Thursday, September 10, 2015


The sidewalk is over flowing with children chatting and laughing as they return to school.

Time for me to get the old cook books out and try to be inspired.  Kim is happy to be cooking again and full of new ideas of her own.

There are cobwebs starting to decorate my walls and ceilings.  Those tiny spiders are such hard workers.

I feel like my brain is full of cobwebs too and I need to be challenged to start learning and trying to explore the mysteries of life.

There is a poem about if I had my life to live over again I would laugh at my silly mistakes and take more chances and climb a mountain or two and especially eat more ice cream.  Definitely I would worry less and laugh more!

I would realize that we can never really know how another feels but I can be less critical and more understanding.  Yes, it is treating others like I want to be treated.

Friday is the day for the memorial service for Jane and Geof's daughter.  A celebration of life!

Our prayers are with them all.  Thankful Samantha is at peace.

Allow the comfort of angel's wings wrap you in heavenly peace.


Sandra said...

There is something nice about cobwebs though. And not just the outside ones

beth bennett said...

Except when you walk into it unseen.
And people think that a lot of cobwebs mean a dusty house.
I think they run from one corner to another try and fool me.
love mom