Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Our happiness can be uncertain at times when times are difficult.
The news of the little girl, the same age as our Simone, tragic.
Anyone with small children will be giving them extra hugs to-night.

I think that it is so important to have things in our lives to look forward to with happy expectations.
Each day holds possibilities of new beginnings.

We are vulnerable human beings that face many challenges that will help us to grow with the changes.  Yes, there are many questions and uncertainties that we all face at one time or another.

"The Biblical faith does not conceal the scars of the human condition under the robes of sanctity and inevitability."  The lives of the characters give us role models of lives that were messed up and caused great grief to teach us lessons of what not to do or to be.

Human beings cannot escape painful experiences but can choose to experience them as bravely as possible.

My day began with going back to bed feeling crappy but thankful I had the choice to do so.

I perked up for our visit with Maryrice.  Dad served coffee and cinnamon rolls.  She is part of our book study group and so a one on one visit was a treat.

I took Haiti for a walk and dad went out for an adventuresome ride on his bike.  He ended falling and having to carry his bike out of a stream.  I hope he is learning to make wiser choices about the path he takes.

Many opportunities to make choices come each day challenge us.

Having Kim and Madison drop in for a visit makes our days so much brighter.
Kim made us a healthy supper again last night which is much appreciated. 


Sandra said...

Oh, so you did not have to keep staring at the cupboard waiting for supper to jump out at you?

Glad that dad is still able to get himself out of his own difficulties.

Started my studying for real last night.

Oh, and what are you doing on Saturday? Do you all want to come over for dinner?

I will call later.


beth bennett said...

Yes dad and I would love to come.

love mom