Saturday, October 31, 2020


Love must be tough
if it is going to endre the ups and downs of life!

Dad has been up since 3 30.
Very bad stomach problems.
I had to go to the store in the cold and drak to get mote pills and unmentionables.  I got there and found I had the wrong card so had to go home and go back again.

I was offered a ride home but declined.

Dad and I are resting waiting for Rick to phone.
Hope things weny okay with the new job.

I really hope and pray we can go to supper with Kim and say good bye.

Friday, October 30, 2020


 Every voice mattered as they shouted out on our behalf to the city of Surrey engineers.

The water problem was getting worse and with icy weather the side walk will be very dangerous.

We thank every one of you who spoke out on our behalf.  Our voice was not being heard.

Thanks Craig for adding your voice and going to the top to inform the mayor of our worsing  problem.

Finally action was taken.

The mayor phoned us.

The engineers returned and started checking up the streets.  Yes there is a house with low water pressure and a leak in the line.  I am happy to inform our neighbors that hopefully the problem will be soved.

We had a good visit from Carol and Kim yesterday afternoon.  They returned our car.  Kim walked Spenser.  He is very happy with all the different walkers and the attention he is getting.

I walked over to the store later because there were things we really needed.  Dad drove the car over to pick me up but he did not find me.  Thanks dad.

Another very poor night with little sleep.  I try to keep awake in case he falls going to the washroom.

 We are both getting worn out.

We may go over to Brown's today.  Had lots of vegetables yesterday.

Thanks everyone!

Appreciate every comment!

Miss writing in my journal.

Dad is having a long sleep in.  That is good.  He needs it.

Thursday, October 29, 2020



Very hard to take pictures with one hand.
Spenser and I enjoy a very slow careful walk.

Craig came over and brought us a lot of gluten free stuff a neighbor was giving away.  It was good to have a visit.  I know they are being creful not wanting us to get sick.  A big task to take on organizing it.  I will give some to the food bank because I bet they do not get much G F.

I have a split on my hand with the three fingers bandaged up.  Very hard but "the one armed bandit carries on.

Dad will get results next week  He needs to go back on blood pressure  meds..  

Quiet day today.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020


Sometimes life gets a bit crazy.
It was a miserable crazy day for dad.
Glad when -thiss day is over.
Thanks Sandra for taking dad.
They wait in the car till they are phoned to comeiin.
Crazy but good/

Thanks Panteli for driving me to Richmond for my bone exam.


Monday, October 26, 2020

Have fun Jasmine

Just a few too scary for me
.  My hand[ hurts.but it will be better soon.
.Have a fun 

Sunday, October 25, 2020



                                                Instead of beauty there is scary

I have often had mixed feelings about Hallow'een.  Dressing up was fun and collecting candy was fantastic but now it seems it is more about scary lawn decorations.  Ghosts fly in white sheeps from the trees, and cobwebs are all over the bushes and tomb stones and severed hands etc.

Dad and Spenser are still sleeping aat 9:30.  It is good that dad can sleep in so late.  I never do.

We will finish reading our book study book and it depends on hos dad feels go to the groul meting.  I really hope we can go as I am looking forward to it.

I miss the feelings I use to have attending church.  A place of prayer and music and worship.  A community that came together as friends to celebrate the goodness and the sacred holiness of God.

We did not all think  a like because we were unique souls who have had different experiences in life.

We play different roles but faith in God draws us together.

Saturday, October 24, 2020


                                                                  A very cold morning.

                                                  Spenser does not want to put his new jacket 0n.

I start the morning looking at the list of foods dad cannot have.  Back to white bread and white rice and potatoes.  I worry he is not going to get enough nutrition.  After walking Spenser and then back out to walk over to get his monthly shot we both go to the store.

I forget things so have to go back in the afternoon.  After a long talk with an old friend it is time for Spenser's walk to the park.  Meet a good friend there and we share our concerns.

I do find time for a nap which is a priority in my life.

Dad is not having a good day and we decide not to go out and vote.

I will need help planning dad's diet.  I do not want him to be turned down when we arrive for the colonoscopy.

Friday, October 23, 2020


A blue sky is always promising!

My computer would not work again.

 I wonder if life will ever go back the way it was ?

We are doing normal things but it does not feel normal.

Dad has had another little fall but he feels like he is going to fall all the time.
Yes we have two walkers and he knows he needs a cane now for sure.

We did our shopping at Shoppers and it was very busy.  We stopped at BRown's on the way home.  We are welcomed with special treatment and leave with a desert.++

Dad can not find his cell phone.  We will see 
if he left it at Brown's

I forgot my brother's birthday and this is upsetting too.

"To be human is to ask unanswerable questions and to persist in asking them."  unknown

We have to come to terms with our limitations and vulnerability.

Christianity has given my life purpose and meaning.  I have grown as a person as I took on more responsibilities.  I have found healing and renewing energy that gives energy and hope to an uncertain future.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


 I was surprised when dad got my computer to work by taking out the battery so it could turn right off. I was thinking I would not worry about it that much and when I stopped bugging him he decided to try.

                                                                    I was surprised.
Spenser and I have been discovering new streets to walk and we found more colored rocks.

The cleaning lady was suppose to come today but her vacum broke down.  Smetimes she uses mine but she was taking the time to get it fixed and I said it would be too late to come in the afternoon.  She is coming on Monday instead.

Dad and I felt like having a uiet day after another not so good night.  I am counting the days till he gets his colonoscopy.  Maybe it will at least liminate certain things.

We had a surprise visit from Kim.  She was rushing home to sell her car.  Cars are not easy to sell at the best of times.

Pat and John also dropped by and we sat out on the front porch for a visit.  Once the sun goes down it gets very cold.  We are still being careful.

Another beautiful tree.  Lovely now but what a job when the leaves all start falling..

It is wonderful when life surprises you with beauty or friendship or working computers.

Monday, October 19, 2020


                                             Thankful for Sandra's help putting daily pictures on

                                                This is early morning on Oct.19,2020

Sunday I was feeling blue.  I decided to make it a  healing day.  A day of prayer and quiet meditation and scripture reading or some religious book.  The thing that I liked about having a day away at the park or the beach was living all worldy problems behind. Getting a phone call from Sandra cheered me up.  Sure going out for lunch was a great idea.  She also phoned Carol and Pantli and Kim.  Kim was having car problems with the alternator.  Dad wanted to say he could fix it but after looking on the internet he realized he couldn't.

Carol was painting the bathroom upstairs and Penteli re[airing the floor.  It will look amazing when it is all done.

Kim is facing getting rid of things which is a huge task.  It is amazing how quickly we accumulate junk, good junk of course.

We drove into see them and share our lunch with them. 

Spending time with family is always very healing.

Also I did not house work or laundry and did not watch the news.  A day just to rest and relax and feel loved.

Dad is having a bad morning today.  We will not be going out anywhere.

Rick shoulds like you know a good place to shop!

Saturday, October 17, 2020


                                                          Pictures are reminders.

I have given up trying to download my current pictures.  Can anyone help me.  Dad tried.

We were watching the news and dad commented on religion as being awful.

Because I have had a meeting at the park recently I was thinking of all the different friends and how we have all found great comfort and guidance and inspiration as we have studied Scripture to-gether.

Over the years we have all gone through difficult times.  The death of our parents, sickness in our families, disappointments and failures.  One friend had panic attacks, another one a single mom, children with disabilities needing extra care, the disappointment of not having grand children, and now having worries about our own health and the health of our loved ones.  

Life is a challenge and I find strength and courage asking God to be with me when times get tough.

I would have given up many times if I did not have a faith in my religion.  I am reminded of the 10 commandments which are a good source of how to live.  

We are all finding this time is difficult because we ar enot able to get to-gether in the comfort of our home.

Sharing wisdom and encouragement helps each one to trust that times will change in the future.

There will be healing and renewal. 

Friday, October 16, 2020


 Wasted a lot of time today having trouble down loading pictures.  Dad took a nice picture of Kim and Carol and I at supper last night.  

We went out to buy Spenser a new harness and he refuses to put it on.  It would keep him warmer on a wet morning like today,

I was rethinking what we talked about at the park and seeing the value of a Sabbath day to keep us heathy and peaceful.  

"One's destination is never a place

but a new way of seeing things"  Henri Miller.

I am looking forward to Sunday by creating a more restful day knowing it is good for the soul as well as the body.

Thursday, October 15, 2020


inspiration at the park.
 Our Bible study group met at the park, although not this one.  It was cool but we all dressed warm.  They had changed the day so I could come.  I was very grateful to be with them all.  They are a very inspiring group pf gals.  We share how things are going in our lives and learn from seeing them accepting and handling problems.

We encourage each other to stay strong as each new day brings new challenges our way.  

We have missed being together because of this Virus,

We all our beautiful in our own way.  We laugh and enjoy the time we spend as we care and listen and learn together.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020


Courage to find answers
                                                a new perspective and a renewed determination.

I can certainly relate to anyone who is struggling to find answers to their health problems.  It is not easy to find the right doctor who can relate to you and continue to look for the cause of our poor health.  I think we all want to be as healthy as possible.

Going through difficult testing can be very hard on some one who is already tired and exhausted.

As I have gotten older it has not become easier.

We thought Rick would find the answer that his heart was the problem and it could be fixed.  Sadly this was not the answer.

Dad is waiting for his test on the 28 at 3:45,  before his doctor will make any decisions on his treatment.

We need courage to face difficult challenges.

It is not easy to make changes in our life style until we know it is our only option.

Why am I having pain?

Why do I feel so weak and tired?

Tuesday, October 13, 2020


                                               Skilled hands grow our vegetables and fruits

                                                 that provide us with the nourishment we need.

Today  I am up early as usual and as I am praying for Rick I think of the skilled hands of the doctor's and nurses who will be doing the procedure on his heart.  I know it must take a special skill.  There must be a good reason he had to drive to Kelowna to get the best.  We had a short chat last night  and we are thankful the drive went well.  He is feeling anxious of course.  He is staying in a B.&B.  We wish we could be there and will be anxious to hear news from him.

We are hoping and trusting for good results bring that relief for  the pains in his chest.

Linda, Larry's wife will have had her surgery by now.  We are praying that goes well also.

Talked to my brother yesterday and he sounded like he was having a bad day.  I am reminded of how fragile we all are.  He says every day is a challenge for him.  He questions himself  about if he could have done something better.

At times we need to find comfort and healing from those who care for us and who love us.

I know I need unconditional hugs every day.  I have missed our family hugs during this time of social distancing.  I looked forward to better days in the future!

Happy Anniversary to Randy and Sandra.  We remember the Thanksgiving day when we were present at your marriage.

Dad had a better sleep and so did I.

Monday, October 12, 2020


 The fireplace and the candles added to the arm feeling of love we experienced as we arrive at Sandra and Randy's.  We could hear the laughter from the kitchen.  We were welcomed with happy faces shining with love.  I realize that each one means more to me than ever before.

I was slow getting ready not knowing what to wear.  No nylon stockings to go with the dress I finally picked out.  I ran and got in the car without my shoes so grabed a old pair from the garage,

                                              Randy busy cutting up the turkey.

                                       Sandra and Kim busy with last minute tasks.
We are all sitting down waiting for all the food to be brought in.

A handsome couple.

Happy faces.

Misty and Spenser happy on the couch.
I am so thankful for the good food and the good cooks.
I was loaded up with flowers and food to take home.
A reminder that every moment of every day has the potential
to bless us or teach us.
Moments of love and laughter are the best
especially when we share stories from our heart,

God's perfect love for each one of us helps me to trust His hand upon their lives.

Sunday, October 11, 2020


                                               Thankful for the beauty of the fall colors!

I am going to be more thankful and more thoughtful.

I am thankful for the people who love me just as I am.  This is the gif of love we give ourselves and others.

"Most of the time all you have is the moment and the imperfect love of the people around you." Anne Lamont

 Thankful yesterday was a good day and for our trip to the bike store.  A sign of hopefulness.  A better night for us all.

Thankful for the good time and good food we will share at Randy and Sandra's home today.  So many will arrive with food they are contributing.

I am thankful for the many kind things people do for us both.

Thankful for sunshine and flowers.

I am thankful for all the different Thanks givings we have experienced.  Thankful the family friends who invited us to have a family dinner with them the first year we were in B.C.  Madie and Stan.  Maddie also looked after Sandra when I was back in hospital after giving birth.

I am thankful for the new little friend, 5 years old, who is coming to take Spenser for a walk today. His dad will be with him.

Thankful for the book I found in the book nook that was written by one of my favorite authors,

Thankful for a long life and the healing presence of God each and every moment of the day.  

Thankful for the gift of words and the gift of prayer,

Family, friends, neighbors and friendship.  Jane and I had a good talk yesterday and the wonderful memories we share.

What are you thankful for?

Friday, October 9, 2020


 Our thoughts and prayers are with Aslinn and Tyler today on this their wedding day.  A special day for Kenny to be their and have time with each one of his children.  Yes our family was excited when they heard the news and considered travelling there.  It would be impossible now.  Dad and I have been working on the words to send to Hobie to be read out.

They are a very special couple who will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Yesterday was a good day as Carol and Panteli came and brought us supper.  We enjoyed good food and happy laughter with Spenser watching us eat and not barking.

Last night was not so good.  At one point we were all up even Spenser.  I slept in till 6:30 which was good.

Our thoughts and Prayers are with Linda, Larry  Olssen's wife,  who is having breast  surgery today.

She is now the care giver for her husband.

Good to talk to Ken on the phone and then have a long visit with Kim/  She is excited because she has her visa and be going to the Sates early in Sept.

This day has gone by very quickly.

Thursday, October 8, 2020


Dad finally was able to get his results 
All is good except  glucose level a little high.  Waiting to hear good news from Ken.

Finally go all the garbage put out
all in the right box and bags.

I THINK this is a little like choosing what I think about today.  Letting go of any garbage thinking..  Choosing not to live in the past but choosing to live in the present.  This is the way new growth, new strength, new confidence and new abilities come to us.

I am not that sweet innocent girl that made mistakes in the past but the one that has been blessed with a loving family and a deep abiding faith.

The good news is that I have been forgiven and forgiving.  I am trading  choosing to believe there is good news waiting for us to believe.  We can choose what to believe that brings restoration and healing.   It is like a new door is opened to a world of beauty and happiness


Wednesday, October 7, 2020


We all express who we really are in different ways.

I find it easier to express myself on my blog than when I am speaking to others.

We express ourselves in our creativity, our music, our story telling, the gardens we grow, in the kind deeds we do for others, cooking or baking, giving gifts of our time and presence, their skill at work or at home. our love for animals and our compassion for those in need, our abilities and are desire to keep learning,  by entertaining  or being a good listener.

How do you feel you express yourself so that people know who you really are?

We are waiting for dad's results.  He cannot sign in to E Health.

It is good that Kenny will be with his family now.

Rick is going to have the test on his heart on Oct. 13.

Dad has a final appointment with the eye surgeon today

The colon test is at the end of October.
I have to try and find the time and the dates.


Tuesday, October 6, 2020


Do we appreciate the freedom we have?

It was just a few months ago we did not have the freedom to travel even to Carol and Panteli's house.  I am so thankful we can do that now.

Ken will be set free today to go and be at Tyler's and Aslinn's wedding.   The time and transportation has been set.

I was thinking how wonderful that we have the freedom to choose to love and married the person we fall in love with.

We are so fortunate to live in a country that has given us many freedom's.

Today I am free to walk in the park with Spenser and to speak to the people I meet.  Later I will be free to go to the store wearing a mask and not getting too close to others.

We are so fortunate to have medical coverage that pays  for doctor's visits and blood tests.

We will be anxious to find out the results.  Dad had stomach problems when he visited and this is upsetting to him.  

Our health has a lot to do with us being able to enjoy our freedoms.  

One reason I am a Christian is Jesus came to set us free from guilt and sorrow and fear!

He shed light to illuminate the darkness of doubt that makes us captive to these anxieties.

Forgiveness is a powerful emotion that keeps our love alive.


Monday, October 5, 2020


                                                       A broken door on the book nook at the park

                                                         Dad will come back and fix it another day.  

Dad slept in which was good for the blood fasting test.  He couldn't get on the program to make a appointment on line.  I went over to see if there was a long line up and then called him to come over.  Of course people who had appointments went in ahead of him.  He waited 20 minutes which was not too bad.

I hope we learn something from the results.  Dad's chest feels tight and he had a bad coughing spell in the night.

We are going over to M and M's to pick out some meals.

Tonight we do not have to cook we are invited over to Carol and Panteli's.  Good




Sunday, October 4, 2020


 Feeling sad that we will not be attending Tyler's wedding.  How do you spell his girlfriend's name?

I wonder how we can send a telegram?

I remember the day Ken you told us you would not be returning home.  I sat by the phone in shock.  I had not expected this to happen.  We were happy that you had found some one to love and share your life with.  We were very sad not to be there at your wedding.

It was exciting news as each child was born and we have been blessed to have them visit  us.

We have always been proud of our children and I am sure Ken you are too.

Nothing has made us happier than becoming grand parents.  We have tried our best to get to know each one and appreciate their loving qualities. Yes we have the best grand kids! 

We felt your broken heart and sadness when your marriage ended.  Life does not always work out.

We were so happy when you and Melina found each other and more children arrived .

We believe that there will be a bright and happy future ahead for you  all.    

Family means the world to us.  I pray for you all.

Waiting to hear from Rick.

Waiting to hear how the camping went.

I feel very bad I got annoyed at Spenser's barking.  There seemed to be no reason for it.  I walked him and fed him and talked to him and told him he was a good boy.

Dad not feeling too good today.

Saturday, October 3, 2020


                                                We ended up with a white door. 

We manage to have our morning hug with neither one of us falling down.

I take a quick look outside to see how the water problem is.  It is still flowing out and down the street.  The neighbors have been supportive but now I hear I had better get that fixed before the cold weather comes.  There is nothing I would like more.  The city engineer comes late in the day and has no answers so we will take it to some one who may know some thing.

So far the source is unknown.

I looked all yesterday to find one book.  I've pulled all the books down out off the shelf to try and find it.  It is not there.  This morning I find it in another room after looking in closets and under beds and in chests and in the living room we hardly use.

Dad has decided to have his blood tests on Monday.  He has to fast before he goes.

 Incidents of our childhood are remembered the worries of the day are forgotten.  Some of the things we value go back to those early years.  Dad especially likes taking trips back in time.

On my walk I watch birds flying high above and wonder do they know where they are going?

The news about Trump is disturbing especially as we find out he continued to be with people after he knew he had it.

Today more news will come out.

I am thankful for my life that is grounded in  faith!

We live in a very unpredictable world.

Hope the girls are enjoying camping at Manning Park.  Sandra, Carol, Theresa and Kim!

Friday, October 2, 2020


The doctor only deals with one problem at a time.
He does not think dad needs a office visit.
He ignores the pain dad expresses.
He listened to me about getting blood tests.

I have some favorite quotes.  Do you?

"Rabbi Zusya said: In the coming world, they will not ask me where you not Moses.

They will ask me "Why were you not Zusya?"

I think I have done a good job being me.  I know my weaknesses and I have felt the sorrow of  being broken.

"Only the broken can become whole."

"Dark times can become the best teachers

"Our strength grows out of our weaknesses" Ralph Waldo Emerson.

"Youth is a gift of nature  Age is a work of art." Helen M. Carroll

"Be not afraid of going slow;y  but be afraid of standing still."

"Time flies over us but leaves its shadow behind."  Nathaniel Hawthorne.

That is when we need the light of faith to burn brightly.

"Every time you do not follow your inner guidance

You feel a loss

of energy and power and a spiritual deadness."  Shakti

I find it easier to write about my faith than talk about it unless I am with some one of the same mind.

Thursday, October 1, 2020


the fall colors

I had a very painful stomach attack which made me realize I had to be more careful.   I can easily be careless.  I was upset thinking I would not be able to walk Spenser which I always feel makes me feel good. A good kind of tired.

I think about dad and all the pain he is living with right now.

I asked him what he was able to enjoy during the day.  He enjoys sitting out in our back yard.

He enjoys eating out and chatting with friendly waitresses.
HE enjoys cleaning up the kitchen making it shine.

I take time to think about what I enjoy.
I enjoy my walk with Spenser and the friendly people we meet and the beauty I see as I walk.
I enjoy the friendly people at the store..
I enjoy the quiet of the morning and my first cup of coffee.
I enjoy the birds singing and flying so high,
I love watching the humming bird and the tiny butterflies.

I feel life changing for the better.
I enjoy being me.
I am a woman of faith and compassion. who is trusting and caring aand generous.
I love my family.  I enjoy hearing what they are doing.
I love reading and writing.

I believe in the power of prayer.
I am glad I can pray for others 
and feel the love that comes from their prayers for me and our family.

After all I did me someone I have stayed married to for 64 years!