Wednesday, October 7, 2020


We all express who we really are in different ways.

I find it easier to express myself on my blog than when I am speaking to others.

We express ourselves in our creativity, our music, our story telling, the gardens we grow, in the kind deeds we do for others, cooking or baking, giving gifts of our time and presence, their skill at work or at home. our love for animals and our compassion for those in need, our abilities and are desire to keep learning,  by entertaining  or being a good listener.

How do you feel you express yourself so that people know who you really are?

We are waiting for dad's results.  He cannot sign in to E Health.

It is good that Kenny will be with his family now.

Rick is going to have the test on his heart on Oct. 13.

Dad has a final appointment with the eye surgeon today

The colon test is at the end of October.
I have to try and find the time and the dates.



Steady-as-rain said...

That is too bad you can't sign in to the e-health service. I use the version here (Inter Health Authority) very frequently after you and Dad told me about what you were doing. Very helpful to try and understand what is going on and hopefully form more useful questions for when you actually do get a chance to talk to the doctor.

I am glad Dad has a date for the colonoscopy. If nothing else, it will rule out a good number of things that might be causing the problems.

I don't really know how I express myself. Try to avoid it, mostly, at least when it comes to internal doubts and worries. Stiff upper lip and all that.

I am doing some contract work for a First Nation that use to work for (the place where Premier Vander Zalm came on the helicopter for the opening ceremonies for the recreation centre). Which is nice and the work is interesting - fighting with a railway. However, I can only work about 2 or 3 hours a day before I get exhausted, so that is a bit frustrating. Anyway, I will send in an invoice on Friday before I head to Kelowna next week. Won't be able to get much work done next week.

The chest pain and so on is slowing getting worse, so I'm glad this thing in Kelowna is going to happen quite soon.



Ken Bennett said...

I am not in Brisbane yet , I have to get out of Darwin first. Only 6 seats avail on the 12:50 flight to bne . Backup is a 18:00 flight with Jetstar.
We had a lot of rain here, its very early for rain here . Its still a dry period , its rained 5 of the last 6 days. Climate change? it feels like it if you talk to the locals. I did over 12000 steps yesterday and my knee/leg sure were sore . I think now it could be an alignment issue starting at my hip .

Sandra said...

I got special shoes for walking Kenny, the same ones mom has as well. Helps a lot, I dont walk with out them. And my physio therapist said to ice my knee after every walk. Maybe you already do that.

How do I express my self so people know me? Hmmm. I would have to know my self first to be able to answer that.


Ken Bennett said...

End of a long day , I made it into Queensland . The police , army , medical staff all were there . I just show my quarantine certificate and they let me in. Also my online approval form.... then I got a nice Volkswagon from hertz , drove to see Tyler play volleyball. Made it to the hotel in the middle of no where at 8:30 just missed the kitchen ,. so I missed dinner .
going for breakfast with Hobey and cidny @830 am.... good night....

Client Strengths said...

I express myself through Panteli and Kimberly's gardening (living vicariously) and making vegetarian dinners, taking Haiti for walks, learning about self care and mental health strateies, laughing, yoga and loving my family.

beth bennett said...

i wonder who Client Strengths could be.

Nice to have a new commenter

Good night1

Love mom

Shandel said...

I agree with client strengths, I like to express myself through the things I do daily.