Sunday, September 27, 2015


There is something terrible attractive about knowing what to do to make things better.
This is especially true with wanting my children and all the grandchildren to be happy and healthy.

Nothing is so terrifying as having to face a problem which does not seem to have any solutions.  Dad and I do not want to be dependent in any way because we are pretty happy doing our own things. 

Trusting someone else to fix your problems is also difficult for us.  We have been confident for many years that we can manage life. 

Dad got really tired and sore trying to bored up some holes to keep the mice out.  He is determined to do it himself.  I am sure we solved some problems in the past by doing and also by keeping busy!

Kim went with Morgan and Carol to the art Gallery in Vancouver.  They are all very creative when it comes to art.  There was a time that I thought I might start but it never worked out.

A beautiful day for a walk although I only did a short one.

It would be wonderful if there were no more struggles and disappointments in life.

It would be wonderful if we could reach a spiritual maturity that our joy would overflow!


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