Saturday, March 4, 2023


 Dad and I agree that we made a mistake signing with the fireplace people,  We have found that we can be taken advantage of by others.

Dad as we all know wants the line of credit taken off as he has been extremely stressed about it.  .we are going to the bank to do this this after noon

Thankfully we trust every one in our family who are doing their best to help us and protect us.

If we need help we know we can call on any of you.  

I feel dad needs to rest up this coming week.  We will have a quiet week with Laura helping. '

Rick please take time to do your own stuff.  Sandra and Carol also.

Be calm.  We love you all and know you take on different roles at times.

We all come at problems from our own point of view.

I want you all to be happy and repect the opinions of others,


Sandra said...

Ah, you may have agreed but were you coerced! It is kind of funny to think of me forcing you and dad to do anything since I am always complaining that no one listens to me. Have you had a chance to add more numbers to the call blocker, or are you just going to wait and add them as people call? In the instructions it says you can always turn it off temporarily if you are expecting a call from a doctor or someone who may not be on your list.
I am ready for a quiet week. Getting ready to try and finish the laundry and bathroom cabinets we did not get done before company arrived last year. Might be a combination of Ikea, hand made and stock items.

Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, being calm is always a good idea.

See you on Thursday morning to do the garbage and recycling. Call if you need anything before then.

