Sunday, December 15, 2019


It was a magical night for me.
We join Kim and Hamlet at the Orpheum Theatre in Van.
The drive in had been stressful because the traffic was cawling along. 
Carol was driving and we turned off Granville
to get to Broadway and across the Arbutus bridge to the theatre.
Things at night look so different and I had no idea where we are.
Carol invited us all to help her find her way.
She did a good job.
She dropped us off at the door and drove up 6 flourw to park the car.

Here we are inside after waiting in line outside.
We were late so had to wait for the right time to walk in.
We had the best seat right up front.
This is Panteli's neice Sephanne Triwchew
she was the mezzo soprano.
She looked beautiful and sang with great passion.
I wish I ould have gottn

Morgan was with us and looked lovely.

For me personally I loved every minute of listening to Handel's Messiah.  It brought back memories of when I sang in our church choir in Saskatoon.  I was thrilled to be welcomed into that choir of about 80 people.  I was the youngest person and was singing with am amzaing group of performers.

This extremely difficult music to sing.  We practice for months.

Finally the night came to perform and I can remember how excited I was to come into the row of choir seats.  This was in Grace United Church, a very big church and people came from all over.

I loved hearing the music again.

It was one of the things I was very sad about when we moved to Regina.

There I had to work very hard to finish my grade 12 with different teachers.

I am thankful for Carol and Paneli inviting us to hear and feel the emotion that I felt there.

We all had to stand for the singing of the Hallelujah chorus.  This is now tradition started by a King many years ago.  I had goose bumps.

Today Sandra brought us some dinner   Our new favoite from White Spot.  I was feeling very happy but very exhausted.  We had a wonderful visit and she walked Spenser with me.  After she left and after a nap we had dinner with some wine.  We should have lit the candlew.

A very late night for us.


Shandel said...

What a beautiful day. I didnt know you sang in a choir. How lovely. Isnt it amazing how smells, sounds, and places will carry you right back to a moment in time from your life. Those are the best. Especially when pleasant and happy. Sometimes when not so pleasant it can be a big tool for learning and moving through things we pushed away. Often those are not moments we want to remember. But all are very important. Lovely for you all to show up for Panteli's niece. We enjoyed a few hours visit with Randy and the Parsons gang. The kids are growing so so fast and we very happy to see us. I am reminded that I need to get over there and visit more often. Really looking forward to coming to visit in a couple months. ❤❤

beth bennett said...

Thanks Sandel

Memories good or bad just seem to have a life of their own.

Love Gramma