Sunday, March 19, 2023


 It was very still on our morning walk.  We met no one.  There was not even a tiny breeze,

The rest of the day was quiet too,  I went to the store to  buy coffee filters and bought other things and forgot why I had gone there in the first place.

Sorry Daisy dog is not doing so well.  

It is good you can help your new friend from work get there in better time Sandra.

Good for you Jasmine playing a good game, and for your team for winning and moving on.  How excciting!

I love the extra  sunlight now.

Jesus told parables to sew seeds for spiritual growth,

The Kingdom of heaven is a mystery that is hidden to unbelievers.  It is like energy that grows in the stillness of yeast or like a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered.

There is power in stillness.

"I have looked for face of Jesus in the face of those I disagreed  with,"   -Bishop Whipple

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I did not do much walking on the weekend. Randy and I walked too fast on Friday and that puts me out of commission for a while. Plus my knee has a horrible clunk now. Does not hurt , just feels weird.