Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Yes it is our anniversary time again.

  What an exciting day that was!

A warm sunny fall day in Regina.
Friends and families came from Saskatoon where we met and grew up.
A small wedding in the chapel and the reception in the church hall and then very quickly on a plane to Vancouver our home.
So young and so much in love with stars in our eyes.

My first airplane ride and it was turbulent!  Even that was Fun!
Dad with his new job to go to where he would have to be checked out as a controller.
I was excited about finding work in this big city as I learned which bus to take etc.

Yes we had our hopes and dreams  but instead I was sent to bed on bed rest.  Long lonely days by myself with  the worry of an unknown future.   In time all turned out well and we had our bouncing baby boy! The first of our four children.

How thankful I am for the love we share and the blessings of our family.  We certainly know the best and the worst about each other and we have know times of penny pitching and times of what would seem to us abundance.  We will never agree on everything but that is good.


Sandra said...

Happy Anniversary. Is it 59 this year?

You have an extra I phone now, you should ask Leah and Craig how to set it up so you can watch what is happening downstairs.

Quiet night for me with Randy gone. I am still going to my pilates of course and have my homework to keep me busy.


beth bennett said...

Yes dad would like that idea.

You keep busy that is for sure.

love you

love mom