Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Nature, no matter what it is, the ocean, the forest, a mountain, grass or the flowers have a calming effect on me.

It is beauty that awakens and transcends the soul into a new reality!

This picture was taken with dad's camera by Carol.

We have many memories as dad and I drove into Van.  It is funny how memories come rushing back at times. One was the one where dad lost his memory and did not know where he was driving in the city.  I managed to direct him to the Sylvia and then off to Surrey Hospital.  I desperately wanted to go to the Van. hospital but he thought if we ate first it would help.

Our visit at the Sylvia was a real treat as usual.  We met an interesting couple from Scotland whose daughter plays professional soccer.  They took our picture but it was awful.  My dressed looked crocked and my smile a grimace.  Dad looks charming as usual.

We did not walk on the beach as we usually do.  The wind felt chilly to me and dad's feet too sore.  We also did not walk around to the little stores for the same reason.  There will be a next time I am sure. Dad wanted to shop and buy me a present but today he bought me the best present of a new compost container as the racoons again got into my compost and it is a real mess to clean up.

I ma so thankful for a thoughtful husband!

I am so thankful for a thoughtful friend like Jane who I talked to on the phone today.
Other friends like Lee!  John and Pat, Cathy and others.  They are also having health issues.
I am reminded how much I need friends.

I am thankful for the many wisdom teachers!

"Let yourself be silently drawn to what you really love.  It will not lead you astray". - Rumi


Tuesday, September 29, 2015


"I am grateful that love exists."

Romantic love can blossom into familial love which reaches out to includes those outside the family, friends and neighbors and community
the love of nature
the love of music and art,
the love of God, which is called agape love
the love and joy of laughter.

"We are stronger, kinder and more generous because we live in an atmosphere of love"

I am truly grateful for being here, for being able to think, for being able to see, for being able to taste,
for appreciating love-for knowing it exists in a world so rife with brutality and violence."
- Maya Angelo

I am so thankful for everyone in my life I can share my love with.

Yes, dad and I drove down to the Sylvia where we have so many past memories beginning early in our marriage.  We couldn't go to the Sylvia that often because it was too expensive but always very romantic.


Yes it is our anniversary time again.

  What an exciting day that was!

A warm sunny fall day in Regina.
Friends and families came from Saskatoon where we met and grew up.
A small wedding in the chapel and the reception in the church hall and then very quickly on a plane to Vancouver our home.
So young and so much in love with stars in our eyes.

My first airplane ride and it was turbulent!  Even that was Fun!
Dad with his new job to go to where he would have to be checked out as a controller.
I was excited about finding work in this big city as I learned which bus to take etc.

Yes we had our hopes and dreams  but instead I was sent to bed on bed rest.  Long lonely days by myself with  the worry of an unknown future.   In time all turned out well and we had our bouncing baby boy! The first of our four children.

How thankful I am for the love we share and the blessings of our family.  We certainly know the best and the worst about each other and we have know times of penny pitching and times of what would seem to us abundance.  We will never agree on everything but that is good.

Monday, September 28, 2015


Dad and I will find out who is smarter the creature or us.  Is it a big mouse or a pack rat?  Dad is spreading white powder on the ground to track the foot prints!

Dad and I worked very hard all day.  He is covering up holes and also fixed the vent from the dryer which had become dislodged.

I was cleaning out drawers and checking out to see if there was any evidence that had been left behind.  Usually they leave their little trail.

The good things we were motivated to get things done.

We took time off to drive out to the Gold Course just to walk around and take pictures.  A ton of leaves have already fallen but still lots more to come off.

In between things our neighbors Natasha and Core came to say they were ording the materials and the removal of the old fence starts Tuesday.  They are very enthusiastic and Natasha has ordered a peep hole for Haiti to look into their yard.  She loves dogs and misses her little one that died three years ago.

So thankful for the wonder of colors and the consistency of sunrise and sunset.

Thankful for a dear husband that shares my life daily.

Happy Anniversary  Dear!  !  !


Sunday, September 27, 2015


There is something terrible attractive about knowing what to do to make things better.
This is especially true with wanting my children and all the grandchildren to be happy and healthy.

Nothing is so terrifying as having to face a problem which does not seem to have any solutions.  Dad and I do not want to be dependent in any way because we are pretty happy doing our own things. 

Trusting someone else to fix your problems is also difficult for us.  We have been confident for many years that we can manage life. 

Dad got really tired and sore trying to bored up some holes to keep the mice out.  He is determined to do it himself.  I am sure we solved some problems in the past by doing and also by keeping busy!

Kim went with Morgan and Carol to the art Gallery in Vancouver.  They are all very creative when it comes to art.  There was a time that I thought I might start but it never worked out.

A beautiful day for a walk although I only did a short one.

It would be wonderful if there were no more struggles and disappointments in life.

It would be wonderful if we could reach a spiritual maturity that our joy would overflow!



Not a great picture of the special moon which was bigger than usual and also there will be a blood moon and an eclipse to-night.

My camera does not take good pictures of moons which is disappointing.  It is amazing.

The sun was beautiful as we drove to Carol and Panteli's with that autumn glow.

We planned to attend church but we discovered that we are being invaded with mice and we needed to do what we can to rid our home of these pests.

Thankful for the beauty of nature.

I am thankful for all the ways in which we can receive healing.  Medicine is good to get rid of those nasty bugs and pain pills help rid us of some of our pain.

There is healing for our anxieties with the help of friends and counselors.  I know Carol will do a good job because she is so kind and compassionate and also very knowledgeable. Modern medicine and psychology are so helpful and for me there is healing in prayer as well.

Healing prayer that can take a person back into their trauma and invites Jesus to remove the fear and the hurt and the anger and bitterness replace it with an inner peace. 

"We live in a fallen world where illness, suffering and pain are a part of the fabric of our existence."
-  Kenneth Swanson

We can learn the words of prayer and the sounds of music have healing powers too as well as medicine and counseling. 

Saturday, September 26, 2015


I am fighting the tiredness that wants me to lie down and read and nap.

I am hoping I will be able to sleep better at night but it makes for a long day.

According to an article in the paper my experiences in the hospital at home recovering were very sleep disruptive.  Yes, it is good to think when I wake up I've been kissed by an angel. (Carol)

What a delight to have Carol and Morgan stop by.  Morgan shows us her new dance moves

Haiti thinks it is a new game and joins right in.

I had a good walk in the morning with Haiti and the two of us called on Gunty and she opened the door as she was happy to see us and especially Haiti.

Good news that a social worker is now calling on her which relieves  me of some responsibility.

It is sad when you cannot trust people especially your own family.

Dad and I are happy to be invited over to Carol and Panteli's for supper.  I was planning to do a big shopping for groceries but I will postpone that for a day.

dad is going to try some new vitamins recommended on the web page for painful feet.
We have to keep trying and take as much responsibility for our health as we can.

Ben was back playing soccer and I think he found it stressful.  He was not happy at the ref.

Finding out just what we are responsible for in this life can be a bit tricky.       Yes I drink re caff.

Friday, September 25, 2015


Divine Providence as the idea that God is operative in our individual lives as well in groups.

It is an expression of faith that it is no accident we are here  No two people, times .places, and circumstances are the same.

Where what I can do meets with what needs to be done-there is God's challenge and our task.

The Jews have an idea that God in creating the world hid himself so that the universe could exist.  He did send vessels of light into the world which broke and sent shatters of this light throughout the world.  We are called to be gathers of this light and through acts of loving kindness heal by individual deeds. although they may seem small have the power to mend the brokenness of humanity.

The Pope Francis has been challenging us with a call to be healers of the open wounds in our society.
Especially the poor and the vulnerable who can so easily lose their way.  Politics must choose whether to be a slave to the economy and to fiance or care about human beings.

This is really a call of divine providence!

Dad had a bad day with painful shooting pains so was unable to go to the movie with Carol and Panteli and myself. This was too bad as I know I enjoyed it and I think he would have too.

 I on the other hand had a good report from the doctor on how well I am recovering.

Thursday, September 24, 2015


In stead of having one story that gives us a set of rules the are many stories that speak of faith and the mystical side of life that is called divine or holy.

Kim has gone to Chilliwack and the house seems very quiet.  It is strange but just knowing someone will be coming in the door sometime is comforting.  She is very busy and cheerful.

Haiti is very impatient waiting for me to take her for our walk.  It is a bit of a dreary day but always good to have some fresh air.  Dad went off on his bike ride and I went visiting Joyce and Jim.  Dad got caught in a light rain shower but wanted to see how rain-proof his jacket was.  It was good!  Driving is difficult for me but I can do short distances.

Rick phoned from Kelowna to see how we are coping.  Yes, we are coping well just slower.  I am not quite as good as I was but hopefully I will continue to improve.

So many stories we hear in the news are negative and I know I long for the positive.
I wish more people would write stories that inspire us and not ones that makes us angry and upset.

One man who has written out of his love for life and his search for people who inspire is Jonathan Sacks who has written the book "To Heal a Fractured World".

He writes about David Hanes the most unusual man he had ever met. He was a religious Jew who took his faith lightly with a deep sense of humor.  He was a paediatrician who loved children, He built several hospitals and traveled  to Brazil, Ethiopia and Thailand to improve the levels of child care.

One of the last projects he was involved in was the creation of a state-of-the-art-child-care centre in for Palestinian children in Gaza .   His reasoning was that as a Zionist he wanted the best for Israeli but no less for the children of Israel's neighbors.

"Love, decency and care know no religious boundaries."

Exposure to the right stories can be life-changing.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


This is a special day for those of Jewish faith called Yon Kipper.
which I believe stresses Atonement.   This when sins are forgiven
especially sins between us and God.

Any reconciliation between you and another person is done before this day of prayer and fasting and worship.

It was customary to wear white which stands for sins made white as snow.

This is one of the most important days of the Jewish year.

I have been reading about the Jewish survivors of the Holocaust.  One such person is Gena Turgel  who writes in her biography "I Light A Candle" which even while reading it puts your mind in a numb shock.  She beings of message of hope that gives her courage to tell her story so others may understand and find hope in their suffering.

We have so much to be thankful for especially our freedom.
Being able to open a window, cook and eat a warm meal, sleep in a comfortable bed and sharing our days with loved ones.

Today we started our Jet Lag Bible study and I am so thankful for the freedom to meet and share our ideas and opinions openly.  It is good to be getting back into things.  First church now my study.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


I went for a walk with Haiti a little later in the morning.

Dad is determined to have an adventure so took a road that could lead to the River Inn.  He went 29 K's.
I worked in the yard which was enough of an adventure for me.

I thought I was growing up in a very modern world where we thought we had all the answers.

This lead to postmodern where it was believed that no  one had all the answers.  Authority would begin to be questioned.  Political, scientific and religious. 

There is no absolute truth
The world has become smaller
There  is a deep skepticism
Life is understood to be messy and not easily controlled.

The postmodern church has changed from choirs to bands
and robes to suits.  Does the gospel remain the same but in a different package?  The church, we all know, is now not central in our communities.  Impersonal
mail outs are not the answer.

Does the church care for suffering humanity?
Is there respect for the earth and its resources?
Authenticity over appearance?
Questions about the honesty of relationships?
Rejection of consumerism?
Are the unlovable valued?
Are we open to the opinions of others?

The bottom line is people are truly the church.
I go to church because I value community
and I support people who reach out in ways I can no longer do.
We sing about it but do we live it?
Can there be a new generation that stops complaining about the church
and becomes the church they dream of?

Monday, September 21, 2015


On the road to White Rock trying to take a picture but missing the scenic view because we are driving so quickly.  The sun is sparkling on the water so beautifully.

This was after dad came home from a long bike ride.  So long I was ready to declare him missing.
I start to get panicky  feelings with my heart beating faster and my mouth becoming dry as I start to image the worse which would be dad fallen down in the Water Shed Park on some lonely trial.  How would I ever find him?  I feel almost faint with fear.

There I was undecided about what to do when he rides happily up the drive-way.

What if all the things that support and encourage us in our life of faith and trust were removed how long would it be before I missed them.  I am talking about the Bible, prayer and worship, preaching and teaching, hymns and spiritual songs to name a few.

Without this outward structure my internal spirit would become dry and dull.

There are many times when I do not know what words to say whether it is taking to God in prayer or talking to a friend or family member.  I believe that some things that we may see as rituals  have within their use a sense of sacred wisdom.  This is called divine grace!

From all these sources through out the years I believe we all have found a wisdom and a strength we may not have realized we have.   A life force!

Sunday, September 20, 2015


I want to do some thinking about my convictions.

Dad and I were happy to be going to church although dad does not like communion. 

I feel there is a blessing that is given by people sharing such simple things as wine and bread.

There is mystery in this giving and taking as with all spiritual truths. 

Our daily life is what matters and our future is in God's hands.

To love God is to love like God.

The central message of Jesus was that the Kingdom of God had come which meant a transformation of life Here!  We can lose our way and need help in finding it again!

We give thanks that the bread broken brings wholeness.
The cup of blessing pour out quenches our thirst and renews us. -Church Bulletin

We are willing to accept our role as co-creators.  That there is beauty and goodness that lives within.
                                                    The power of a picture!


It  is never too late to celebrate a birthday that was missed but not forgotten.  Too bad Tasha and Leah could not join us but Sandra was the birthday girl for all.

After a wonderful supper, the kind where you say, O I think I ate too much!  we picked teams to play Trivia Pursuit and we are reminded of things we used to know but have now forgotten.

Great fun an lots of laughs.

I am amazed at how creative and intelligence these young girls are and how they are giving back by helping others.  Experiencing our own need of care and people to share our lives with we  are more and more grateful for our family.

Compassion begins with what is most human in ourselves, and the willingness to share our knowledge with others.  We strive for independence and competence but deep down. we will realize that there in us  brokenness, that keeps us vulnerable too.

Children are God's heritage and His reward to us.  -Psalm 127

Randy has been busy chopping vegetable's as well as wood to keep us warm and cozy.
A real fire is such a blessing with it's crackling noise and beautiful fiery flames. 

Saturday, September 19, 2015


I am often confused about what day of the week it is, among other things.

I think that the news media should not emphasize the tragedies with the same story over and over and often in graphic detail.  I find it very unsettling but even worse is the confusion it can cause elderly old people.

I went to visit Gundy and she was too frightened to answer the door.

As we get older we can be confused by many things especially as our memory starts to fail.  While we are young enough we can laugh it off  knowing the younger generation is also having problems and will soon be joining us in our confusion.

Saturday morning is wet and cloudy but Haiti is still anxious to go for her walk.

Kim takes her out and then shops and cooks for our dinner at Sandra and Randy's.  Spicy Indian food is on the menu which I believe is good for your brain and aches and pains.  Then she is off out the door to Langley to help at the Country Fair doing pottery.  Looks like we will not be going but Grama Carol is taking Morgan.

I realize I am going to need rain boots as this rain will be here awhile.

Being social is a good way to overcome feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Dad and I are looking forward to the family get-to-gether for dinner to-night.

Kim has had a buy week putting up new shelves to help her organize which would help my confusion if I did it more often.

Dad and Haiti also help.

Friday, September 18, 2015


Some days it is hard to fight off the negative thoughts especially when you are in pain.
Negative thoughts can settle like a dark cloud over your mind and the light of hope so hard to see.

I do not know who was happier to see Sandra, the two of us or Haiti.

We were in  a bit of a mess when she arrived moving things around and around.  Dad does not often complain about things but I said we had better change it.

Dad's feet are extremely painful so he soaked them in the soaker tub most of the morning.  He is also getting sharp shooting pains that are very scary.

He has had bad, painful days before so hopefully he will start to feel a little better.

None of us know what our future will be but I believe we can face it when we have to.  For now the most healing thing to do is brush the negative thoughts off one by one.  It takes courage to live each day with chronic pain and courage to decide that the choice of how we will cope is always ours.  The future may seem hopeless but there are still things waiting that only we can do. 

There are things to be done, or said, or written that can not be done by anyone else.

For me the spiritual dimension of life gives it meaning.

"We must never forget that we may always find meaning in life even when confronted with a hopeless situation, when facing a fate that cannot be changed.

For then what matters is to bear witness to the uniquely human potential at its best, which is transform a tragedy into a triumph, to turn ones predicament into a human achievement." 
Viktor Frankl  -  Man's Search for Meaning.


One can see why North View Golf Club
 is a very popular place.

The food is good and also reasonable.

Dad and I had an excellent lunch and great fun spending time with Jane and Geof.  Yes, I do admire Jane for her faith and her courage and her unfailing sense of humor.  We have been friends for many, many years and have had our good times and difficult times as well.

This also is a good distance home for us both.

Faith on the other hand is not a pursuit of popularity.

Truth is not always expressed by public opinion.

We each in our own way are called to live out what we believe.  This may be in simple daily tasks of paying your bills, or being a good neighbor, being accepting of the views and opinion of others, being generous with our time and talents and fiancés.

I believe there is strength in humility.

I like to be pleasant towards others if possible.

I am happy and proud to be a Canadian but do not agree with all our politicians do, or are promising to do.

I am happy and proud to be a Christian, one who tries to follow the teachings of Christ, and yet I do not agree with all that is expressed as Christianity.  There are changes being made which I see as being positive.  There is much to be learnt in discussions together.

God's words to Moses at the burning bush were "Remove your shoes for the place you are standing is holy ground.
"For God, in creating us, gave our lives significance,"  - J. Sack


Thursday, September 17, 2015


I wish that I was a more courageous person.  I do think that most of us are more courageous than we realize and when we need to be we find the strength we nee.

The garage door was open and Haiti started barking at the kitchen door that opens to the garage.  I listened and I thought I too heard something.  I cautiously looked out the dining room window wondering what strange person or animal could be in there.  It was certainly  bigger than a mouse.

I see our friend Glen peeking out the door checking to see where the dog was with the big ferrous bark!

Biblical faith should demand courage according to Rabbi Jonathan Sacks.
"In Judaism  faith is not acceptance but protest against the world that is, in the name of the world that is not yet but out to be.  Faith lies not in the answers but in the questions.

Biblical faith is difficult and at times almost impossible to understand.  Three religions;  Christianity and Islam and Judaism have very different views.  Even in these faiths  there are different opinions.

God in creating humanity has also empowered it.  Moses was called to be a fighter against injustice.  Looking at Judaism as a religion of sacred discontent in the stories about Abraham, Moses, Amos and Isaiah, and seeing how they fought for human dignity and justice.  They argued with the kings and priests of the day.  They were men of courage but not perfect.    

This fall our study group will be reading about women of faith and courage.

We had a change of plans on Thursday and went out to lunch with Jane and Geof to celebrate a future event.  It has been a week of catching up with old friends which is very good.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Our happiness can be uncertain at times when times are difficult.
The news of the little girl, the same age as our Simone, tragic.
Anyone with small children will be giving them extra hugs to-night.

I think that it is so important to have things in our lives to look forward to with happy expectations.
Each day holds possibilities of new beginnings.

We are vulnerable human beings that face many challenges that will help us to grow with the changes.  Yes, there are many questions and uncertainties that we all face at one time or another.

"The Biblical faith does not conceal the scars of the human condition under the robes of sanctity and inevitability."  The lives of the characters give us role models of lives that were messed up and caused great grief to teach us lessons of what not to do or to be.

Human beings cannot escape painful experiences but can choose to experience them as bravely as possible.

My day began with going back to bed feeling crappy but thankful I had the choice to do so.

I perked up for our visit with Maryrice.  Dad served coffee and cinnamon rolls.  She is part of our book study group and so a one on one visit was a treat.

I took Haiti for a walk and dad went out for an adventuresome ride on his bike.  He ended falling and having to carry his bike out of a stream.  I hope he is learning to make wiser choices about the path he takes.

Many opportunities to make choices come each day challenge us.

Having Kim and Madison drop in for a visit makes our days so much brighter.
Kim made us a healthy supper again last night which is much appreciated. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Happiness comes with sharing.

Happiness differs from pleasure in that it is a matter of a life well lived.

The best predictor of happiness is to know you have a purpose.

Strong spiritual beliefs add joy and contentment.

  Also being a part of a family that  embraces one another with love brings an inner happiness.

"To know that you made a difference, being part of a community as well as a family, your work or your church or an interest group,
To know that you have lifted some one's spirit, to have relieved some one's poverty, or loneliness,
to fight for justice and fairness in a very unjust world"  J. Sacks

There are many ways we touch each other's lives through prayer as well as through action.

A friend is coming over Wed. morning to borrow one of my brain books.  This is the second person so I think maybe they are impressed with how brainy I have become!

Monday, September 14, 2015


Morning walk with Haiti who has already had a walk with Kim.  I am much slower in my going in the morning.  I use to walk with the children going to school but now I am walking with mom's who have started a walking routine.  They all seem so happy and such good walkers.

Later in the day walking home from the Safeway I am walking with another group of ladies carrying mats under their arms.  There is a place for Yoga right by the Safeway now.

Dad had a bike ride today which is always good.  It is getting cooler here too especially at night.  I think the forecast is for rain.

I had a talk with Traudl and Brian.  She sounds better but has a lot to go through and they are supporting each other.

Dad talked to Larry Olson and he has to do exercises for his sciatic back problem or it seizes up on him.  I feel better and will stop moaning about my exercises which I still find painful. 

I was thinking about the meaning of ethics and looking at the life and words of Jesus I would say he was a very ethical person and his followers should live out of the ethical standards he promoted.

 If some one is in need you give to them, if lonely you visit them,
If sad you comfort them, help them to find work and be hospitable even to strangers.

Learn to do good,
Seek justice
Aid the oppressed
Uphold the rights of the orphan
Defend the cause of the widow.  -Isaiah 1:17

"Some one else's physical needs are my spiritual obligation."  a Jewish Mystic.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


This is the park where Haiti and I had our early morning walk.  Later in the afternoon dad and I took Haiti to the watershed Park for another big walk.

The story of creation was retold at church today.  It was good to be back at church today and especially seeing some of the young children back.  We certainly have a lot of good cooks at our church and lunch afterwards had a great variety of delicious tempting  food.

 What was not eaten was taken to the homeless shelter.

According to the book written by the Rabbi Jonathan  Sacks one of the main themes of scriptures as he sees it is that the God who created invites us to continue this work of creating.  He is the teacher who is teaching us His will and how to live with love but also with responsibility to each other. 

"So it is worth reminding ourselves that there is such a thing as ethics, and it belongs to the life we live together and our willingness to share" -  Maimonides a Jewish philosopher.  He goes on to say in this way we honor the image of God in other people and thus turn the world into a home for the divine presence.

"I am the Lord who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth for in these I delight; declares the Lord."  -Jer. 9-23-24.brain, is the only true creator, so it is important to claim your role as creator, which is active.  Here is the true beginning of learning to make reality." 

My brain book also says: "The mind that gives orders to the

Our main church is involved in helping the Syrian refugees and will continue to do so.

"We are here to make a difference, to mend the brokenness and heal the wounded one person at a time.  This is what Mother Teresa also calls for us to do.

"Being human means being conscious and being responsible".  -Viktor Frankl

Here is where God wants us to be and where he gives us work to do.

Saturday, September 12, 2015


Dad and I head out the door as we hear the vacuum cleaner start. Kim is busy at work cleaning up and doing a good job.

First we go to the vitamin store where there seems to be a pill to cure every ill.  We do a lot of looking and buy some Theracurmin which helps with pain and inflammation as well as some other vitamins.  It seems to me that even doctors are becoming more aware of helpful cares using vitamins.

Then it was over to the library.

There are many books there that help us learn through the experience of others,  Often these stories relate heart felt experiences needed to cure souls who feel lost or alone.

We need to connect to the lives of others around us and as we share our strengths and weaknesses we find cures in different ways.

Ben went with his team to Seattle but was not allowed to play because of his injury.  I hope it heals in time for the next tournament.

So I came home to a clean house and with a thankful heart.

So thankful for Kim!


We were trying to be at the church early as parking is a problem and with dad's feet even more painful now we try to find space close to the door.  We succeeded.

We walk by the kitchen door and hear the dear ladies busy chatting as they put out the food and dishes.

Everyone is delighted to see me after my long absence.  I was very warmly welcomed.

Each day presents new attitudes to cultivate.

The candles are not lit but will be on Sunday morning as the light of our individual lives are joined with the light of Christ.

Dad and I drove into Tsawwassen to visit with Carol and Kim.  Kim made a recipe from the Lebanese Cookbook her dad gave her.  Very good.  She will be trying a lot more of these recipes.    Panteli arrived after starting up a new correspondence class.

I love the view as we drive in and the sun shines on all the different leaves and creates a sense of awe.
Life is precious and is to be lived out with courage and strength and love for one another.

Looking beautiful!

Friday, September 11, 2015


"Prayer is not just an old women’s idle amusement.
Proper;y understood and applied , it is the most potent instrument of action".

For me it is just having a chat with God trusting I am being heard.
“Putting your energy into the world shows that you are open to change, to learn, to receive help and to see the needs of others.
Which is why we often pray "what can I do?"

I try my best to keep up with Carol and loosen up my steps
while keeping my balance.  Theresa gave me the best Grannie award years ago but I think both Carol and Sandra deserve it now.

I had a short walk and then a visit with Gundy.  She has a different view about things that are happening in the news.
She certainly is always thinking.  I do want to keep up my visiting.  I was with Jim and Joyce at the Seniors Home on Thursday.

Kim is off  to the beach to absorb lots of sunshine.
 She is usually brown as a berry by this time of year.

She is cooking fish stew at her mom's house and we are invited. 

Yes, I am an old woman but there are now new opportunities for me each day.
I can linger over my morning coffee just thinking about life.
I enjoy each flower I see on my walk
and enjoy the songs of nature that sing to me in the stillness.

I rejoice that I am still alive because life in all it's stages is precious.

Thursday, September 10, 2015


The sidewalk is over flowing with children chatting and laughing as they return to school.

Time for me to get the old cook books out and try to be inspired.  Kim is happy to be cooking again and full of new ideas of her own.

There are cobwebs starting to decorate my walls and ceilings.  Those tiny spiders are such hard workers.

I feel like my brain is full of cobwebs too and I need to be challenged to start learning and trying to explore the mysteries of life.

There is a poem about if I had my life to live over again I would laugh at my silly mistakes and take more chances and climb a mountain or two and especially eat more ice cream.  Definitely I would worry less and laugh more!

I would realize that we can never really know how another feels but I can be less critical and more understanding.  Yes, it is treating others like I want to be treated.

Friday is the day for the memorial service for Jane and Geof's daughter.  A celebration of life!

Our prayers are with them all.  Thankful Samantha is at peace.

Allow the comfort of angel's wings wrap you in heavenly peace.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


We take the slower road home to enjoy the green fields and rustic barns. 

This is all very lovely but I start to worry about the crock-pot I left on high.  Of course we had stayed much longer than anticipated, so much to catch up on.  What a surprise to find their grand daughter had been playing in the same tournament as Ben and she is a goalie too.  We will be on the look out for them another time.

All was well when we arrived home as Kim was already home and had made a salad  for us to go with our borscht. Bowls were ready for us on the table.  So great to have Kim and Haiti back with us.

 Thursday is suppose to be very warm again.  I will go visiting and maybe try driving.

Desmond Tutu writes about prayer being the heartbeat of faith.  A quiet silent prayer brings a new presence into my morning room.  I welcome the spiritual energy this love brings.  Later I will go out walking and continue praying for friends and family.

I am finding more and more how important a sense of balance is when I am walking,
 without it I would crash into people I pass as I go walking.

I am not jumping out of bed like I used to do with an awareness that the day may hold some surprises for me.  Right now I am seeing the trees with all their leaves but soon the structure of the tree will be exposed.  Life seems to give us moments of beauty but then there will also be moments of stark reality.  We need both.


I love this time of year with all the fall colours
 and warm sunny afternoons.  Ahead of us the weather is unknown and can even be stormy.  Winds  blowing nature's finery to be fall from the branches and walked upon and to be racked into piles to be jumped upon.                  Yesterday dad and I went to Value Village a huge barn like  kind of a building with rows and rows of clothes and shoes and household items etc. wait to be looked through.  The amazing thing is that there are some really good expensive items hanging there in the midst of junk and more junk.  Dad picked up two excellent jackets good to wear on his bike in the cold and wet weather.  He did not do so well with pants they were short and skinny and then far to long and fat.
I did no better either I picked blouses that were too tiny or large enough to be a tent.  We can take them back.  We both get tired very quickly and usually it takes time to find the good stuff.  There are not many things in life were one size fits all.
I do not think that science can prove or disprove the existence of God.
There is a searching for most of us to find the right "size" of religion that suits us.
Surely the first scientist was God who created such a variety of creatures and plants etc.
For me I do not need to defend Genesis as literal but I am attracted to the notion of an intelligent being involved in evolution!
We need science to help us discover answers to all the problems we face each day.
I need faith to guide me in making choices about what to do with my life and to strengthen me and give me a wider perspective on things. 
Our lives count more than we know!
One size faith does not fit all!
Went for a short walk, made some borscht and visited some old friends, Dorena and Nick.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


"Healing is impossible in loneliness; it is the opposite of loneliness.

Conviviality is healing.

To be healed we must come with all the other creatures to the feast of Creation" -W.Berry

A community does not have to be large but a group of two or three works.  As Jesus said he would be there.

I have had a sense of community caring when some one carries my groceries home for me,
When a friend going the different way turns around and walks me home,
when a hand reaches out to me when I take a tumble at the soccer field and fell backward and landed a little shaken but not hurt.

Sitting with family and other team parents we cheer on the soccer game.

I have missed going to church but I know that there has been a community of prayer, a network of committed prayer warriors with me so I am not alone.

"The Creating Spirit takes in all life and offers back new life."  -church bulletin

I managed to make it to coyote creek done to where the leaves are changing color.  Yes, it looks and feels like autumn.

I am walking alone but do not feel a lonely.

Every step I take requires concentration and care.

"We create our own loneliness from our fears." - church bulletin

A compassionate community big or small gives the gift of healing.

And good fruit and veggies from Donna and Ron's garden over on Salt Spring.

Dad went for a bike ride before we went shopping and out to lunch.