Friday, December 20, 2019


Rooms lit with Christmas lights become a joy to all.

Dad and I were sitting watching the news when the phone rang and we heard Ken's voice.  It brightened up a very ordinary day.  I have been wanting to phone him but with the shifts he works and hours he should be sleeping I never know what is a good time.  We were both delighted.

He had one more day to work and then he is on holidays.  They are planning a trip.  I forgot where.
The weather has been extremely hot and fires are still burning,  Finding  nice cool place would be wonderful.

Matthew may become a team captain at school which is a real honor.  Jasmine was off down to the beach with a friend.

Dad found out from the cancer doctor he has to have his hormone shots again.  His P.S.A. has taken a jump.  We will pick it up at the clinic today.  A miserable wet day.

                             Reminding myself to switch on my brain with positive thoughts.

Be still and know that I am God

I find that I am a little impatient right now.   

Mailed my last Christmas card to my cousin in Victoria.

 I want to feel the wonder of the spirit of Christmas.  We have bought one present and are trying to think of the Santa Clause gift.  We can take from one another and just have fun.

I know the ordinary can be touched by the spirit and give meaning to each one of ours lives.

Jesus was born to become one of us so that we can be transformed by his presence in our lives!

No one wants to be just ordinary.


Sandra said...

I have not heard, is the fires and smoke any where near Kenny?

Not much happening around here. Randy will probably be working every day up till Christmas Eve now.

Mary picked up the kids early yesterday as Simone had a fever and so did not go to school.


beth bennett said...

No Sandra the fires are not near him.

Love mom