Friday, October 30, 2020


 Every voice mattered as they shouted out on our behalf to the city of Surrey engineers.

The water problem was getting worse and with icy weather the side walk will be very dangerous.

We thank every one of you who spoke out on our behalf.  Our voice was not being heard.

Thanks Craig for adding your voice and going to the top to inform the mayor of our worsing  problem.

Finally action was taken.

The mayor phoned us.

The engineers returned and started checking up the streets.  Yes there is a house with low water pressure and a leak in the line.  I am happy to inform our neighbors that hopefully the problem will be soved.

We had a good visit from Carol and Kim yesterday afternoon.  They returned our car.  Kim walked Spenser.  He is very happy with all the different walkers and the attention he is getting.

I walked over to the store later because there were things we really needed.  Dad drove the car over to pick me up but he did not find me.  Thanks dad.

Another very poor night with little sleep.  I try to keep awake in case he falls going to the washroom.

 We are both getting worn out.

We may go over to Brown's today.  Had lots of vegetables yesterday.

Thanks everyone!

Appreciate every comment!

Miss writing in my journal.

Dad is having a long sleep in.  That is good.  He needs it.


Sandra said...

Everyone helps, but it really makes a difference when you go to the top!

I have pulled a muscle in my hip from the yoga challenge Carol, Kimberly Theresa and I are doing. It is just very minor and should be right as rain in no time with a little rest and a heating pad.

I do not know how much of a hard ass dad's doctor is going to be about only one topic per phone appointment, but you just might want to book a bunch next week. Squeaky wheel and all that.

There is his BP, his tummy troubles and weight. That is too bad dad did not get in with Dr Notle, he has never been like that with me, only allowing me to talk about one thing.

Do not use your hand too much mom, I assume you took it out of your splint to type?

I will pick you guys up on Saturday for dinner at Carol and Panteli's.


Anonymous said...

How is your hand Mom? Is dad's blood pressure still high? Happy Halloween !!! I am not sure if the kids will be trick or treating , government has said not to. Jasmine is having 4 girlfriends over for a party. Matthew is going to his male Samuals house to watch scary movies. We have a long weekend here, kids not back to school until Wednesday. MELBOURNE CUP holiday on Tuesday.

Steady-as-rain said...

I will call Saturday morning around 9:30 am



beth bennett said...

I tke it off to type.

My hand is still sore and swollen.

My wrist now hurts,

Spenser and I will wait for your call Rick

Sandra that is too bad you pulled something trYING to be GOOD.