Tuesday, December 31, 2019


In three hours dad will be at the doctor's office waiting to get his dreaded hormone shot.
This was a difficult decision because it totally changes how he feels.

It is quiet as I sit and pray.  I am longing for my prayers for my family to be answered.

"What happens in a time of spending time with God cannot be measured in terms of human success or failure.


Steady-as-rain said...

I didn't know Dad needed the hormone shots again.

Preventative, I am assuming.



Sandra said...

and 3 hours later you had your last miracle of the year, getting in to see Dr Nolte without an appointment!

What a gloomy way to end the year, I am glad were able to come over and get some plans worked out for the 9th.

Not much planed for today. Go for a walk at the beach maybe.


beth bennett said...

Yes I guess I forgot to mention dad needs his shits again.
Yes preventive.

Yes it was like a little miracle that I could see Dr. Nolte.
I feel every thing is under control now.

Very thankful.

Love mom