Thursday, June 29, 2023


 Lucky for me Rick comes by and helps me get back my blog working now and again. 

I feel very lucky to have a wonderful family who keep in touch

I am still having pain in my hip but pain pills are helping accept right now I have run out of them.  I miss going for my walks but I am lucky my friend comes to take Spenser twice a day.  Spenser goes for a big walk in the morning but later in the day he will not go further than our front yard.  He has a mind od his own.

I feel lucky to have good parents who took me to Sunday School and church.  My faith in Jesus has grown over the years. 

I know he hears my prayers

Praying for Mary as she has a procedure to take blood from one area and put it in her spine to heal the bleeding. 

Monday, June 19, 2023


So good to have visiters,  Espcially from Chilliwarck and now Ben is living in Vancouver.
Theresa and Morgan looking very lovely.  

Rick came early and made a delicious meal for us.

Pentali surprised us with a special cup with our pictures on/

Today Oliver surprised us with a visit.  Lots of fun hearing about his adventures.

t felt good to get out of bed and to go down stairs.  I am thnkful for the pain pills.

Yes Marry it was so good to feel so looooved!

I will just try to keep doing a little bit more each day.

Rick made us all a great lunch and we were all very hungrey.

Today Oliver dropped by on the wato going on an adventure on is bike,

Saturday, June 17, 2023


Believe it or not I have forgotten how my coputer works.
'I am thankful to be having less pain.
This mwans less pain pills.
I hope to do some walkimg with Spenser soon.

The family has all been helpful and friends are bringing meals in for us.
I do want to go outside and breath fresh air.

My next week I should be free of pain and healed.

It has been very hard to be lying around bed all day,  I hear family talking downstairs and wonder what is happening.  We now having a girl come in to hep[ regularly and make some meals.  Thankful Rick has been coming to do shopping.

Both my granddaughter Mary and I have been forsed to rest in bed.  She needs an operation and we pray that she will be able to get it soon,

Carol is visitig Kim and Hamoet and has the joy of being there when the new babt boy is born.
He looks very healthy and mom and baby are doing well.
A freind comes to walk Spenser twice a day.

Experiencing difficult and painlful times is not easy but we learn we have to learn to make the best of things.  Every day I will improve a little. Somethings we will gt use to.


Monday, June 5, 2023


 People are so kind  bring fruit and muffins, phoning me and keepng in touch.

Thank you for the lovely cards and healing words

I am still having a lot of pain. I am thankful for dad and 
rick and Laura,

I know I w\ill be better soon because of l the prayers and knid thoughts,

Saturday, June 3, 2023



So glad that Sandra and Tasha came by the see me and make some lovely gluten free muffins! Sandra also showed Rick how to empty the water out of the air-conditioner. 

Tomorrow Sandra is off to Ontario to help Mary. Dad and I hope Mary gets well soon. Dad says if he was younger he would go with Sandra to try and help!

Carol is now down in California with Kimberley and Hamlet and Alba. New baby Lorenzo is expecterd soon!

I am not getting better very fast but at least we have found the kind of pain-killer. 

I am very grateful for my loving family.