Tuesday, September 22, 2015


I went for a walk with Haiti a little later in the morning.

Dad is determined to have an adventure so took a road that could lead to the River Inn.  He went 29 K's.
I worked in the yard which was enough of an adventure for me.

I thought I was growing up in a very modern world where we thought we had all the answers.

This lead to postmodern where it was believed that no  one had all the answers.  Authority would begin to be questioned.  Political, scientific and religious. 

There is no absolute truth
The world has become smaller
There  is a deep skepticism
Life is understood to be messy and not easily controlled.

The postmodern church has changed from choirs to bands
and robes to suits.  Does the gospel remain the same but in a different package?  The church, we all know, is now not central in our communities.  Impersonal
mail outs are not the answer.

Does the church care for suffering humanity?
Is there respect for the earth and its resources?
Authenticity over appearance?
Questions about the honesty of relationships?
Rejection of consumerism?
Are the unlovable valued?
Are we open to the opinions of others?

The bottom line is people are truly the church.
I go to church because I value community
and I support people who reach out in ways I can no longer do.
We sing about it but do we live it?
Can there be a new generation that stops complaining about the church
and becomes the church they dream of?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are the church l am the church all of god's children all around the world we are the church together( and we are an imperfect lot) What you wrote this morning brought this hymn to mind.jane