my hearing aid yesterday.  I felt sick about it.  I was positive I would not find it.  I had no idea when or where I lost it.

It was not the end of the world of the world.  It could be worse I told myself.                 

I am too tired to be thankful and joyful.

When we pray we do not know how God will answer  All  I know is God answers  prayers.

Now I can drink my coffee and pray for family and friends.


Monday, May 30, 2022



                                               Dad is also now looking at the little book place.

                                            Although this one is not here any more as it was destroyed.

                                           Kids put fire crackers in it at Halloween.

I like to hear the sounds of life all around me.  I can even hear a pin drop, it actually it was a bobby pin.

I guess we all speak at a different volume.  Dad says he does not need to hear all the conversation.  I still do.  Sandra and Randy dropped by on Sat. and Sandra was making an error to speak a little louder.  We all want to be heard  Ken phoned last night and I could hear him just find.  Good to hear he is out walking but sad to hear his cough is getting worse.  The dogs our still causing problems.  The dog at Melina's mom's place is escaping when it hears the gate opening.  Ken has Rocky with him and he barks at other dogs going by.  We grow to love our own pets and they are good company but they are a lot of work.

I will keep trying to put my hearing aids in right.  

One thing that I think is important is to leave our children good memories.  I love to hear their voices.  I love to hear what they are doing. I want to please them especially when I know they are right.

I need to hear Spenser barking so I can let him out.  What a funny face.

Do mothers hear better than fathers?  Hmmm

How does God hear all our prayers?

Sunday, May 29, 2022


                                                   Boundary Park.

I am making the same mistakes putting my hear aids in.  It is discouraging. I have put them in today and hope I have done it right. I do it after I have my walk.  My biggest fear is that I will lose them.

We did not go to church today because dad is working on fixing the kitchen floor that was damaged by water.  The door of the frig. was not closed tight and ice formed.  Dad worked on the boards yesterday for a long time but he is thinking  what to do.  He wants it t look okay.

We all make mistakes in life.  We can continue to make the same mistakes for many years.

I am still trying to figure out religion.  I think that have been mistakes in some teachings. Our goal is to keep asking questions.

"To be human is to find that religion is built on unanswerable questions and on paradox.."

Religion that demands perfection is false.  The word spirituality appears to be built on the acceptance of imperfection. We have all had disappointment in life.  We have been hurt and wounded spiritually by lies and abuse of religion's power.

"The  spirituality that allows for imperfection speaks to those who have sought for meaning in the absurd. peace within chaos, light within darkness. joy within suffering, without denying the reality and even the necessity of the absurdity, chaos, darkness and suffering in our daily living."

A spirituality that does not deny the pain and mistakes in our lives but also expresses the hope that we will be healed helps us to live by faith.  Faith that truth will be found as we continue to ask questions and become humble with our own mistakes and those of others.

Yes there have been times when my faith was exciting and full of promises.  I felt like I had found the meaning of life and the secret to happiness.  I find now that I question why things happen.  I question where is God?

Does Jesus still make the blind to see and the cripples to walk?




Saturday, May 28, 2022


 Yes I cannot walk by the little book place without being curious about what books have been put in.  It is amazing all the good books I have found.  A lot of people seem to read the same authors.

Yes we had the appointment at the hearing office.  She is a pretty lady and she knows the way to proceed.  I have the very best hearing aids put in before I stop to ask any questions.  The fit good and I am hearing much better but I am curious do I need the most expensive ones?

I go back on Friday.

This morning I love the silence.  The black cat comes and looks in my window and stares at me.

The squirrels have already hopped through the garden. I am curious about what they are doing in the roof.

 I talked to another neighbor who also had squirrels in their house.  How do you spell actic?  They got rid of them with help.

I want to feel good about nature but right now I do not.

God has created and designed a beautiful world but why do bad things happen?

I know we all need to accept heartaches and disappointments.  We were disappointed with the hearing lady.  Was she taking advantage of our old age?  I know I need to ask about other choices.

I can choose the path I walk today. I am thankful for all the beauty I see on my walk.

Life is about living a life worth living at any age.

Friday, May 27, 2022


What a miserable day yesterday was!

News about the children being shot was horrific.

Our freezer stopped working so I had to get all the ice off the back of it.  The ice cream has not been keeping cold for several days and should have been a warning sign.

The squirrels started making a lot of noise in our walls.  The man is coming on Tues. or Wed. I have forgotten.

My back got extremely sore cleaning out the frig.

Yes I have an appointment at the hearing office at noon today.

One nice thing was the girl from Brown's came out and walked around with me.  She really cares about us.  She asked about Rick.  She came in and said hello to dad.

Edmonton won the game and what a game it was.

"People fall and hopefully they can then get up" 
David Kessler

That is life.
We all have bad days but we have to keep on keeping on.


Thursday, May 26, 2022


I need to be reminded.
I can easily put things off I do not want to do.
Yes I will go see a hearing doctor today.

 Yesterday I was the guide for our study group and I had to strain to hear.  I had not felt confident knowing I had not put enough effort into the study.  We are all good friends and everyone likes to talk.  It all went well.

I had to remind myself of the past studies I had attended.  Years ago when my health was very poor my faith also lost it's strength

I felt like my life had no purpose or meaning.

Church was not enough so I joined a Baptist study group.  The ladies knew their Bible and shared how their lives had become more meaningful.  One of the group was our doctor's wife.  Mrs. Wilbee. 

Evidently they were very concerned about me as I became more frail and weak.

 Learned a lot from this group. I moved on to a very big group in Van.  I was hungry to learn more.  I would move on to starting a group from our church.  I was the leader and teacher.  This is the same group I met  with yesterday.  They have all grown and now everyone takes a turn leading.  

I reminded myself  I did not need to have all the answers but it is important to share what you do believe.

There is energy and inspiration in a group gathering.  There is love that is unfailing.

I believe that with each day our daily lives will find the courage we need to face the changes in our lives.  We are stronger than we may know.

"Hope is the heartbeat of the soul"  unknown.

"You begin to see how the human and the divine are close because your soul was created and comes from God."  -Mother Angelica

Tuesday, May 24, 2022


                                                        Jane and I .
Our relationship has blessed us both through many changes and wonderful feelings of
 closeness.  We were like sisters.

Yes I was so happy that both Sandra and Carol made it a dream come true.  It is a long drive and I was so thankful Carol drove.  We went through Vancouver by places I had remembered.  Once over the bridge it was easy to find her new place.

Yes I felt a twinge of pain when I first saw her.  We were soon chatting away just like the old days.  She has a wonderful sense of humor.  Her daughter Susan who lives very near by dropped in to make us a cup of tea.  To end our visit we walked around out side.  She walks there nearly every day.

For many years we had walked together on a Wed. morning up and down the hilly Panorama area where we lived.  We had shared so many hopes and dreams ands laughter over about 40 years.

We have kept in touch by phone but seeing each other was happiness.

Our love for each other was as strong as ever.

There is a special beauty in old age!

It was worth the effort.

Sunday, May 22, 2022


                                                Memories are a wonderful gift to have.

                                                   Stories flow out of our memories

.                                                 Stories are stepping stones on the path to spiritual enlightenment.

We did attend church and we enjoyed it but I had trouble hearing.  Not hearing but understanding.  They are a small group of very ordinary people.  The minister is a woman who is very caring and she tells good stories.  

We did not stay for coffee but hurried home to see how Tavia was doing.  She is an amazing gardener just like my daughters.  She had about 6 brown bags of trimings.

Our garden is very over grown.
She transplants a bush.

I am so grateful for her help.
She was here about 6 hours.
Still lots to be done.

We have many great memories of our times with Tavia.
She has been an inspiration to us in many ways.
She is very honest and a deep thinker.
We love her lots.

Stories have the power to transform our lives,
to teach us new truths and to heal us deep in our souls.






Attend church today.
Where to leave Spenser when we go.
Tavia will be here and he will bark at her through the window.

Think positively.
"you are what you think'
"within you is a place of stillness"
take time to be still
and listen
be creative
be thankful
be patient.


                                                              Go with Carol on Monday to visit Jane in North Van.

                                                               Go to Bible study on Wed.
                                                                 Make plans for hearing test.

Saturday, May 21, 2022


                                Very calm this morning. The summer sun has started to shine.
                                        Warm and calm is good.

The days fly by.  Nice to have Carol drop in for a visit.  She brings a calm presence.  She had a biopsy of her thyr0id. and was on her way home to have a rest.  We invited her for lunch but she declined. 
Even the aroma of the meatloaf floating from the kitchen did not tempt her.

Her and Panteli are picking up Morgan to go to Ben's game today.  We would love to go too but we find it a big effort.  Next time.

We have been busy trying to get the battery on my camera to work  I cannot understand why they have just stop working.  Talked to a nice young man at London Drugs.  He wanted to be helpful but he did not have any answers.

Yesterday we went to pick up dog food for Spenser.  I thought I had two more cans but I was wrong.  

Watched the hockey game after our walk around Boundary Park.  I fell asleep in the tired period.  I think that Edmonton won!  It is amazing when they come from behind to score the extra goals that are needed.  I am getting to know a few players.

We are also watching "The Lincoln Lawyer,"  It is a series so it will keep us watching for several days.  I also have the book  A lawyers job is not always easy.  I guess Rick could have told me that.

Thanks Ken for the encouragement.

It is the neighbor right next to us not the ones across the street. Sandra.
Thanks for your comments.

"Calmness is a gift.  And once you master it you will be able to respond in a useful way to a stressful situation. that decides to walk into your heart."  Zen Buhhist.

Jesus said to live in the moment of today and do not worry about to-morrow.

Spenser is a challenge because he is barking a lot.  .

He is getting old and is afraid of the stairs.  He still brings us a lot of joy!

Breath in calm! 

Thursday, May 19, 2022


Good neighbors are so important.

Ken had been one of the first people to come over and say hello when we moved in.  He lived next door with Kelly and there two boys.  Yesterday I met Kelly's sister on my walk and with tears in her eyes she told me Ken had died.  He had been very ill and in a lot of pain with a spinal problem.  It had been very hard for the family to make the decision that even with help they could not care for him at home.  He had been in care for a year.  Dad had offered  to visit but they had not got back to him.  We knew they were very private people.

As I am walking by their house I wonder if I should tell Kelly how sad we feel.  I ring the bell feeling unsure of what to say.  She is very surprised and pleased to see me.  She had wanted to tell us but had been unable to.  I did not know what to say but she just wanted to talk and share what she had been through.

Grief needs to be expressed and shared.

She paused for a minute to tell me she had tried to bake a cake and it had turned out to be a failure.  She had cried but now with me she laughs as she tells me the story.

Yes laughter can be expressed even when we feel pain and sorrow.

I hear Spenser crying at the front door telling me he needs to go out.
Off we go.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022




Time marches on!

Albert Einstein pointed out that time is not constant'
it's relative to the observer.

"We reach middle age with a better understanding of what life is about, and we don't have time for the extraneous nonsense. We know who we are and what will make us happy..  There is a comfort in this wisdom.  To age gracefully is to experience fully each day and season. - -
David Kessler

Time changes us as our circumstances changes.
We want to be able to choose how to spend our time.
We make plans and often they do not work out.
We have some control but there is also some uncertainty.

What time of day do you like best?
Is there a time you dislike.?
I like the morning.
I do not like the time from 7 to 9.

It is cold and windy and rainy this morning.  It is time for warmer weather.  We are thinking of going to London Drugs to return a battery charger that did not work.  We will stop by Hilary's.  Yes it is time I told her I am a celiac.

Ken you sure are having your problems.  This is a time for adjustment for you all.  I hope you are feeling better.

We all need to take time to relax and enjoy what we have.

Life is worth living!


Tuesday, May 17, 2022


                                                 Lots of mushrooms are appearing.

It is funny how you wake up one day and you know you have changed.  

In many ways we are losing control because we feel less confident.  Losing our parents was hard and the first big loss in our lives.  It takes time to adjust to the emptiness and sadness.  It is time for new growth that brought new inner strength.  Those we love will always be a part of our lives.

A time to become more compassionate, more aware of how others may be feeling.

A time to become aware of how we really are.  Just me.

We are imperfect but we live in an imperfect world.

We do not need to know everything.  That is why google was invented.

Change is coming!

We are dancing to a slower tune but we are still dancing

It is more like a shuffle,

Monday, May 16, 2022


                                    Supper at Carol and Panteli's.  The two of them make a good team

A delicious supper.  Dad ate a lot but his stomach  has been fine today.

We came home to watch the extremely exciting game.  Calgary won and it took great team work.

Sandra took time out from painting the bath room to make muffins, bring them over and then drive us to Carol and Pantli's house.

We were so pleased to have Theresa join us after her exciting weekend.  She was at a Yoga camp.

She brightens up with all her family news.  Ben has had a great game in Texas. Good team work again.

Facts and faith, history and story  bring out the truth and wisdom of Jesus.  Many others have tried to destroy the Romans but they failed and their names have been forgotten,   The words of Jesus and his actions live on in the lives of believers.

Is Jesus a Jewish radical or a Christian Messiah?  

We can learn from the insight of Islamic believers.

Interfaith dialogue benefits us all.

"What Jesus opposes is not the observance  of the law  but it's misuse to make some to feel self-righteous.  He overs a spiritual vision that transcends religious boundaries.  A morality based on goodness and kindness and generosity to include all.  

Be compassionate!


Sunday, May 15, 2022


Willing to try to go to church.

Did not succeed.

The only solution is to treat it like garage day
and be up at 7:30.

"If at first you do not succeed
try, try. try again."

Spenser and I got caught in the rain.
Met 5 other dog walkers
mostly with white little dogs.
Home for our morning nap.

I am reading Christian books .
Today it is about "The Islamic Jesus."
"Regardless of whether he is a Jewish radical or a Christian Messiah
Jesus is also one of the most beloved prophets in Islam."

We all need salvation? 
Or do we?

"We really don't learn anything
from our experience
We only learn from reflecting on it."
Robert Sinclair 

Soon Sandra will be arriving to drive us to Carol and Panteli's home.

Saturday, May 14, 2022


Eat right.

I have found that as I am getting old I am developing new habits.
Waking up early and after walking the dog I am ready for a nap too. Rick.
We are on this earth to learn to develop  good habits.

"Keeping life simple helps me.  
We are not our faults although at times it feels like we are.
We want to be kind and loving but there is a shadow that clouds our minds and hearts
with fear and insecurity.  We make mistakes.  Life at it's worst can lose the sense of meaning.

Dad was sick today.
I feel very bad because he ate the wrong things yesterday.
All we can do is try to do better.



                                                    We all are on a journey of faith and discovery.

                                             We started out as small and helpless and our goal now is to be more helpful.

We have searched  for the knowledge of the truth.  We realize it is important to travel light.  Ken and Melina have learned this as they move into new homes.  Cameron and Shandel are also moving.  A temporary move.

Faith calls us to continue to move and to grow.  As Christian  believers we have become followers of Jesus.

His light shines on our path with words of promise and hope.  I am still learning and at times questioning "what is God doing?"  Am I on the right path?

Yesterday when I walked Spenser I forgot to take my walker.  I put on a jacket.  I took off the jacket but felt a little insecure. 

Today dad and I are going to the library to return a C.D.

and also to return the battery charger we got from London Drugs.

We have come to a place in life where we can admit we do not know.

For me I continue to pray and ask for God's wisdom and strength to go with me.

Yes I need my walker and I need a faith to continue on my journey. 


Friday, May 13, 2022


                                                  Sandra and Randy's place looks good.

Dad felt very tired yesterday after he got his fourth  shot.  He walked across 64 to the place just up from the blood clinic.  Walking and parking at London Drugs was tiring especially as his feet are\hurting a lot so is his back and his knees.  We are getting old! His eyes are very sore. We have to accept what we cannot change. Good can come out of difficulties.

It usually takes time.

We just finished talking to Ken.  They are having one disaster after another getting things moved out. 

Yesterday he was underneath the bunk beds when they fell down on top of him. Luckily Jesses was home to help Malina lift them off.  A lot of hard work and extra expense and stress from the new owners wanting to take pictures of a very messy home.

Moving is extremely stressful.  A lot of adjustments for them all.

We are watching the hockey game and dad has the heating pad on.

Dad he worked hard blowing off the patio.

I had a new plant for the garden and wanted dad to dig a hole.  So I held on the railing and on to dad and he held on to a bush.  I hope the plant lives and thankfully we did not fall

 Tavia is coming next week to help in the garden.  

I would like to start going to church but I am not sure where.

Carol has invited us over on Sunday for supper.  I am looking forward to that.

Hilary brought some very good lasanga which dad really enjoyed. Dad is eating well so that is good.  When I take her dishes back to-morrow I will let her know I am celiac.  Her boys were very big eaters so she is used to cooking big portions. 

The battery in both my camera's are not working.  The young man at London Drugs was helpful but the problem has not been solved.  We may go back to the store, Best Buy where we bought it.

I started cutting the lawn and the battery quit so I will have to find out how to charge it.

I am learning that happiness is a state of mind, which I am free to choose.

Enjoy the wonders of nature and the joy of family and friends and a home. 

Thursday, May 12, 2022



Church is important to me.

We can now decide what is important to us
as we decide what church to attend now.

In the past it was the friendship and feeling of belonging.
Should we continue to attend the United Church?
I am finding I want more joy in my life.
Uplifting music that is lively  and awakens them soul.
It stirs emotions within me.
A message that makes me stop and think.
Built on scripture.
A bit of humor is good too.

It is important that the words of Jesus are the foundation for the sermon
and for prayer.
A church that reaches out to people in need.

I want to grow spiritually.
I want to have compassion for those who are suffering.
In our lives we all face problems
some more than others.

I have had enough of religion that demands perfection.
Prayers that are answered unexpectedly.
We share what is important to us.
We admit our brokenness
and that we need healing emotionally and physically.

We are searching for meaning and purpose
in suffering and in happiness.

Inspiration that comes like a flash of light.

I believe that God loves us unconditionally
and that is how we should love another.

Dad has just come home from getting his shot and wants to talk.

It is extremely important we listen to each other.

We are enjoying the hockey but hope Edmonton does better.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022


Another beautiful sunny day.

I heard the mail man come and was pleased to get a card from Shandel and Cameron.  Yes I had a fun day on Mother's day.  Thanks guys.  The rest of the mail was junk mail asking for money.  

We all collet too much junk.  
My cupboard in this room is full of papers etc.

Ken and Melina have lots of junk that needs to be sorta and most of it thrown out.
We love them both and pray things will work out,
Plans are being made to take the children to school and Ken will take them home.

If and when Rick decides to move the family will be there to help him.
I have some big boxes he can have.

Life can be a challenge especially during painful times.
I mean old friend from Colebrook and we sure miss going to church.
For me it was a place of healing prayer.
Also a time when we accepted what was not going to change but we felt a new strength to cope with the  problems.

The atmosphere felt warm
and more important it felt sacred.
It was a place where transformation was possible.

Our minds can be freed from all the junk we dwell on.

Monday, May 9, 2022


                                                It is always such a joy to be with my daughters.

                                                I felt very loved and appreciated.

                                                Beautiful cards with lovely words to read over and over.

                                            Thanks Rick for the card.  Healing takes time.  Prayers will be answered.

                                            God's love surrounds you with His grace and his presence. 


                           The beautiful home of Sandra and Randy.
A delicious meal cooked to perfection by both of them.

Laminated place cards with pictures from my very own blog.
Thanks Panteli.  Very thoughtful.

                                                           Lovely bright flowers to enjoy all week

                                                  Also home baked goodies.  Thanks Carol.   .

                                                  My family continues to amaze me.

Had a long talk to Ken.   A lot of work moving out of their home,  Good news they will both be involved with the children. We love them both and hope all goes well in their future.

Spenser was very tired out going to the party.  I will not take him again.  Dad took him out for a walk when we got home.

A perfect day with the warmth of the sun and the warmth of family love!

JOY is the happiness we give to one another,

Sunday, May 8, 2022


A good day to reflect
on the love that has sustain our family
in good and in difficult times.

To each one in my family I say "You are loved".
You all arrived in our hearts in the perfect time.
Holding you in my arms was amazing.
You were so perfect and so precious.

We watched you grow into the wonderful adults you are today.
We are so proud of you.

Life has not always been perfect nor easy
but it seems that is the way we learn and grow.
There have been times of misunderstandings
we are all so very human.

None of us knows the future but our love surrounds and protects us all.

I feel a great joy that you continue to bring us each day.

God's love is unconditional
and he loves us all just as we are.

Love is a beautiful emotion!

Saturday, May 7, 2022


                                                  Becoming a mom certainly changed my life.

                                                  I told dad I should get a present on mother's day even before Rick had arrived.  He did not agree.  This was another reason I eagerly waited for the birth of our first baby.  Holding each one of my new babies was always like a miracle.  I loved each one. They were all so different at an early age.

I was very fortunate to have a wonderful mom who took good care of me.  She always got dressed up when she was going out.  I loved watching her get ready, especially when she was going to church.  Hat and gloves and her pearl necklace and a dash of perfume. She was a real lady.  She was very patient with my brother and I.  He was the one who got into the most trouble.

Becoming a gramma was even more exciting and brought a deeper sense of joy into my life. I believe my prayers are important as they have strengthened me when I felt weak and powerless.  Prayer is just talking to the source of amazing love that sustains me and gives me hope. I find that a hurting soul can become a healthy one when comforted by this presence.

I am praying for the health of all my family.  God works in mysterious ways and in his own time.  There are always lessons to be learned.  

"Joy is an experience of being connected to God and to others and rooted in and transcended by grace and compassion.  We have each other."  -Angela Gorrell

We enjoyed a visit with Carol and Penteli this morning.  They had been for a walk and they both looked healthy.  

Dad had a bad morning with a stomach upset so a visit cheered him up.  He was happy he could come and pick me up as I near the last uphill part of our walk.  

I doubt if we will make it to church on Sunday but we are looking forward to being at Sandra and Randy's.

Friday, May 6, 2022


                                                   BOUNDARY PARK.

The day started yesterday with me searching for my blog  Wasted a lot of time.

Fortunately Sandra helped me this morning.

I searched for my money, I hide it so good a thief would never find it.   I had just got it out of the bank.  I also looked for other things which I could not find.

My day improved when we sent to the library and I found two books I wanted.  Their was a small group of children there.  I looked to see if it was Astrid but it was not.  A little boy came over and said hello to me.  He was very cute.

Later in the day I am wondering what to have for supper when Hilary phone and said she was bringing some French Onion soup over.  There was also salad and fruit for desert.  She is a wonderful cook

We became friends when her husband brought me home after he helped me up off the sidewalk.

Good things can happen out of bad..  

Wednesday, May 4, 2022


                                             Just an ordinary day for us.

                                             Laura is making banana loaf and a sausage casserole.

                                             It is smelling good.

Yesterday we dropped in to the Safeway.  I nearly did not go in it was full of people with big buggies full.  It was 20% off day.  I did not realize this until we were checking out.  I walked home Spenser from the Safeway hopeful that this would count as his second walk.

Today was Spenser's day for a shot.  I think it makes him feel better.

I am reading about unordinary people who have special spiritual gifts.  They ask questions like why do we exist and what is our purpose.  Is there something more?  A higher power?  A spirit that can guides us into  a deeper experience of the super natural.

Children have the imagination that helps them believe in magic and another reality.  I am not one who had a hard time believing in ghosts and angels and Jesus.  I was taught to say my prayers and I did. 

"Nature has placed mankind under the rule of pain and pleasure.  We are governed by them in all we do say or think."  We are now facing the limitations of getting old.  I have the choice to be content and happy.

Yes some days are better than others.  Yes the sacred is not far beyond the ordinary but shines within it.

Dad is very tired today and slept through lunch.  

Life is precious and each h day a gift.

There is beauty that can shine through the orinary.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022



                                               A beautiful time of the year out here at the Coast

                                              It is cold working in the yard.

                                              Dad is doing a good job with the front grass.

I thought it was a same the goalie was blamed for letting in the puck that would break the tie.  It was a good game and both teams did well.  I was sorry Edmonton did not win..

We all make mistakes because we are all very human.  I feel that we should not try to blame our parents or our spouses our the weather if we have a difficult day.

 Bad things happen to good people.

I am proud of everyone in our family who have faced difficult times with courage and faith.  Some are still in the middle and it is not easy to try to be hopeful and trust that God is still working.

Yes we are not in control.

Not everyone got to enter the Promised Land.

Some of the most important lessons are learnt during times of pain and suffering.

We can choose our attitude.

We can be grateful we have made it this far in our lives.

We value certain rules and if those rules are broken we feel pain.

We need to be forgiving of ourselves and others.

Blaming does not heal our pain.

Spenser was a rescued dog.  Sandra rescued him for us.  He is about 17 tears old.

He is a big part of our lives now.

Monday, May 2, 2022


                            There are many reasons my friends and I meet to study the Bible.

                           We share a common belief.  We are good friends.  We share our concerns.

                             There is always more to learn. We pray for each other.

                             There is always a lot of laughter.

                             Some of us attend different churches.

                             We want to keep in touch..

Belief is powerful and our faith sustains and strengthens us.

Belief is a feeling of certainty.

We have arrived where we are today in unique ways.

We have been created with a soul that has the potential to see the spiritual reality.

'"If you develop the absolute certainty that powerful beliefs provide, you can get yourself to accomplish more because the impossible becomes possible."

-Anthony Robbins.

Belief  is energy that can  be life giving and sustaining.