Friday, March 31, 2023


 Yes  dad repeated going out to look for me when I was upstairs in bed.  It was getting dark as he drove all around.

I was very tired so Spenser and I had gone up to bed.

Dad did not hear me say I was going up stairs.

He did this once before.

Yes I will get my blood checked if I do not improve.

I am reading The Postmistress.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023


WHICH of the following first lines of a novel grab your attention?

"Pilot training, reflex, and survival instinct kicked in."

"There was that manical laughter again."

"What would you think of a post mistress who choose not  to deliver the mail?"

"When December rolled around  Manhatten transformed itself into a city that Maggie didn't always recognize."

"Running, running,stumbling runnin

It's  a bad one  sir The police man aid shaking his head."

"The character of fiction are strange fish."

""It was black in the closet as old blood.  They have shoved me in and and locked the door."

"Spiituality has taught most of us how to deal with failure."

"The headstone anchors me in the dream with a weight I cannot escape."

Tuesday, March 28, 2023


Tavia works hard at cleaning out our front gatden.  She also moved some plants around,  I can hardly wait for the time when things start to bloom.

Loura came over in the afternoon as planned.  She was a big helo.  She went to the store and walked Spenser,  I was tired and so I was thankful she did that.

I find time to not be a constant thing.  Sometimes it goes by very quickly and other times it drags along slowly.  

We all experiece it differently,  

Things change.    Especially as we get older time changes and we have to accept this.  Dad and I do not like getting old.  Sure we all can be forgetful but it is more than being forgetful.  Part of it is the uncertanty of future times.

We are thankful that we can remember some of our growing up years they contribute to making us who we are,

Time for me to go to bed.  Where has the time gone?

We value the times we spend  with our family and with friends,

Monday, March 27, 2023


 It wass  NOISY day with the noisy happy children   Leah and Astrid have rea;;y grown,  It was hard for me to keep up withj them asa they did  lot of running.  It was great to see them running and laughing.

                                                      I love their beautiful blue eyes.

thanks Rick for the grat idea.
Thaks to both you and Carol for tasty lunch.
You make a good team.
Lots of good pancakes, sauges and egs and fruit salad.

I better include daddy Craig.

Thanks Carol or doing the dishes.

                                            Thanks Pateli for the tulips

I was sure ready for bed early last night and thankful for a good nights sleep.
A great day!

Thursday, March 23, 2023


    One of Spensers favorite things to do is to climb on the back of his chair and look out the window.

So do you want the good news first or the bad news?

The good news is we had a good visit with Rick in the morning and enjoyed a delicious omlet.

Dad had a  quick visit  at the doctors.  He took at piece out of the sore in his back and is sending it away.  His doctor referred him to a cancer surgeon once they get the results back.  He will have a big cut out of his back.  

Dad is not too worried as this is what he expected.

We left the office and then went on to Shoppers.  We were loading up the car when I told dad I was going to take a quick visit to Save On Foods.  I was going to be supper careful to leave by the same front door.

The bad news was I left by the wrong door and go lost in the parking lot again.  I walked and walked and looked and looked.  I was so very tired.

Finally I realized I was looking in the wrong parking lot.  I started walking up and down the rows again.  I was feeling desperate.  Finally I found the car and what a relief.

Thankful Laura was here when we got home and she made us a coffee and a turkey sandwich.  I could feeel my stress level going down.

I feel I have learned my lesswon and I will never go there again.  I felt I did not pray because I felt so stupid.  It was my own fault.

I know I was not thinking right,  God loves to help us in all our situations.  He does not judge us the way we judge ourselves.  He knows we have our good days and our bad days,

Tuesday, March 21, 2023


                                                Sometimes we forget how fragile we are.

                                                We can end up at the end of the day with sore knees or hips.

I took it very easy on Monday.  I made a mistke at the end of the door to open the door to memories of the past.  

With the memory came the pain.  I was hoping I could fall asleep and it would go away.  I could not fall asleep,  The pain got stronger and I sat up for awhile.  So tired I crawled back to bed but sleep wold not come.

Finally I got up and as I was sitting in the chair I started praying. "Please take this pain away:"  I could not believe it when the pain left, I was able to go back to bed for a couple of hours.

Emotional pain is very hard to deal with.

All I can say is what happened to me. I am making a point to live an authentic and honest spiritual life.

This not always easy,  We have to work hard to keep our love alive in our relationship,  This means being sensitive and caring.  Know when it is time to drop a subject.

When the mail came there was a loving card from Cathy,  It was like a special hug, it was an encouraging word that I really needed  to hear,

I have prayed many prayers especially for my loving children,  Whn I pray to-night I will pray they will feel loved with a big hug,

Tavia came and worked extra hard,  She is amazing.

  Life can be a struggle,  People can disappoint you,  We can even disappoint ourselves,

God is faithful.  His love is unconditional.



                                            Still one of my favorite flowers.

Still one of my favorite flowers.

Excited to have Adam come and fix up our fireplace.  I sure miss it on this cold rainly days.

Finally got to the library.  I chose 8 books.  I choose ones I knew the author..  So many to choose from.

We were both tired when we got home.

I rested for 10 minutes then took him for a walk.  When I got home dag was upstairs watching T,V, and sleeping,  My legs were too tired to go up and see him.  I started reading one of my books.

Reading the Easter story in the Bible.  

It is amazing how it always seems new,  We all have some struggles and when I pray I feel stronger than the problem.

Feeling very tired.  Hearing buzzing in my ear,  I am reading  up on it. Laura.

comes at 12.  She will make a meal for us.  I am so thankful for her,'

God is good!


Sunday, March 19, 2023


 It was very still on our morning walk.  We met no one.  There was not even a tiny breeze,

The rest of the day was quiet too,  I went to the store to  buy coffee filters and bought other things and forgot why I had gone there in the first place.

Sorry Daisy dog is not doing so well.  

It is good you can help your new friend from work get there in better time Sandra.

Good for you Jasmine playing a good game, and for your team for winning and moving on.  How excciting!

I love the extra  sunlight now.

Jesus told parables to sew seeds for spiritual growth,

The Kingdom of heaven is a mystery that is hidden to unbelievers.  It is like energy that grows in the stillness of yeast or like a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered.

There is power in stillness.

"I have looked for face of Jesus in the face of those I disagreed  with,"   -Bishop Whipple

Friday, March 17, 2023

St.Patrick day

 What did you guys do on St.Patrick.'s Day?  We went to the dollar store and bought silly things like a green hat.  I wore on my walk around Boundary Park.  A man laughed at me aand told me he was going home to have an Irish coffee.  

Actually he always likes to give Spenser treats.  Any friend of Spenser is a friend of mine.,

We enjoyed Laura coming to make a nice lunch.  She tells great stories. We  laugh a lot especially when she tells us of the latest trouble her dog is getting into,  She thought it would be just like Spenser.

May be we will go to the library to-morrow.  The little library has a lot of serious books right now that dad likes to read.

I do not feel like being serious!

I do not think I will be reading "Democracy In Chains" or "Act Of Treason".

Thursday, March 16, 2023


                                                  BOUNDARY PARK                                                  

Yesterday we were delighted to have a visit from Cathy and Glen.  I need to ask Cathy about the book she has written and how to find it on Amazon.  Very exciting time!

Cathy and I have known each other for at least 30 years.

I can remember the many times we prayed together for ourselves and our families.

I know I often felt discouraged and overwhelmed.  Being a mother is never a easy task. 

 I have questioned God.  I need courage and compasion and wisdom.  I need his spirit to guide and teach me.  I have made mistakes but I wanted to do what was the loving thing even when it was so difficult.

Cathy's prayers have been a blessing and I am so thankful for all the help I have received from her kindness and grace,

Over the years we have made many awesome friends by attending church.

Today Rick came to take out our garbage.  We appreciate his thoughtfulness. 

Dad made some porridge for the two of them.

After he left we did some shopping at Shoppers and at the Safeway.  We were just getting a few things but the buggy soon filled up.  Thankfully it was not to busy.

Spenser and I walked around Boundary Park.  I think spring is just around the corner.  The water always looks beautiful and there are lots of ducks. swimming or hidding in these bushes.

To-morrow is St. Patrick's Day.  I do not have anything green, I hope we can think of something special to do.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023


 I know I have done something wrong but I blame the computer,  I try to correct it and every thing goes away,

We are in the process of getting our fireplace fixed.  Adam a nice young man told us what is wrong and will bring parts in a couple of weeks.

I was thankful Laura came and fixed supper.  I was feeling sick and had not eaten much.

I know that I am worrying too much.

Thoughts are energy and can produce positive or neative results

The things I worry about often do not happen but what I least expect will happen.



I tried to make corrections but everything disappeared.

Good news sunshine continues.

Fireplace man in the afternoon    Laura at 2,

We all our on our own journey with lesons and experiences to teach us the way.

"The spiritual highways are made by pilgrims walking their individual  paths."

Monday, March 13, 2023


 Yes the news of the day is that dad seems to have the stomack flu.  He has had diarrea and throwing up.  

He is in bed resting.resting and I am taking Spenser for a short walk.

As the day progresses he starts to feel better.  A good night's sleep will help.He seems a bit better today. 

I love walking around Boundary Park.

Sunday, March 12, 2023


My walker is an amazing help.  It gives me confidence each step I take.

Our children are wonderful helpers.  Sandra helping me with on line banking,  She was here for several hours on Saturday on the computer.  She will have to come back again.  She goes to the store 
which is a good help.

We can always count on Randy to help us too. He makes a good stew.

Rick came Sunday morning to make us pancakes and bacon and eggs.  We enjoyed his company and were sorry he had to leave when he felt unwell.  He helps in many ways especially filling in on the days Laura is not  here,

Carol loves to feed us and she checks to see how we are doing.

Panteli is willing to drive dad to his appointments for cancer check ups.

Kenny phones to tell dad when the hockey is coming on.  He is finding his landlord very unhelpful, not letting him know when he has to leave.

Laura is also a great help and feels like part of our family.

Sunday morning I spend time in prayer.  Jesus promised to give his followers the Holy Spirit who guides and strengthens us.  We are not alone,  We can be honest when we open our hearts to Jesus knowing his love and presence will always be wih us.

Faith has helped me cope with the stress and worry.

We are family and we help one another,


                                                      My walker is an amazing help for me

                                                       This is a new one dad put together.

Our family continuwes to be a great help to us.  Sandra came on Sat. to try to get her name on my bank account.  It was a frustrating and tiring.  We would have to wait for hours to get any contact so she will try again,

Rick came over to make us a pancake breakfast.  Very good.  He had to leave early because he did not feel well.

Carol loves to feed us and Pentali is a good sport driving dad to his cancer appointment,

Ken phones us to tell dad when hockey is on and to see how we are.  He is having a stressful time not knowning what his landlord is planning to do.  He is looking for a new place.

I am thankful for pain pills that ease my tooth ache.  They sure help.

The words of Jesus have helped me by transforming me into a new person who feels loved and desires to love others.  The Holy Spirit is my helper to live a life of grace and thankfulness.

Sunday morning is a time to take the time to be aware of his prasence.

Faith is a positive reality that continues to help and guide and strengthen me.

I am thankfu for all my helpers.

Friday, March 10, 2023


                                            Yes I have had a real love for books all my life.

                                             I loved going to the libazry with my mom.

                                             I couldn't believe how many books there were.

                                             I could hardly wait for her to read them to me.

                                             I still love going to the library even when it is a litle book nook.

                                             My favorite presents were books

                                             I ways like to have a book waiting to be read

                                             First thinbg in the morning I make my coffee and read a inspiring book.

                                             This love started when I was young and continues to this day.

                                              I read stories by Zane Gray and  stories about animals and fiction too.

                                              I realized that we all have the power to change, to reach our full potential.

Now it is time to close my book and be driven to the park to walk Spense.  It is a cool and dull day.


Wednesday, March 8, 2023


 Laura blamed the G.F. flour.  Her baking powder buns did not turn out so well,  Laura is verry good at doing many things.  She helped dad clean out the pond today.  This was after she went to pick up a new walker at the store, 

My old ones looks and sounds like it is on it's last legs.

When I walked around the pond this afternoon I went by two elderly East Indian men dozing on a bench.

They woke up went they heard me coming.   I told them I was very sorry but I really need my walker.  They smiled at me.  Did they understand?

Laura was late coming yesterday because her little puppy had eaten something and was very ill.  She had to take him to the vet.  Today it ate a card that was worth money, she had won.

At Boundary Park a lady told me her dog had eaten some magic mushrooms and was very sick.  I try to watch Spenser when we are out walking.

We have had two wonderful sunny days.  Still cold with some snow hanging around.

Dad sat out on the front steps with a warm jacket on and was joined  with an old friend.

I want to clean up the back yard.  I do a bit when I first get up,

I gave Laura a fright today when we were eating lunch and I started choking.  I know I have to eat smaller bits and also chew carefully.    I recovered but did not eat anything more.

I seem to be behind in a lot of things.Thankful  Rick will help with the garbage in the morning.,  We have boxes that need to be torn up.

We will need help buying a new fire place. The man that came destroyed the one we had.

In my life I have had burdens and also blessings.  I know this keeps me from the deadly sin of being self righteous.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023


                                                                Two of my favorite people

                                                IT is always a joy to have Oliver stop by for a visit, 

                                               He and granpa share lots of common experiences.

                                               Good to have lots to laugh about.  

                                                 He certainly brightened up our day.

                                                 I wish I felt more energy but enjoyed listening

                                                 A good listener is always good to have.

Monday, March 6, 2023



                                         Driving to Carol and Panteli's for supper into the setting sun.

We had a busy day on Sunday.  Rick came over first thing to bring me some pills to try for my acid reflux whch is getting worse.  I will try to get in touch with the doctor today.

Carol and Pantreli also dropped by to see how we are doing.  I was feeling very tired and had a headache.  /Decided to have a little caffine.

Later Panteli came and picked us up for supper at his house.

The irst words we speak as babies are very exciting,

It is important what words we use to express our selves.  It is important how we say it.

It makes me unhappy when there is misunderstanding in our families.

There is misunderstanding about our faith and how we express it.  All Christians do not think aliike.  We need to realize how imperfect we are.  Committment begins with expressing our lack of knowledge and our need of the spiritual help of the Holy Spirit we find in the words of Jesus.

This is complicated as we searh all the scriptures to find how to live daily.

This is journey that takes us into a deeper understanding of ourselves and each otther.

We admit our imperfections.

Saturday, March 4, 2023


 Dad and I agree that we made a mistake signing with the fireplace people,  We have found that we can be taken advantage of by others.

Dad as we all know wants the line of credit taken off as he has been extremely stressed about it.  .we are going to the bank to do this this after noon

Thankfully we trust every one in our family who are doing their best to help us and protect us.

If we need help we know we can call on any of you.  

I feel dad needs to rest up this coming week.  We will have a quiet week with Laura helping. '

Rick please take time to do your own stuff.  Sandra and Carol also.

Be calm.  We love you all and know you take on different roles at times.

We all come at problems from our own point of view.

I want you all to be happy and repect the opinions of others,

Friday, March 3, 2023


 We are very fortunate in many many ways.  We have a lovely caring family.  We have good friends and kind neighbors.  a adorable little dog who takes we for walks every day.

We have now made a firm decision we do not want to move for maybe a year or so.  No one needs to look for places for us to move to or to rent.

OUR FAMILY will repect our decision I hope.  

..Fortunately Laura our helper will come 5 days a week.

We all have a lot of stress on our lives.

Was it stress that made me sick to my stomack during the night?

Dad could not sleep.  We will cancel the loan at the bank for now.

I realize that Sandra did an amazing job getting that all arranged.

Our new dishes arrived today and it will be fun to set the table with them.

It was a cold day but Spenser enjoyed our walks.

Dad appreciatted all the effort Rick took driving arouind to get his special eye cream.

His eye does not look good at all and he is waiting fir an appointment with the soecialist.

Cancer is a horrible thing.

Thursday, March 2, 2023


 Connections happen when people feel seen and heard and valued.

It was a beautiful sunny day and I was anxious to get our walking.  A friend who means well actually came and took Spenser's lesh out of my hand saying she would walk him and I should go back in the house and keep warm.

I felt very annoyed so I walked over to the store and bought myself some cookies.

None of us like to be told what we have to do.

The problem right now in our family is we need to make up our minds.  When should we sell?  Should we rent or buy?  Do we agree a line of credit is good?  Do we have a mortgage on our house?

It is so easy to be misunderstod and that can be extremely frustrating.

We think maybe Rick misunderstood about Tavia.  She thinks we have over paid her.  We look forward to her coming when the weather gets warmer.  She is a great little worker.

We had a good time with Rick.  He came early to take the garbage out.  Then we put the right bird seed in the bird feeder.  The birds are all so hungry and we love watching them.

After going to the store he made us a super good delicious lunch.  Hot roast beef sandwiches!

We need to value the opinions of others while we make our own decions. 

I made an important decsion and I walked Spenser over at Boundary Park.

             also we are getting our fireplace fixed.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023


 I must remember to phone Rick about the new appointment time.

Dad and I are concerned that we are over tiring him.  Like today my appointment time is 9:40 and dad is 2:40.

I think we need to share the load of driving.

I am sure my thorat closer was caused by stress and worry.

I read in my devotional today that "we can be more than conquerors through him who loved us." 

Romans 8:37

I find it helpful to re;eave my stress amd worry to repace my negative thinking with a positive thought.

This is my thought for today.

This is part of what I call beimng spiritual.