Thursday, December 19, 2019


Thank you Panteli for a good supper.
It is always great to be at your home.

It looks very festive and the evening ended as we all relaxed.  Haiti in her usual spot by the fire.
We are keeping in touch with our old church community through our prayer chain.  I am one of the group who will pray for those who request it.  It was sad news to her our near friend Joan McIntyre is in hospital having open heat surgery,  WE think of her husband who has been very ill and her daughter who will  be very worried about her.

It is important to pray for each other.


Sandra said...

I was wondering how Spendcer was doing with all this rain. It got dark so early yesterday, such a miserable day.

Have you heard from Rick how his interview went?


nancy-Lou said...

Hi Beth, sorry I haven't been following up on your blog. I usually look at it when I am on my desk top computer and I haven't been using it. I have added it to my laptop and hopefully will think to read it more often. I have missed you.

How are ypu and Larry doing? I hope your health has been pretty good.

How are you enjoying having a dog? I am sure he brings you lots of love and comfort. I know ours sure does. Did I tell you we bought a dog who needed to be re-homed? His name is Pedro and he is a mini Schnauzer. He is 4 1/2. He was a stud dog for a kennel and is very handsome. His markings are perfect. He is a very gentle and kind dog. He doesn't even rush the door or bark when someone comes. I wish I could post a photo of him here but they are on my phone.. I will send you some.

Ken and I are very well. We passed the 1 year mark of being together and things just keep on getting better. I feel like Cinderella and he is my Prince. He is currently going through a divorce, but we are hoping that will soon be over and our life will move onward.
We will move to myhouse and he will sell this house. It is a large home...actually could b made into three suites. Beautiful lakefront property....we will miss the view but not the work upkeeping it.
I am glad I didn't sell my house.

Sorry to hear your church is no longer. You must miss it. I know you were quite active in all the activities that they put on.

What are you doing for Chistmas? Are you going to Sandra's house? We are invited to my son and his partners. Shelley puts on a huge dinner...turkey, ham. meatballs, cabbage rolls and on it goes...we always come home with a lot of food...lucky us!

It is time for our daily disciplines. Tai Chi for Ken and I and then he does Chi Gong as well as accupuncture. I have been studying with him, daily for over a year now. I know the 108 Tai Chi moves but still am working on form. It has nade such a huge difference in my well being. I am strong and steady. my muscles have really built up. Ken teaches Tai Chi classes as well which I always attend with him. It will always be a big part of our life.

I wish you a great day...I am catching up on reading your blog...thank-you for taking the time to write each day Beth.

Love to you both,

beth bennett said...

Good to hear from you Nancy,
wish could come to the Tai Chi class.
So happy you are happy.

We are doing okay.

Spending Christmas Eve with Sandra and Rany aftewr attending Church
a church near her homw.Cristman day with Carol and Panteli and Kim hosting.

Spenser hates the rain but I will take him out now.

Love mom