Thursday, September 3, 2015


A day of laughter and silliness.

Driving home from the airport over bridges through traffic jams with dark threatening clouds on one side and glorious sunshine escaping from the dark to shine upon our happy little car with Kim and Haiti both faces shining with joy and I am sure if Kim had a tail it would be waging as much as Haiti's.

My day started with me burning the toast and frightening  dad out of bed.  "What's burning?"

Then off to a ladies meeting at the church   a noisy happy group totally out of control and ignoring our chairperson who was attempting to make some future plans.  We did decide that we would plan a fun outing just to have fun!

I had carried my fruit plate in only to discover I had mislaid my purse.  I looked in the library and down the hall in Lee's office but it was no where to be found.  Yes, it finally dawned on me I had left it in the car.

Sandra informed us at lunch she had received a card with no hand written note inside.  That is strange I agreed who would do such a thing?

This morning I went outside and the raccoons had neatly taken the bricks off the top of our compost garbage can and dragged it to the side of the yard and managed to get inside and pull some messy garbage all over.

I am sure they did it with glee knowing they had out-smarted us!

Today I walk with Haiti and Kim.  Haiti will be going back to Carol's and Panteli's which makes me a little sad as I thought she would be here while Kim goes to Salt Springs to visit her dad Ron and Donna.

Walking with the two of them will be fun and I will enjoy every moment!


Sandra said...

I am sorry I missed seeing everyone, but we will have to plan a dinner for the weekend after I get back from Ontario.


nancy-Lou said...

What joy to have Kim back...your description of the Happy Little Car....painted cartoon pictures in my mind of it bounding along over the bridges and thru the valleys, with all the happy people and dog waving out the windows at everyone....with the sunshining brightly on it!

It does my heart good, Beth to read how active you are now ...out doing so many things. I am glad you are feeling much better.

Those pesky racoons. They are so darned messy. We have three timber wolves living on the family land behind our house. They are killing quite a few family pets, cats and a poor old dog and a poor little dog that was tied out....stupid people.

Our neighbours and myself are trying to keep our cats indoors and a good watch on their dogs. The wolves have been seen a number of times. My nephew and niece lost their cat....and so did a neighbour a few doors away. The wolves are taking a toll on the racoons, skunks and rabbits too.

Years ago I actually met three wolves rounding a bend in the old path I was walking was a stand off and then I walked backwards all the way home....they followed for a ways and then went off in the bush. no harm done. It was winter time and we often have wolves here then...but during the summer is rare.

I wish you a wonderful relaxing evening,

Love, Nancy