Sunday, September 20, 2015


It  is never too late to celebrate a birthday that was missed but not forgotten.  Too bad Tasha and Leah could not join us but Sandra was the birthday girl for all.

After a wonderful supper, the kind where you say, O I think I ate too much!  we picked teams to play Trivia Pursuit and we are reminded of things we used to know but have now forgotten.

Great fun an lots of laughs.

I am amazed at how creative and intelligence these young girls are and how they are giving back by helping others.  Experiencing our own need of care and people to share our lives with we  are more and more grateful for our family.

Compassion begins with what is most human in ourselves, and the willingness to share our knowledge with others.  We strive for independence and competence but deep down. we will realize that there in us  brokenness, that keeps us vulnerable too.

Children are God's heritage and His reward to us.  -Psalm 127

Randy has been busy chopping vegetable's as well as wood to keep us warm and cozy.
A real fire is such a blessing with it's crackling noise and beautiful fiery flames. 


craig decraene said...

Looked like it was a really nice time. Sad we missed it, worked than just relaxed at home. Hope everything is good on your end.

Sandra said...

I have been feeling very emotional? about this birthday. I know it is just a number, but seeing the news and all the horrible things that happen it is just such a blessing to reach 55 years old. Ans not to reach it, but to be healthy and in a wonderful country and to have family near and far. It is a wonderful thing life, and I am happy to of had the one I have up until this point and look forward to many more!

Thank you for coming, I hope it was not too much for you and dad.

beth bennett said...

Sandra that was beautiful. I had not realized your feelings.

Dad and I had a quiet day to-day but did go to church.

My arm is painful still Craig and grandpa's feet very painful
but we are blessed with all our family and hope to see you guys soon.

love mom

Anonymous said...

Sorry we missed church on Sunday.(especially for me communion )However we had an old friend over for lunch and l just don't have the energy l used to have . The birthday party sounds like lots of fun. love jane,