Tuesday, December 17, 2019


                                        I take my camera everywhere now even into the store.

Talked to Mary on the phone.  She is on the top of my prayer list now.  More kidney stone pain and another x-ray and M.R,I.  Praying they will do something so she can be good for Christmas.

"Quality rest is essential for our mental well-being,"  Dr. C.Leaf

Jesus told is disciples it was time for a break at a secluded  spot.

I know I need to do all I can to improve my brain.

I am working on humility and honesty.  The important thing is do to it with humor.

Genuine holiness is a matter of accepting our imperfections with patience and understanding.

Good news Mary is now free of her kidney stone.   The last pain was it passing.

We are very thankful.


Anonymous said...

So glad we had a chat when Mary Moo left the hospital, with
the word she was clear of stones- she was so brave!

Sandra said...

Yes, and she had a dinner to go to last night as well to meet more of Chad's family so I hope she got a nap in before that.

I came home from work early, not feeling well and Randy wasn't either. Nothing major just enough that it was not worth sitting there any more.

Still working on challenging my negative thoughts, working on making those new pathways so it becomes easier and more natural.


Shandel said...

Good job Sandy. Keep it going. It's a never ending practice. And it doesnt mean we never get negative thoughts, but how we can being ourselves back and move forward. It's just all a practice. Human form and this experience is one heck of a practice and challenge. I'm so glad to hear the kidney stones are passed. Phew!!

beth bennett said...

Yes I continue to fall back into old patterns.
Yes wecl are all works inprogress.

Dad goes to the doctor today just for a check-up.

Sandra I hope you and Randy are feeling better.Lovemom