Tuesday, December 31, 2019


In three hours dad will be at the doctor's office waiting to get his dreaded hormone shot.
This was a difficult decision because it totally changes how he feels.

It is quiet as I sit and pray.  I am longing for my prayers for my family to be answered.

"What happens in a time of spending time with God cannot be measured in terms of human success or failure.

Monday, December 30, 2019


Christmas is over.
It happens so quickly.
The lights are coming down off the houses.
January seems so gloomy.

I' m sitting on the floor wrapping the Christmas decorations to be put away for another year .__

We had a nice visit from friends John and Pat yesterday.

I am feeling very sad hearing the news about Mary and Chad.  There relationship is over and Mary has to find a place to live and a job.  She will have to pack up everything.

I know our whole family is feeling the pain of what was meant to be perfect has now ended.

Life can be so full of pain and disappointment. We all have been vulnerable at times in our life.  I am proud of Mary reaching out for help at this time. I pray she knows she is loved!

I am praying for Mary to have courage and wisdom and strength.

"It is in our confession of our brokenness that real strength can fill our emptiness."
Nenri Nouwen

Sunday, December 29, 2019


Yes dad and I are facing the many limitations of old age but we are determined not to let it rob us of a sense of humor!

"People who have come to know the joy of the Lord do not deny that there is darkness.  A little bit of light can dispel a lot of darkness."  Henri Nouwen

We enjoyed a long talk with Melina and Ken the day after boxing day.  They are coping with the heat and the children are enjoying their holidays.  They want to go away but plans have not been made yet.

I have had several very difficult days and almost went back to the emergency. I have decided I have to get use to being short of breath and tired and rest when I need to.  I am determined to keep walking Spenser even though it is exhausting. 

There is a reason.  I will find out more when I visit the specialist.

We are anxious about the day of dad's eye surgery but it will all work out.  Carol and Sandra are willing to help.

My computer has not been working.  My blog as lost but dad has got it working again even better.

I was feeling low spiritually but my spirits are now lifting.

The New Year will be a time for a new Me!

Friday, December 27, 2019


                                     Beautiful musical Christmas cards from Trinidad
Thank you Ranu and Lucas for the presents.  I needed a new little purse and dad a new shirt.
We certainly had a jolly Christmas day starting with opening presents at Carol and Panteli's. after a Christmas brunch.  The gifts were all so lovely and I felt expressed our love for each other.

Dad and Rick and I returned home to walk Spenser.  He was feeling a little left out.  
Yes when others arrived they certainly in the Christmas spirit.
We were to wear our old Christmas sweaters!

                                                               Justice his dad .

                                             We were pleased Tasha had the day off.
I am having great difficulty.  Not feeling too good.

 I was happy to take Prednisone for three days which really helped me have a great Christmas.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

christmas day.

Christmas Eve

Up early Rick has arrived a good drive down.

There were 8 of us who went to church.

beautiful music with drums and choir. with drums.
Very thoughtful of my family to plan this.
Thanks Sandra.
Gave Randy time to finish the preparations
Leah and Craig and children arrive with Germain n and Will'

Lots of fun and laughter and hugs.  Lots of good food and drinks .  Thanks Sandra and Randy.
and Ben and Morgan also went to church with us
Oliver too.  He has a great life with his ride the waves and driving his boat to quiet places.
Sorry Leah
Sorry this is all I can do now.  Dad fixed my computer so it is work.  I think.\

I am short of breath but had a walk with Spenser.  Everyone is friendly.

Medrry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019


                                     Christmas Eve has always been the most beautiful and hopeful time for me.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone after church tonight.

Yesterday I spent the afternoon in the Emergency in Ladner.  I was having very bad chest pain.  I was short breath and very tired.

After blood work and a chest x-ray they found fluid in the lungs.  I was given prenizone and a thing to blow into and an appoint with another clinic.
I feel tired this morning but looking forward to celebrating,

We had supper last night at Carol and Panteli's  Good to see Oliver

Happy Christmas Eve..  Good to share the love!

Monday, December 23, 2019


Community is like a big family where we love each other unconditionally.
As part of this is that we share a common story
in our family and in our communities.
We share our gratitude for each other.
We share our joys and our sorrows.
We are searching for truth that teaches us how to live and what we value.

When we arrived at Carol and Panteli's the suitcases were all pack and ready to go.  
Mikie and Theresa were back from their visit and work party over on the Island.

We had a short visit just time to say hello and give hugs.  They all were anxious to get home.

Today I will visit Joan at the Nursing Home.  I think the sun will shine.

Sunday, December 22, 2019


"The mystic heart is the deepest part of who we or what we really are."

I was able to feel the mystery of the spiritual as I prayed early in the morning.  We can get so caught up in what we need to do and be it is good just to meditate and pray.

I closed my eyes and I saw a big mountain before me waiting for me to climb.  I start out and was aware of many others traveling with me.  We encouraged each other.  Then it was like they all faded away and I felt very alone and confused.  It was very dark.  I felt I was to knell down and I did in my imagination.

I opened my mind and  saw I was knelling at the feet of Jesus.  Jesus had an aura like a rinbow around him and a bright light shone around us both.  I was amazed that I too was in the light.  I felt very light and peaceful.    It was just a moment and then it all disappeared.

I then took Spenser out for a walk and came home to get ready for church.  Yes we had decided where to go.  Just about when it was time to leave dad had a bad stomach ache so we could not go.  

It turned out to be a sunny day and Spenser and I went over to the park after I had a little rest.

Carol phoned to invite us for supper so that lifted my spirits.

Not only had I climbed a mountain and felt lost but I had experienced a spiritual awareness that does not happen very often.

Thomas Merton writes of how we all walk around shining like the sun but seldom recognize the light in us or around us.  I feel encouraged.

We are fortunate to have our family planning lots of happy times ahead.

I have been fortunate to have found meaningfull friendships in the church we attended  for so many years.  I do miss that.

Saturday, December 21, 2019


Maybe I could join thus choir,
Spenser does not have a musical bark.

I love all the music at this time of year.  I do not think they put it on the radio too soon.  Dad and I have been watching music video's on Net Flicks.  I love seeing the orchestra behind the singers.

Dad wants to buy more lights.  We should put them up to-gether.

Core our neighbor was putting his lights up yesterday.  Dad and Spenser went and said hello.  He has been sick with a bad chest cold.

There is certainly a lot to choose from on the T.V. or radio or net flicks.

I believe in the power of a loving faith and a believing heart. 

Our  Christmas story has the music of angels rejoicing at the birth of Jesus

Friday, December 20, 2019


Rooms lit with Christmas lights become a joy to all.

Dad and I were sitting watching the news when the phone rang and we heard Ken's voice.  It brightened up a very ordinary day.  I have been wanting to phone him but with the shifts he works and hours he should be sleeping I never know what is a good time.  We were both delighted.

He had one more day to work and then he is on holidays.  They are planning a trip.  I forgot where.
The weather has been extremely hot and fires are still burning,  Finding  nice cool place would be wonderful.

Matthew may become a team captain at school which is a real honor.  Jasmine was off down to the beach with a friend.

Dad found out from the cancer doctor he has to have his hormone shots again.  His P.S.A. has taken a jump.  We will pick it up at the clinic today.  A miserable wet day.

                             Reminding myself to switch on my brain with positive thoughts.

Be still and know that I am God

I find that I am a little impatient right now.   

Mailed my last Christmas card to my cousin in Victoria.

 I want to feel the wonder of the spirit of Christmas.  We have bought one present and are trying to think of the Santa Clause gift.  We can take from one another and just have fun.

I know the ordinary can be touched by the spirit and give meaning to each one of ours lives.

Jesus was born to become one of us so that we can be transformed by his presence in our lives!

No one wants to be just ordinary.

Thursday, December 19, 2019


Thank you Panteli for a good supper.
It is always great to be at your home.

It looks very festive and the evening ended as we all relaxed.  Haiti in her usual spot by the fire.
We are keeping in touch with our old church community through our prayer chain.  I am one of the group who will pray for those who request it.  It was sad news to her our near friend Joan McIntyre is in hospital having open heat surgery,  WE think of her husband who has been very ill and her daughter who will  be very worried about her.

It is important to pray for each other.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


                                        I take my camera everywhere now even into the store.

Talked to Mary on the phone.  She is on the top of my prayer list now.  More kidney stone pain and another x-ray and M.R,I.  Praying they will do something so she can be good for Christmas.

"Quality rest is essential for our mental well-being,"  Dr. C.Leaf

Jesus told is disciples it was time for a break at a secluded  spot.

I know I need to do all I can to improve my brain.

I am working on humility and honesty.  The important thing is do to it with humor.

Genuine holiness is a matter of accepting our imperfections with patience and understanding.

Good news Mary is now free of her kidney stone.   The last pain was it passing.

We are very thankful.

Monday, December 16, 2019


The dentist office is in my neighborhood and choe enough to walk.
They are a cheerful bunch.
Even when they tell me they have found another cavity but only a small one.
It can wait until next year.

We live in a very cheerful neighbor hood.  Our friend next door gave us two small gifts.  She makes them herself.  It looks like hard work to me.

A group of them came to the door to sing carols.  They all look so bright and happy.  They are collecting funds to help the poor.  They come every year but I am always surprised to open the door and see and hear them.

We all have a unique way of processing our thinking and our feelings.  

I feel best when I feel a sense of harmony first within myself and then with others.

Dad walked Spenser to-night but he still wanted me to walk him again.  He keeps barking so we guess what he wants.  He can be an angel so cute at times but he can be very stubborn and annoying.

All is peaceful now so time to head off to bed.

Sunday, December 15, 2019


It was a magical night for me.
We join Kim and Hamlet at the Orpheum Theatre in Van.
The drive in had been stressful because the traffic was cawling along. 
Carol was driving and we turned off Granville
to get to Broadway and across the Arbutus bridge to the theatre.
Things at night look so different and I had no idea where we are.
Carol invited us all to help her find her way.
She did a good job.
She dropped us off at the door and drove up 6 flourw to park the car.

Here we are inside after waiting in line outside.
We were late so had to wait for the right time to walk in.
We had the best seat right up front.
This is Panteli's neice Sephanne Triwchew
she was the mezzo soprano.
She looked beautiful and sang with great passion.
I wish I ould have gottn

Morgan was with us and looked lovely.

For me personally I loved every minute of listening to Handel's Messiah.  It brought back memories of when I sang in our church choir in Saskatoon.  I was thrilled to be welcomed into that choir of about 80 people.  I was the youngest person and was singing with am amzaing group of performers.

This extremely difficult music to sing.  We practice for months.

Finally the night came to perform and I can remember how excited I was to come into the row of choir seats.  This was in Grace United Church, a very big church and people came from all over.

I loved hearing the music again.

It was one of the things I was very sad about when we moved to Regina.

There I had to work very hard to finish my grade 12 with different teachers.

I am thankful for Carol and Paneli inviting us to hear and feel the emotion that I felt there.

We all had to stand for the singing of the Hallelujah chorus.  This is now tradition started by a King many years ago.  I had goose bumps.

Today Sandra brought us some dinner   Our new favoite from White Spot.  I was feeling very happy but very exhausted.  We had a wonderful visit and she walked Spenser with me.  After she left and after a nap we had dinner with some wine.  We should have lit the candlew.

A very late night for us.

Saturday, December 14, 2019


Looking forward to going to a concert with Carol and Panteli.
It is in Vancouver,
His niece is singing.

I am happy we went to the right eye doctor on Friday.  Dad had me worried as we walked in he said was I sure it was the right one.  I sighed with relief as the receptionist confirmed that it was.  A quick appointment so that was good.

Smiling it suppose to be good for you.  Dad and I smile every time we look at Spenser.

I am sure it will be a beautiful concert.

"Your thoughts change the structure of your brain.  You are what you think."
-Caroline Leaf

Jesus said it is what is in your heart that is important.

Friday, December 13, 2019


We journeyed to White Rock yesterday.
It was pouring rain and stressful.

We were thinking of Rick driving home to Kamloops.
It would be snowing on his way home.
Phoned to see if he had arrived safely.

We were invited to Carol and Panteli's but did not feel up to going.
I felt bad disappointing them.

The story of Mary and Joseph starts with a journey,
A difficult journey into the unknown.

W often did not know where we would spend the night.
We sure had some interesting journeys!

We are all travellers on an unknown road but our love for each other keeps us going!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Nothing like puppie love!
A little white and gray curly hair.
He always tries to sneak out and get in the car.
He is always so happy to see us when we return. 
He watches from the upstairs window.
Yes he has changed our lives.
We have a big walk in the morning and he loves to say hello to people or other dogs.
I do not seem to get much done around here when it is time to go again.

Dad finished putting up Christmas lights so he is happy about that.

To-morrow he sees his family doctor to get pills refilled.  Then on the way home he will make a stop at the blood clinic to do his test for the prostate cancer.  We are looking forward to supper with Carol and Panteli, Kim and Ben.

According to my new boom the brain is neuroplastic.
It changes according to the environment.

I am reassured that change takes time.

I am excited to learn more each day. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Dad is out cleaning up the garden and string up more lights.

Yesterday he went for a bike ridw and Spenser and I had another walk.

Spenser and I have had our walk.  We nearly got knocked over by a young guy running to catch the bus.  It is very cold today.  We did not meet any of our friends.  

I am starting to read a book called "Switch On Your Brain" by Dr. Caroline Leaf.

My daily routine is pretty simple.  In the morning I pray, eat read and write in my journal.

Then I walk Spenser and after we both have a rest.  We usually like to go out at least once a day.  It can be shopping or eating out or going to the library.

This book is designed to help me understand the unique power of the mind.

There are also quotes from the Bible to help me understand it better.

I am trying to make peace with getting older gracefully.

Sunday, December 8, 2019


A home filled with love is a good place to start.
Starting the season right with family.
Maxwell is growing cuter every time we see him.
Mandy and James will be spending Christmas in Edmonton with family.\
Mandy's sister has just had her baby today.
Sandra and Randy are great hosts for this early Christmas party.

Part of the classic Christmas story is the journey Mary and Joseph took to Bethlehem.  It was not an easy journey but they found a place to have their baby.

Any journey brings invertible challenges, but being with family is a great blessing.

We did not go to church today because I was feeling a little tired.

We did go shopping for more Christmas lights.  Dad is very enthusiastic about putting up the lights.

It is wonderful to see Christmas lights glowing in windows and loving family celebrating together.

Christmas is about family.

Saturday, December 7, 2019


                                                Friendship one of the best gifts of all.
Joanne, a friend that I have made on my walks, called to invite her to meet at the Greek Restaurant.
She is a very funny story teller and we are soon laughing as we join her at the table.  She has lots of health problem's but these are told with humor.  She and her daughter are going to be breeding puppies.  They come over later to bring the two very big beautiful Sheep dogs to show.us.  This is a serious undertaking and they are still in the learning process.

Dad had a little fall as we were leaving the restaurant.  He did not realize there was a ittle step down.
He has done this at Sandra's place too.

Life is full of ups and downs so we just laugh about this.

Rick has hurt his back lifting bales of hay.  I guess he is not cut out to be a rancher.

He is planning a long trip to Alert Bay on Tuesday.

The unexpected can happen at any time.  Mary, the mother of baby Jesus, had not been expecting to be pregnant before marriage.  If Joseph had not stayed with her she could have been stoned to death.

The spiritual birth has the power to change us deep inside our souls.  God chooses each one of us to be used in different ways to make this world a better place.

We are expected at Sandra and Randy's home.  Mandy and James will be there with the baby and so will Carol and Panteli.  We will take Spenser too, he is our baby now.

Friday, December 6, 2019


Christmas is decorations that light up our streets.
Christmas is the thought of giving not getting.
It is the happiness of seeing joy in others.
Seeing faces light up"

I was very excited about our, dad and mine,  first Christmas.  I had a new dress to wear, I had baked cookies and the floor where all shined up and out tiny tree just the right size for our living room.  The kitchen was tiny with a two burner electric stove.  It also was where our washer sat in the corner.  No dryer but a good long clothes line outside the back door.

A small table was set in the living room all ready for mom and dad and my brother Brian and his wife Traudl.  We even had Christmas crackers to pop and my good china we received for a wedding present.

From the outside the house looked rundown and the yard was just mud.  It was a shock when I first saw it but it had become home and we were happy there.  My mom and dad were dismayed when they saw the outside.  They did not say anything at the time but later learn ed how they had felt.

The one problem was the electric stove kept turn off and the turkey was not getting cooked.  I ran back and forth to the bedroom to pull the switch.  I felt like sitting down and crying.  Thankfully the neighbors let us use their stove and thankfully everyone was a good sport.

I wonder how Mary the mother of Jesus felt having a baby in a barn that was cut out of a cave.  It would not have been an easy time to be pregnant before marriage.

A story that tugs at your heart the more you think about it.

I am so thankful for my parents and the love they gave me.  The best gift of all.

Thursday, December 5, 2019


                                                     One by one the cards are/ done.
                                                     Trips to the store to buy more cards.
                                                     Trips to the bank to get more money,
                                                     Trip to the post office for more stamps.
                                                     I got in trouble for bringing Spenser in with me.
                                                     Sorry, sorry, sorry.
                                                     Dad helped to lick the envelopes and made sure the stamps were on.

My results from the blood work are hear.  It is all perfect except high in B12.
I must be doing something right.  Why am I so tired?  Everyone seems tired.
I guess the best thing I can do is not be anxious about my health.

I was so pleased to see this little box in the park.  People can take a book and leave a book.  I have already done this.  I check this morning and my book is gone.  Little things make me happy.

We went to one store on Wed. and bought one present.  We were tired out. standing in line etc.
 One by one.

I love the miracle and wonder that shines through the Christmas story.
Mary responds with a question and acceptance.
Joseph struggles to believe and to understand.

One baby, one mom and one dad bring this life into being that lives on in hearts today!

I still have the childest faith that bless me when I was young.

God works in mysterious ways, even when it is hard for us to believe

The power of love!

I keep praying!