Saturday, December 7, 2019


                                                Friendship one of the best gifts of all.
Joanne, a friend that I have made on my walks, called to invite her to meet at the Greek Restaurant.
She is a very funny story teller and we are soon laughing as we join her at the table.  She has lots of health problem's but these are told with humor.  She and her daughter are going to be breeding puppies.  They come over later to bring the two very big beautiful Sheep dogs to  This is a serious undertaking and they are still in the learning process.

Dad had a little fall as we were leaving the restaurant.  He did not realize there was a ittle step down.
He has done this at Sandra's place too.

Life is full of ups and downs so we just laugh about this.

Rick has hurt his back lifting bales of hay.  I guess he is not cut out to be a rancher.

He is planning a long trip to Alert Bay on Tuesday.

The unexpected can happen at any time.  Mary, the mother of baby Jesus, had not been expecting to be pregnant before marriage.  If Joseph had not stayed with her she could have been stoned to death.

The spiritual birth has the power to change us deep inside our souls.  God chooses each one of us to be used in different ways to make this world a better place.

We are expected at Sandra and Randy's home.  Mandy and James will be there with the baby and so will Carol and Panteli.  We will take Spenser too, he is our baby now.


Sandra said...

I am finding it harder to move the big pieces of furniture, it is my hands that dont have the strength, I never would have thought fingers have muscles. I guess I should do that squeezer thing that does does.

Off to the shelter this morning for th kittens to meet potential adopters. I hope you enjoy the visit to the new church today.


beth bennett said...

Thanks Sandra

I am feeling too tired to go.

Love mom