Monday, December 31, 2018


We drove to White Rock to the big book store.  They did not have the book I wanted in stock.  Unbelievable.

We continue to improve especially now we can eat out.

I am hoping to-morrow will be like a new beginning for dad and I.

I will try and imagine the New Year as one filled with promise.

"The world of the past has gone."  Rev/ 21

Sunday, December 30, 2018


                                      All children are important, they live within our hearts!

                                                  Miss you guys.

It was a sunny day today and there is a slight improvement in my cough and fatigue.  I am not well enough to go to church.  I try to clean up a bit but fail miserably. Dad is finishing the job.

The facts about a simple story about Jesus.
We are celebrating the birth of a baby boy.  Every child is important and need to be loved.
He needed a mother and a father to be there with him.  He would need a village to help him grow.
God would choose who would be invited to this celebration.
The animals, accompanied with  shepherds.  The Wise Men who were searchers on a long journey bringing presents in honor of a special birth.  Heavenly music!

Faith in a simple truth matters.

Faith is more than facts and will always remains a source of comfort and strength within our soul
Faith will always be a believing in the unseen and the mystery of the sea of uncertainty.
Faith lives on with the spirit of Jesus filling our hearts with His Love.

It is Sunday so I can be a little more spiritual in writing about what gives my life meaning.

Yesterday we found out that the ambulance had gone to Don's house to take him to hospital.
Don is having tests.  We are keeping in touch.

Even as a young boy Jesus would question the elders of the church.

It is always good to have a second look even at an old story.

Saturday, December 29, 2018



Haiti on the alert for strangers.
Good that Rick has a dog to walk and to keep him ahead of the packs of zombies on the heals of his team walking group.  No walk for me this morning but I am just doing a little bit.  I am not even dressed yet.  I want to clean up so I feel life is a bit more normal.  I do like Christmas lights still on

Heavy rain and strong winds send our garbage can down the road.  Dad has to be quick to catch it.  We could probably do with a new one.

Yesterday I had just come in from my walk when the phone call came from Don Uhrich dad's good friend from Saskatoon/  I answered but there was no one there.  We both knew something was wrong and when the phone rang again all we could hear was squawking awful noises.  Sounding like a distress call.  Dad phoned back and there was no answer.

Dad wrote down all the important information and then phoned 911 here.  They were so efficient and called Sask. 911 right away.  They were able to contact Don's daughter and to let Don know we were distressed by his call.  

Don phoned back he is in the hospital and has one of those bad bugs picked up on his last visit there.  He had been to the doctor and not been taken seriously so he was now gravely ill.  He had not remembered phoning us.

They had talked a few days earlier and he had been very appreciative of dad's call.

Don bought a farm when he married his second wife Marty.  They had horses which were her passion.  They live out of town and now he is there all alone.  Very ill.

Things had settled down by the time Carol and Panteli came for a visit.

This really means a lot to us.  So do any contact we have with each other.

Dad will drive me over to the Safeway to bug some personal items.
He has done a very good job shopping.  We have lots of vegetables now.
He will be busy chopping and preparing meals!
Mostly a quiet day watching hockey and drinking eggnog.

I am looking forward to Saturday!

Friday, December 28, 2018


                          This was the year we should have watched" It is a wonderful life."

We look over our holiday and wished that it had been different.  Rick looks very comfortable here and we have thoroughly enjoyed his visit.  He was a great help shopping and cooking and just being here.  We certainly needed help.

It is a wonderful life even when things do not turn as we expected.

I know of others in much worse situations.  We will all recover from this flu and Carol's knee will get better.  A family that supports the weaker ones will all become stronger.

As we get older feelings of fear and insecurity emerge but we find our true selves in our vulnerability,

I believe that the walking Rick is doing, buying healthy food, and developing healthy relationships will all help to make him healthier.

We too have to work hard at getting better.  I will have a short walk this morning,
Life can be wonderful!  We have so much to be thankful for!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018


                                            Yes I will never forget this Christmas.
Being very sick with a nasty cough and cold and the a stomach problem was not fun.

Missing family time and missing church services was all disappointing.

Every visit from family and friends and every phone call has embraced us with healing love and care.

Love is a healer and love is the message for us all at Christmas time.

Sunday, December 23, 2018


I felt very sad to miss the little nativity play at church this morning.  The little children are so cute.

Dad is doing okay with resting and not talking too much.
We both are weak.  I had a bad night with coughing  and throwing up.
I am sure I will feel much better to-morrow.

There will be no Christmas Eve party here which is very sad too.  I was looking forward to seeing Astrid & Ophelia

Kim and Hamlet are dropping by to give us chicken soup and Kleenex, very thoughtful and kind.

The news is that Theresa is not feeling well now.  We may not drive to her house this weekend.  I suggest New Year's.
We talked to Rick and he wants to attend Colebrook  Church.  The service is at 7.  Maybe others will want to join us.

Saturday, December 22, 2018


Yes we have both been to the doctor, the walk in clinic.

Dad had a good night's sleep and he is coughing much less this morning.

I woke up with a sore throat and coughing.  Dad insisted I go to the doctor with him.

We now have both been enlightened that all we need is our inhalers.  Dad has his own now. 
We both feel much better.

We have just been taking it easy so have been talking about our past memories.  We both were very much in love but we did not talk about our feelings that we experienced at that time.

This has now been a time of enlightenment.

It is good to have some one who sees and affirms the best in you with loving kindness.

One thing I have learnt  in my long life is that people cannot be persuaded out of their feelings.

All we can be is sensitive and honest.

"t can hurt to be carved by our experiences and lose some of our dreams
but we find new courage and strength in our love for each other.

I call this enlightenment!  !  !

Friday, December 21, 2018


We were within minutes leaving for the doctors when the wind blew so hard the power went out.
The garage door would not open and we  were trapped/  I wanted to phone and ask for help but dad insisted he was better.  He is not.  I know what it is like to feel sick and not want to make an effort.
We had one match which did not work but were able to light the burner and heat up some soup.  The fire place gave some warmth but we were in bed at 6 o,clock.  Dad is sleeping a lot.

We will try and find out how others are doing today.

Thursday, December 20, 2018


                                The best gift we can give each other is the gift of encouragement.
                                                                   Off to see the doctor!

"That we are here is a huge affirmation somehow life Needed us somehow and wanted us to be.
To accept and trust this primeval acceptance can open a vast spring of trust within our hearts.
It can free us into a natural courage that casts out fear and opens up our lives to become voyages of
discovery, creativity and compassion.  No threshold need be a threat but rather an invitation and compassion.

Whatever comes, the great sacrament of life will remain faithful to us,
blessing us always with visible signs of invisible grace.

We merely need to trust."
John O'Donohue

"Lord may I be reminded of your presence in my life,
may I have eyes to see not only my
needs but the needs of others.

I have been feeling stressed and distressed with dad's sickness
but which is not improving.
Yes, I wanted him to see the doctor but,,,,,
Yes, I will make an appointment today as I do not want to spread any germs around.

I believe that as we encourage one anther there comes the potential for a deeper more loving relationship between us all.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


                        The chocolate cake the neighbor brought over and dad is enjoying.
Actually since he started coughing I put it in the freezer.  I may just throw it away.  I do not think it is good for dad.

Dad is now coughing a lot and I am thinking we will not be attending anything.  I will talk to Rick and see how he feels about staying here.  I will talk to Carol too  Any ideas?
I will talk to Craig and Leah.

Very windy Monday night but it seems like most of the weakest branches are now down.

I was one of the first people in the Safeway this morning and it sure is the best time to shop.  It is still dark but I have a big white scarf on.  I got enough for today and thought I would go again but I did not.  I delivered the present for our church secretary Leah and then starting cleaning out closets.  I think if they did not have doors on it would be a good idea.

The birth of Jesus changed many of our ideas about life and about God.  People in his generation thought illness was a curse caused by sin.  This wold be especial sad when a child was born with a deformity.  The parents would feel guilty and hopeless.

Jesus welcomed the children and even left a crowd of seekers to go and heal a sick child.

The message is that we also are called to care for one another especially the children.

I am thankful many of our ideas have changed especially about the love of God.

Monday, December 17, 2018


It was a warm and festive mood as we opened the door to Sandra and Randy.s place.  Presents had been exchanged and there were happy smiles on all their faces  The table was set beautifully and we could smell the roast beef.  I was amazed with the joy that we were greeted by Mandy and James.

The mood when we left church had been uplifting as the service had been inspiring and joyful.  Dad and I were thanked for our service of taking the food back goods to the food bank every week.  We received a card and a poinsettia with warm hugs of appreciation.  We do not contribute much any more but we do our best.

My mood changed as we arrived home from lunch.  We turned the outside lights on but the house was in darkness as I lay down for a nap. 

There came a knock at the door and our neighbor Core stood there with a huge piece of chocolate cake that was left over from the birthday party for Natasha's mom.  He was concerned about how we were feeling and we will plan to see them over the holidays.  They have been such kind neighbors.

Dad went for a bike ride and I went for my walk Monday morning.
There were many trees blown down in the forest.
Dad had a little fall when he stopped to pat a dog and slowly fell over.
He had lunch  and then felt a little dizzy.
I tell him it is important for him to be calmer.
I went visiting knowing Joan would be expecting me.The mood in the home is quiet but cheerful.
My mood feels lighter as I am greeted with her happy voice!  She was so anxious to give me my Christmas card.  I am worn out by the time I get home but I am in a better mood.

"When the light around you lessens
and your thoughts darken
Steady yourself and see
that it is your own thinking
that darkens your world."
-John O'Donehue

Sunday, December 16, 2018


Do you believe in love?
Do you believe in the gift of love each child brings into our lives?
I do!  Morgan you hold a special place in our hearts.

We had a wonderful time with Morgan except she had a very bad cough.
We went to White Spot and then watched a holiday special.
We watched Heartbeat and she went on her computer.
It was a late night for us 9:30.
Panteli came in to pick up Morgan and was very pleased with the party.
Lots of great food and good company!
This little baby was christened at Colebrook church today.
All of of the family and friends attended so it was great to have a full church once again
This was an important step for the parents as believers in the mystery and love of the One we call God.

                                        Yes Randy's daughter still brings a lot of joy to his heart.
                                         He cooked up a delicious meal of roast beef cooked just right.
                                       There was a choice of well done or slightly rare.

As a believer in the gift of love that Jesus brought to remind us every child, every person is a gift I am so thankful for the meaning it gives to my life.
We live in a neighborhood with many different faiths and beliefs and yet we are a community that cares.

At the end of the day I feel surrounded by love.

I believe that even as we all believe differently we value family and friends and kindness.

Saturday, December 15, 2018


         Waiting for the sun to come out just like it did in White Rock after the heavy rain

Waiting for Morgan to arrive to decide what she wants to do.

Sandra and Randy will be waiting for Carol and Panteli to arrive at Sandra's Christmas party.
It is at a fancy hotel decorated with lights and beautiful flowers, candles and ornaments. 
Lots of good food and music for dancing that is if Sandra has any say in it.

Waiting for my spirits to lift.  One negative friend is okay but now there is another. 
Sometimes it is better to walk alone,
Sometimes it is better not to answer the phone.
Sometimes it is better to shop early in the day and avoid all the long line ups.

Life is not always a party and some times you have to keep dancing when you do not feel like it.

"Yes ring the bells that still can ring,
forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in every thing
That is how the light gets in."
Leonard Cohen

"The real hope is not in something we think that we can do
but in God, who is making something good out of it
that we cannot see." 
-Thomas Merton

Morgan has arrived!
No more waiting.

Friday, December 14, 2018


Yes our little Astrid is becoming quite the character.  She is hilarious.  It is a good thing her daddy has a tight grip on her.  It is hard ti take pictures as she moves around so much.

Auntie Carol came to help us care for her.
She does not make strange with any of us and does not even notice her daddy leave.
She crawls all over the place to see what grand pa is doing.
She can be serious too.
What a lucky girl to have such caring parents.

Panteli arrives just as she is getting ready to leave.
She falls asleep in the car on the way home.
Maybe they were able to pick out a Christmas tree.

Dad talks to another of his good friends who is having a difficult time with his health problems and also with his wife's failing mental health.  Dad has a good visit with him on the phone and cheers him up.  I remember some of the hilarious dates we went on with Don and his girl friend.  It is good to remember the fun times.

Later in the evening dad went over to the Safeway to pick up his eye drops and coming out of the door of the store the wind almost blew him over.  It is going to be very windy and rainy for the next few days.  Trying to hold on to an umbrella makes me feel like a Mary Poppins.

Trees will be crashing down in the park so not a safe place to be walking or riding a bike.

It has been a fun day.

Thursday, December 13, 2018


                                              Fear can come into our lives unexpectedly.

I spent the morning not doing much as I watch the clock for the time to come for my visit to the dentist.  I had had a short walk in the rain and even bumped into Aneta walking Lucy.  Lucy is very anxious and fearful living in their new apartment.  I am sure she senses that Aneta is not happy.  They both looked like lost souls coming back from the Safeway near my house.

I walk over to the dentist with a rapid heart beating full of fear.  It will be a long appointment and I am thinking it will be no fun.  I will be glad when it is over.

Well things did not go well and I had to have two x-rays because one of the roots was a real mess.  I really appreciated dad coming to pick me up and then making supper.

Most of the fear that I have experienced in my life has been about worrying about family members.  Getting the phone calls about my parents being rushed to the hospital and then trying to arrange a visit.  Then there was the fear when I left them.

There was the fear when dad was late coming home from work which is not the fear when he is late coming home from a bike ride.  I know he worries about me too.

I am not thinking as clearly as I thought I did but maybe that is just my mind playing tricks.

The dentist warned me to take some pills right away and to expect pain.  The pain goes from my jaw to my ear and is miserable.

Pain makes it hard to connect to the inner resources that will help me to find comfort.

There have been many words written about Jesus but I realize that he was truly fearless.
He always spoke the truth even to those in authority and powerful and ruthless.

Craig is bringing Astrid over in the morning and Carol is coming over to look after her.

I am looking forward to a fun time!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


                         Oliver is busy doing homework with a little support from Haiti.
Yes, Kim is still her favorite.

I had a busy day going out for lunch with the gang from our Bible Study group.  It was amazing that everyone made it as they are a very busy group of ladies.  Some pick up grandchildren from school, some take husbands to doctor's appointments, some go visiting shut ins, one cares for her daughter with M.S. who now cannot walk or talk.  There is nursing care but she is there full time and prepares meals and does house keeping.  It seems the lunch was quickly over as everyone had things to do.  I waited for dad to join me and he had a hamburger so we did not have to worry about supper.

Maybe we will plan another outer for next year to find out where people are attending church.  Not an easy decision.  Prayer will help us make the changes.

Ken phoned on the way to work.  They are experiencing heavy rainfall and I imagined I could hear it on the phone call.  Jasmine and Matthew have now completed another year of school and will be moving up to grade 4 and 5.  There will be an end of year concert at their school which Ken and Melina will attend.

They are both very busy with their jobs and making sure the children get to and from school.

They did not get the house they were hoping to buy.  Everyone was disappointed.

To-morrow I go to the dentist to have my root canal work done.  I am not looking forward to it at all.
It is going to be another day of rain for us so I might as well be warm and dry and numb.

I have put this off as long as I could and as we all know problems must be faced and decisions made.

"When you walk to the edge of all the light you know,
and take the first step into the darkness of the unknown.
You must believe one of two things will happen;
there will be something solid for you to stand on
Or you will be taught how to fly."
-Patrick Overton

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Dad is looking to see if he has any comments on his blog.  I cannot seem to do it.  It matters to him.
Every moment matters.
Every day matters
Every life matters.
Every act of kindness.
Every light from neighbors yard
Every relationship, every friendship
Every step we take maters. 

Every story that we tell with our words and actions
Every journey matters
Every visit matters.
Every smile and every tear
Every Christmas card arriving on our door step.

Every drop of rain and every ray of sunshine.
Every member of our family!
Every creature big or small
Every place of worship, every religion.
Every prayer matters.
Every meal shared!

Faith matters.

Every kiss and every word of love whispered or spoken loudly matters.

Yes the list goes on and on.  But I must get ready to leave.

Dad has an eye appointment in White Rock this afternoon.  It is the exam he does not like.

Carol has asked us over to have a visit with Oliver.  He is going to be very busy visiting friends in the next day or so.  We will drive in the rain and wind with happy hearts.

We carry the light of our faith and the wonder of all we see as we express our love for one aanother.

So much to be thankful for!  I agree with what Rick said about all those suffering with no homes or food or future it is very sad.

Monday, December 10, 2018


           Yes I know this looks unbelievable but dad is putting new lights out.  Never say never!

I have been writing Christmas cards but this will, I think, be the last year.  I will send e-mails and not be so old fashioned.  I think it is because I still like getting mail.

It was a lovely sunny morning.

The house now is one big mess with boxes of Christmas decorations just waiting to be tripped over.
I am giving some away too.  I may decorate the tree in the park if I get the energy.  Not much fun by yourself.

I felt I really needed to visit Joan at the Seniors Home.  Sure enough she had had a bad day the day before.  She was so depressed sitting in her room all by herself she went and sat out in the hall way.  One of the aids came and put her back in her room and locked the door.  They are afraid of her falling.  This really crushed her spirit as her mind is still good.  So sad.  I took her a Christmas card which she loved, chocolates with alcohol which she loved and some special cheese which she also enjoyed.  We had a good visit and at the end dad came up and met her.

It may be putting up lights or writing cards or visiting a lonely soul they are all ways be try to share the Christmas spirit of hope and joy!

Saturday, December 8, 2018


                                        Yes it was a delightful day spent with Craig and Astrid first
                                      and then later with Sandra, Carol and Kim and of course Haili.
                                              Astrid loves to play and make noises with her ball and pail.
                                            Time out to have a little snack.
She keeps an eye out for daddy.
My what big feet you have Craig!
Dad a[[reciates your help with his I-phone

Dad brings some gifts for Carol's new office.
The lamp and the elephant a gift from Theresa.

Carol's office is a neat size with a small table, and a chesterfield and her chair and coffee table.
We feel like at home but there was not enough time for counseling!

Out in the cold again to go back and enjoy our dinner with Sandra and Kim.

A delightful day!  I finished up more cards and got them mailed.  Dad found his name in the Vancouver paper scoring tow goals with Delta.  The write up was right next to his friends, Bob McCuster who dad had played with earlier in his hockey career.

I have many delightful memories of all my past Christmas's.  I even remember hearing the story of baby Jesus and found it delightful.  

Thursday, December 6, 2018


Yes, on Wed. we visited the past of Colebrook Church by telling stories of our past experiences.
What drew us in the first place and why have so many families stayed once
 they arrived.

We went there because this church was just up the road from our new home.  We found new friends and a deeper faith as we attended services and study groups and working together on projects.  I remember the first day I went I met Jane and we became best friends.  She had many friends but she drew me into her circle of friends.  Dad would later become involved with the outreach group she chaired.  A great little group of like-minded people who wanted to express their faith in action.

One of the first fund raising group I attended was making Christmas puddings to sell.  We had a cannier and these puddings were a most wanted items for Christmas dinners.

I remember when our family, used the whole pew.  Rick was even involved with  a small youth group with Jack Hooper.  He was a character with long hair and new ideas.

We had a great variety of leaders, some controversial.  There were many meetings about whether wine should be served at church weddings.  Back in the day our church was a popular place for weddings.  Carol and Ron were not able to have their wedding there because of a new policy the minister had put forth that required several information meetings.  They ended up being married in a Pentecostal church by a son of a minister we knew.

This was a big disappointment .

I have tried to love others unconditionally but have not always succeeded,

Our church is one of the warmer and more beautiful in our area.  Many have been drawn to the welcome they have received there.

Today I was up very early to have a brisk walk in the frosty air before settling down to write Christmas cards.  Then I walked over to mail them.  The most important ones to the great grand children have been sent.

Dad and I made plans with Carol but both of us had sick tummies.  The best place was just to stay home.

My faith has been built on scripture that flows out of the past when a tiny baby was born in a manger.

The world then as it is now was in great darkness and despair and Jesus came to teach that each one of us is important and worthy of God's love and blessings.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


                                       Undecided which path I should take in the Water Shed.

I am undecided about what is happening on Christmas Eve.  Is it still at Carol and Panteli's?

I was feeling pretty undecided about going out for lunch but was glad after wards I had gone.  We had lots of fun sharing old memories from years back about Colebrook Church.  We will have to start planning for the future if there is any chance to keep going.  The church has been sold but that is all I know.

Reading about Mary and Joseph and their reaction to Mary's pregnancy it seems that Mary accepted the news well but Joseph was undecided.  His answer came in a dream as occasionally happens in our lives.

I want to do some Christmas cards to-morrow and of course will be undecided about what card to chose to send each one.  I am only sending a few cards to great grandchildren.

I have been known to change my mind!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


We spent another stimulating day with Carol and Panteli and Carol's friend Claudia and also our old friend Joann.  Thiswas after attending the Ted talks at the library.  It has become very popular so there was now two times set.

Dad and I were late for the early talk and early for the next one.  Both certainly made me think about communication that helps to see another point of view and also about the dangers of Y F.  We also met Joyce Manary and caught up a bit on her family news.

Carol invited Claudia and Joann back to her home for a delicious lunch.

Yes it does help to be with others and hear different opinions.

Wed. there is a U.C.W. party at Monica's home.  A great group of gals will gather in a lovely home which will be all decorated just like Carols.

Our house seems very drab but first we do some Christmas cards and then the decorations.

What did the teller of the tale about the birth of Jesus really want to tell us?

Mary and Joseph were both chosen and both were important in the life of Jesus.
Chosen and called to touch the lives of ordinary people through the gift of love for each other and for their little babe.

The birth of Jesus brings the promise of a spiritual birth for each one of us!

Monday, December 3, 2018


                       Sunday was a day I felt very fragile and in a slump.  How does one unslump?

I feel bad that dad feels so sad about the Christmas lights I took down last year from our front garden.  I did it for two reasons.  I did not want him going out in that rocky front yard.  I thought they looked ugly and I thought people took them down after Christmas.  So right now we are enjoying all the lights glowing from our neighbors' homes

We do a lot of things with good intentions.  This seemed a year of things getting mix-up and misunderstood.  A new day is here and a new year approaches.  We carry on making the best of things.

A good start to unslumping is finally finding the right present for the church secretary.  Something that will give her lasting pleasure and memories of her work at our church.

Then driving out to see Cathy and Glenn in their new home in Langley on a sunny day continued to bring my spirits alive.  Their family has been a big part of our lives and we feel loved as we sit in their cozy living room sipping tea and eating goodies.  Their back yard  is a forest and is lovely just to look out upon.  I forgot my camera.

Carol invited us again to come for supper as Oliver will be going to stay at his Uncle Scott's home for the week.  Dad loves anything his daughters make.  I wonder if he will like his own cooking?  Yes, dad is going to take over from me.  I have run out of ideas.

To-morrow we meet Carol at the library for a Ted talk and after have a visit with an old friend.  Joann used to go to Colebrook years ago and her husband taught our girls in school.

Yes one cannot stay in a slump with this family who listen and care and keep in touch.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

WONDERFUL Saturday Dec.1

It is wonderful to arrive at the church craft fair greeted by these young happy faces.  They smile and wave as we arrive.  The pony club has come to take part in our fair.  I remember in years long ago there used to be a horse, Lorri's horse, for the children to ride.  I remember Theresa at a very young age riding on it.

                                         I had a fun time joining Santa in his sleigh.

Dad and I had already had a busy morning shopping for gifts to go to needy children.

There was a lot to look at as we walked around inside the hall.  We wished we could buy from every table full of the crafts that people worked so hard to create.  We bought a few things and then had lunch.  It was soup and sandwich which dad enjoyed.

We arrived home to have a short nap before going to Carol and Panteli's.
Dad took a picture of the different roads one can drive to get to their place.  He insists he takes the right one.  It seems both can be right.  The trouble is people who live there complain if you do not go their way.

Carol and Morgan had gone out and got a tree.  Morgan helped grama Crol when she started to take the wrong road.  When we arrived the tree was up and beautifully decorated.  The fireplace was lit and two new chairs had arrive.

Kim had been busy making shepherds pie which dad really enjoyed.  Then he and Panteli sat in the new chairs.  Morgan made and decorated cookies.
We did not get to taste them but we will soon.
Morgan was shy about getting her picture taken.
Kim put names on the Christmas stockings.

Some find it hard to believe in God in this ungodly world where there is so much pain and suffering and loss.

God is in creation and God is in the wonderful love our family has for each other.