Wednesday, October 14, 2020


Courage to find answers
                                                a new perspective and a renewed determination.

I can certainly relate to anyone who is struggling to find answers to their health problems.  It is not easy to find the right doctor who can relate to you and continue to look for the cause of our poor health.  I think we all want to be as healthy as possible.

Going through difficult testing can be very hard on some one who is already tired and exhausted.

As I have gotten older it has not become easier.

We thought Rick would find the answer that his heart was the problem and it could be fixed.  Sadly this was not the answer.

Dad is waiting for his test on the 28 at 3:45,  before his doctor will make any decisions on his treatment.

We need courage to face difficult challenges.

It is not easy to make changes in our life style until we know it is our only option.

Why am I having pain?

Why do I feel so weak and tired?


Anonymous said...

I had a nice dinner with Brittany ,Hobey and Cade last night . Now I am off home . I spoke to Rick yesterday. He sounded sad that they didn't find a cure or the problem , other than lose weight and keep taking the drugs.


Sandra said...

What pain?

Weak and tired, doesn't that just mean old?

I am felling old too.


beth bennett said...

I am still having some chest pain.
I was also thinking of Rick's chest pain.

Yes getting older affects us all.

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

Well, they found some problems but just not enough to account for all my symptoms. Talk to the lung doctor again on Friday.

My hand where the tube went it was swollen yesterday and I was worried a bit, but it is okay today, so I am relieved.



nancy-Lou said...

Beth have you tried taking vitamin B tablets? many seniors, including me are deficient in B vitamins. I have monthly B 12 shots too and take a multi B tablet daily..100mgs. it really makes a difference. If I am getting tired I know I have to get my shot!

Just being old means we need more rest and more help to do things. I think we just have to accept it! I know it is hard to ask for help...I don't like to ask either. But Ken noticed how tired I was after cleaning the house and now hired a lady to come and clean weekly. I am glad now...I know you have a housekeeper coming in that is good. It costs money to hire, but what are we saving it for anyway? We need to be comfortable and happy,not struggling to get things done.

It snowed here today...just flakes in the air, but some places have white on the ground and the highways were winter is almost here.It is below normal for this time of year...but we are ready! all the firewood is done for this year and ken is now working on next years. WE will burn about 4 cords of wood. The Argo has tracks on now, ken took the wheels off and changed it to tracks. Quite a job, but he got it done in no time al all.

Sorry that Rick didn't get the answers he needed. it must be frustrating to be sick and the doctors not able to find answers. I have my fingers crossed for you Rick.

One thing I do know is since I started practicing Tai Chi daily I feel a lot better...more energy and less pain from arthritis and muscle pain. Mentally too, I feel more sharp and centred.
It has been almost two years now and I really look forward to the set of Tai Chi...the exercises first I don't really care for...but I do, to warm up. Having a partner who is a teacher really gives me inspiration. He is a master in three Chinese disciplines.

Well making dinner is calling to me...chicken and fried rice, a favourite around here.

I wish you a lovely evening and a good sleep,
Love to you both,