Friday, October 31, 2014


Happy Halloween to all the mischievous children running up and down our street to night.
Thursday after my visit to my neighbor and visiting the doctors with dad Kim and I walked to the park with Haiti to find magic mushrooms.DSCN5406
Haiti patiently waits for me to take a picture.
They are in all shapes and colors and sizes.
DSCN5407Yes maybe they are not magic mushrooms but they have a magically affect on us anyway.

I wonder how many children will knock at our door?

I wonder how many Sandra and Randy will have?  

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Prayer opens the window of the soul to let in light.  Prayer is good for my brain!
Prayer gives me hope and faith that sustains me and gives me grace to accept and trust the will of God. 
Prayer is not a spell like Harry Potter casts and results are immediately evident.  No  one is able to predict the efficacy of prayer and unless some new scientific method is uncovered, it remains a mystery. 
Prayer is like an invisible thread that connects us to this mystery.  As Christians I believe in the covenant promises of God to be faithful to His Word944Prayer is like walking in a garden filled with all our hopes and dreams.
 It is like walking in the forest and seeing new life grow out of the old.

Yes, we live in a world of suffering and pain that can make it difficult to believe in a God of goodness and love unless we realize that the answer to our prayers begins with our actions.  It is
God is Creator, Liberator and Sustainer of life.  Yes, I believe in a supernatural power that is real and exists and because I keep prayer an active part of my life it is for me significant.  It reminds me of what I truly value and what is important.  Simple words asking for love to surround those I love and keep them safe from harm.

Yesterday was a strange day that started out with my visit to my friend and neighbor Mrs. G.  She really has gotten some strange ideas in her head being alone too much.  She is caught up in her own world of negative thinking.  Sad she does not even trust her family and thinks people are checking up on her when they want to help.  The mind can only hold  so much despair and anxiety and I hope and pray she will be able to come out of this paranoia.   She does well for some one who is 82 and I try to encourage her to take one day at a time and phone me is she needs help.

The sad thing was that Jim seemed even cheerful in comparison.

Dad and I spent the day going to his two doctors and had some skin removed on his hand to get rid of little growths, and got his blood pressure medicine prescription renewed.

I believe in the power of prayer even when I know it cannot intervene in the laws of the Universe and keep away illness, evil or calamity, but it can renew my faith in humanity and keep me humble.
Prayer and friendship  can save a soul from despair!  Amen!

Kim had made a healthy supper and fortunately Carol also dropped by to help eat it.  Dad and I had eaten out and since I had my usual salad I was still a bit hungry. 


Morning prayer graces my day with His loving Presence!

]Nice to have a few colorful flowers to bring in the house.
Taking time to be refreshed by beauty.
Taking time to be thankful for my warm home.

"Your brain is the master regulator of your body.  In a responsive mode, it tells your body to conserve energy and to refuel and repair itself."  -Hardwiring Happiness

The more we hear of bad things happening the more important our feelings of safety become.  I feel that we live in a safe neighborhood with a lot of friendly kind  neighbors.
I have satisfaction from working in my garden and writing my blog and reading the comments  and learning and reading. 

I have connections with my family, my friends, my community, my church and my God.

"Endorphins, and other natural opioids, and nitric oride  are released" when I allow myself to feel good and crave less things that are unhealthy for me.  My core needs met.

Regularly looking for opportunities to take in the good and the imperfect can help your brain feel the sense of well-being, the sense of safety and satisfaction.  Aware of new opportunities that come my way and help me to think positively and gratefully.  Increased my walk a extra few blocks and am very fortunate to be able to enjoy even a day that starts out rainy and then the sun surprised me and comes out.

"While taking in the good, you typically prolong dopamine inputs to the amygdala."  Happier individuals have more amygdala stimulation to the nucleus accumbens , a control center deep in the brain.  In effect happiness encourages us to take practical steps toward our dreams."  -H. H.

Yesterday was a day for decisions, although my were minor, dad changed his mind about taking the hormone shot, a big decision. He is doing so well now he does not want to go back to feeling tired and listless.

I just had to decide whether to work inside or out as both need cleaning up.  Actually did a bit of both.  Right now raking leaves feels good but when I look up and see all the ones still hanging just ready to rain down on the ground I see a lot more work.  Thinking back to when the kids would help and then run and jump in the pile and mess it all over again I remember it as great fun.

Today dad goes to the cancer skin doctor and I will use the car first to take a quick drive with my milkshake hoping Jim is still at the home.

I  am thankful for happy memories.  This morning praying for family especially my brother Brian and his wife Traudl.  He is having surgery in Cranbrook on his nose and sinus.  Pray the surgery is successful and healing to go well.

Time flies,  birds fly and so does prayer.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


This picture was taken from the car on the way to Morgan's soccer game.  I watch for this spot and every time we are quickly passing it by before I can even aim the camera.  One day we will stop when we are not in a hurry.

I find the older I get the faster time seems to fly.
Of course I'm  not slowing down.

Today dad and I attended the service for Howard and it truly was a celebration.  All the stories by his family where hilarious and we heard about another side of Howard, well not exactly we have always known he had a great sense of humor.

They bought a farm and lots of different animals and hearing the stories made even the animals come alive.  They were all named and loved. 

Leah had to leave early to attend a training session on medicine at U.B.C. and she would have a rainy drive all the way out there.  We were happy to have her come as were Howard's family as she has become like one of the family since she was there so much of the time.

People from the Nursing Home had come on a bus and were all a happy group too.  Aches and pains forgotten as they laughed along with us all. 

Dad had his visit with the cancer doctor a very nice young man (these doctors are all getting so young) and he advised dad to take a hormone shot because his P.S.A. had taken a big jump up.  At least this time dad knows what to expect and hopefully he will find it easier.  He has been doing so well riding his bike which will really be a good help.

Carol came in after work and said to Kim as she does every Tues.  I really am too tired to go to the
class to learn defense moves to-night.  Kim does not take no for an answer so they have gone out into the chilly rainy night.

Both the service and going to the cancer clinic helped me to remember to celebrate life with humor and thankfulness.  I am thankful that everyone in our family has a sense of humor and laugh a lot!

I read the funnies and dad did his Sudoku puzzle and another day has flown by!

Thankful for the gift of life!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014



Life is like a pair of book ends.

One minute  saying hello then the next moment  it is time to say good-bye.

Now it seems like all of a sudden we are no longer young.  One of the advantages of growing older we can begin to accept that none of us can manage without family, friends, people to love and people who love us, and even now and then a little criticism, if it is given with kindness.

Sometimes we agree and sometimes we disagree.  That is healthy. 

Today Leah is coming over and we will be going to Howard's funeral service.  I am reminded that as long as we keep a sense of humour in the middle of where we are  we can find meaning in that place although I feel at times I should be doing more, because it feels better to be waiting on others than others looking after me,  but I am sure I will get over that idea. 

After the funeral dad has an appointment with the prostate doctor but we do not expect any changes.

Monday, October 27, 2014


The day just flew by.  We just arrived home from church when Rick arrived and a lively discussion began between dad and Rick.  Always lots to talk about.

Kim went shopping and started chopping and mixing and preparing Indian dishes and a few Chinese  dishes were added. 

One by ones others arrived and the news that J. Ghomeshi had been fired became the topic of conversation.  I suppose over the next few days more details and hopefully the truth will come out. Lots of tweeting was happening but I do not do that.

I took some pictures of sad faces but my camera's battery has to be charged now. 

Everyone let fairly early and Leah and Craig stayed to talk to Rick.  Dad and I left them and went to bed. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014



Kim is the greeter at her pottery sale.
This is the table her group display.

Lots of beautiful pieces of every color and shape
A rainy drive to Chilliwack
Our brave little goalie.  We are so proud of her actually saving two or maybe more goals.
Tried so hard she twisted her knee.  Feeling sad.
PA250556Theresa and Grandpa watch from the stands,
Hungry tummies waiting for food


Christianity is about a pilgrimage.  A  down to earth seekers walking on a  journey along a earthly path looking for heavenly signposts.  Guided by our knowledge and by our inspirations.

Smile with tongue outWhere did that come from?

“Christianity is about the right direction, toward the wisdom of God, toward love, toward home.    Things like hospitality, contemplation, healing, testimony and justice.  Christians call these signposts “practices” the activities drawn from our tradition that we do in community.  Hopefully with love and compassion.
I want to meet challenges in a responsive mode without them becoming stressed or upset..  Perfectionism is a stressor.
DSCN5391Events occur, even hard ones, but there is a kind  of shock absorber in your brain that stops them from rattling you.  You deal with threat, loss, or rejection without getting carried along by feelings of fear, frustration, or heartache.  You are still engaged with life, and sometimes still handling very difficult things, but on the basis of an underlying sense of security, fulfillment, and feeling of being cared for.  I am not there yet!

   Advice and caring of a good friend is very helpful.

Saturday was very busy.   The pottery was absolutely breath taking in form and in color.

The drive to Chilliwack went well and watching Morgan is a delight.  She played the second half in goal and did well for her first time.  She stopped two and let two goals in we were very proud of her effort.

The drive home in the pouring rain and dark seemed very long but actually dad made good time.

This pilgrim is ready for church today and our family gathering later.  I do hope there is no snow on the road from Kamloops but I know Rick is a safe driver and used to the snow.

Happy Sabbath to all.

 This is a responsive mode not one of reacting when you feel you have to fight or flee.  -from Hard wiring Happiness
I need light to see the way and the Scriptures promise that the word will become like a lamp to my feet.  I need to trust that God will be with me and with each one of us as we reach out knowing He is there.

Friday, October 24, 2014


Going to Kim's pottery sale first thing this morning and then to Carol's Thriller dance.  I would love to fit in Morgan's soccer if possible but it is in Chilliwack.

Our neighborhood is changing and I must admit I like the happy faces the best.  The children had a day off school so across from us they were busy putting up decorations that light up and since it is getting darker now it is good to have extra color.  It is also an East Indian holiday so there were a lot of fire crackers going off, which really scare Haiti. 

I took her over to the park and dad drove over and she was so happy when he arrived she left all the other dogs and went running to meet him.  When he went to leave in the car she decided she would have  a ride home too.  She loves going in the car.

I was thinking about how a good speaker should not be too brainy or cerebral but have an openness and transparency that listeners can relate to. 

Me and the pumpkins during a break at our talk.


Our brain has tripled in volume over the past several million years in order to help us conquer survival challenges.  It continues to operate inside us today as we face the reality of our country being under attack by terrorists.  So add to the stress of our daily lives of driving to work, worrying about our children, listening to the news, pay bills or find solutions to personal problems we are re-assured that our brains are equipped to find solutions.

PA230508As I go for my walk; without my cane or my phone, or my rain pants or boots there are creepy creatures everywhere.  Bats and spiders hanging from trees or crawling on the grass. I come home soaking wet but I do survive. There are also ghosts and skeletons.

It is a happy experience and I am thankful for my walk.  Dad and I so enjoyed seeing Jasmine with her bunny ears walking their dog on a long rope.  

Foe my own knowledge I now know there in the middle of my head is a central circuit of over -reactivity that has three parts:
the amygdala
the hypothalamus
the hippocampus.
PA230513As  signals move from one to another the hypothalamus sends out an urgent call for adrenaline, cortisol, norepinephrine and other stress hormones.

Fear is a natural reaction but can cause needless anxiety if in reality there is nothing to fear.

It is more helpful to overestimate resources and opportunities, than dwelling on our fears.

Our own temperament are all different so we respond differently.
Remember what flows through your mind changes your brain.
What is put into the storehouse holds our inner strengths but also
0ur feelings of inadequacy, defensiveness, unfulfilled longings and old pain.  Good experiences can quickly be forgotten, but bad stays as part of the neural structure.

We tell people to get over things and not dwell on what you cannot change but to do the best in the moment of time you have.  We never really forget but training ourselves to see the beauty of life and to be thankful is the way to find peace and contentment and be open to the love that surrounds us.
Love is about tenderness and inner courage and trust;  also about being grateful for lessons learned from mistakes and failures.

PA220497Jim's brain is failing along with his failing health which is sad.  He still loves his milkshake!  The staff at the Home are always so happy and pleased to see me so it is good.  I am thankful.

I phoned Leah to tell her that her dad would be here on Sunday and she had just seen her car being towed away.  She had paid her parking so this was very upsetting and unbelievable and she had another job to go to.  It is amazing the things that happen to that girl!   Fortunately Craig could come to the rescue.

Haiti and I view the park now that the trees have been cleared away.

Life really is all about survival!  From the moment we are conceived!

Thursday, October 23, 2014


A tree I had been waiting to completely fill with color but too late now the wind has blown nearly all the leaves off.  I walked in the dark and then went out again when Kim told me about the condition of the park.  This tree is a vision of beauty when it is all ablaze with color.

Also I thought the fresh air would help my headache I have had since I woke up.

We are study about Paul who experienced a brilliant light and heard a voice speak to him on his way to Damascus in Syria.  In Biblical language he had a vision.  A vivid subjective sense of momentarily seeing and hearing another reality.  The vision blinded him and his sight did not return until a disciple named Ananias was told in another vision to go and pray for him.  It would be a fearful thing to do because Paul was their enemy at that time.

This vision completely changed Paul's purpose for his life.  He would become the one who would be an apostle to the Gentiles.  He had a conversion experience within his own tradition, from one way of being Jewish to another.  He also became a mystic, someone who knows God and has direct, vivid and typically frequent experiences of the sacred.  He also expressed his own cultural views.

There has been a lot of criticism of his writings and some are hard to understand but they are worth studying.  He was far from perfect but our imperfections do not prevent the spirit of God from working in our lives.

I could not shake my headache so decided to stay home.  I was also feeling that I wanted to stay close to a loved one with all that was going on.

Today I will visit Jim and the gals as usual.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014



A very sad sight at our park Wed. morning.  It is used for the dogs to be let lose and run around, by soccer players, children on the swings etc.

Fortunately this one fell away from the house.

Yellow tape all around but I was able to slip in as did many others.  The wind made a huge amount of noise at our house and I was sure something would crash onto it.  The power was off for a short while only a few minutes and I got up to check my compute rand it was hard to get back to sleep. Woke up with a headache that refused to go
Very disturbing morning with the shooting in Ottawa.   A young soldier guarding the tomb of the unknown soldier was shot and killed and got into the Parliament buildings.

I strongly would like our country to return to being peace keepers!


What is the gospel? It has to be good news. The Bible is not an easy book to read but the truth is revealed through stories and myths of failures, disappointments, suffering and pain.

 The path our lives take includes all of these and yet there is always beauty when we are willing to search for it.

I want a message that is good for my health as well as my emotional and mental well being and that speaks to my daily problems and stresses.  . Understanding does not come easy but like many things it is by trial and error.

I want to be able to engage with the messenger to see if they are authentic and honest and willing to admit that they too make mistakes.  I am thankful we have a minister who is open and willing to discuss any questions we have and still accept us as we are.

Listening to the talk yesterday I was once again reminded of the struggles peoples in the third world are facing but the good news was that there are churches that are reaching out and helping people to heal.  Children are being helped to gain an education and especially those living out of a garbage dump.  Women are using skills to create weaving and ornaments that can be sold in countries like Canada for a decent price.

We need strength and wisdom if we are striving for justice in this unjust world. Doing even small things with great love and compassion can help bring healing to others as well as myself.   I have learned not only from the Bible but from people who have gone to places and have come back to tell us their stories.

Dad came to pick me up early as I was feeling all in but so glad I had attended the talk.

Today it is Bible study which yes continues to challenge me to see the words in a new light.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


I am finding my brain book mind blowing
The brain is an organ that can learn, so it is designed to be changed.  There are 80 to 100 billion neurons signalling one another in a network with about half a quadrillion connections, called synapses.  All this fast, complex, and dynamic neural activity is continually changing your brain.

Day after day, your mind is building your brain.  For instance, if you routinely practice relaxation, this will increase the activity of genes that calm down stress reactions, making you more resilient.  That is what I need
Our experiences matter.  Not just how they feel in the moment but for the lasting traces they leave in your brain.  This is called experience-dependent neuroplasticity, a modern version would be that the brain is shaped by our thoughts, feelings and actions.  Self-criticism, worries, grumbling about others, hurts and stress, then your brain will be shaped into greater activity, vulnerable to anxiety and depressed mood, inclination toward anger, sadness and guilt.

PA200462I was so happy when I found these mushrooms and thought how they would be perfect for a topic of mind blowing.  I want to create a more positive attitude that is thankful and pleasant and so that I will be more aware of my self-worth.

Everyday I will take in the good!

Let go of the negative.

Knowing that in starting with a few simple steps I can gain inner strengths like determination, a sense of perspective, positive emotions, and be more compassionate.

DSCN5368I matter, you matter, we all do.  A persons inner strengths include peacefulness, contentment, and love, as well as resilience, confidence, determination,  and insight.  These strengths help you cope with the hard things in life, recover from stress, heal old pain, maintain your well being, get things done at home and at work and be patient and caring toward others.

It takes time as anything worth doing takes time to develop.

Yesterday was laundry day for me too.  Today dad is meeting with a group of his buddies and I am going with some friends to hear a speaker who has worked in some of the poorer countries like Guatemala.  Lunch is provided so I will take my own. 

Monday, October 20, 2014


Yes we do carry our lives in our wallets, all our identity cards etc.

So Sunday morning started as a very bad morning when I looked into my purse and the wallet was gone.  I had just taken several hundred dollars out to pay some bills but I was not worried about that.  I feel totally anxious and confused trying to remember where I had used it last but first searched through every drawer and cupboard and odd place I could think of. 

I did remember getting it out at the restaurant and leaving with my purse.  I get very upset with myself when I make a mess of things.  I know it will take a lot of time and effort to make corrections and get new driver's license and credit cards etc. 

The restaurant is not in the phone book so I insist we drive there. Dad is not very confident as I would have left it on Friday and it is now Sunday and surely they would have phone.  No, not necessarily I say.

It is very early when we arrive at the place and people are starting to come in for breakfast.  I wait patiently for the head man to come.  He is sure nothing has been turned in.  I stand there in shock because he is not even looking.  A waitress with a big heart comes over and takes one look at me and says she thinks he should at least look.  He takes a quick look but she gets down on her hands and knees and looks way down and she finds it.

She gives it to me and we hug and I am laughing.  I run out to the car as best as I can and dad can not believe it.  The money was taken but that did not matter and I am hopeful the person really needed it.

My next chapter in the book is called "Velcro for the Bad" or how to cope with stress and pressures so I better read on.

 At the end of the day I remember the warm hug from the waitress and the joy of getting my wallet back and the support of an understanding husband!

It was good to have Kim home and she made us some great soup for supper. 
She went off to soccer in the evening.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


I enjoy the quiet and my morning coffee knowing the day will have more moments of taking in the good and let  “it pass through me like the wind through the trees”   -Rick Hanson
The simple pleasures of a walk in the freshness of the fall air, warmth from a friend as we enjoy  lunch together, my favorite sweater, old and worn but so comfortable, a smile on my walk, a good book to read are all good things  that momentarily make my day better.  Happier.

These boots were made for walking and Haiti can hardly wait.

These are my brain books.  I am very slowly reading.  Right now I am reading "Hard wiring Happiness" the new brain science of contentment, calm and confidence.  Not just positive thinking or manufacturing positive experiences, but transforming fleeting experiences into lasting improvements in your neutral net worth.  Learning how to take charge of your brain in  down to earth ways and weave the  positive into your mind, your brain, and your life (and heart).

PA160413The writer, Rick Hanson, is a neuropsychologist.   Right away I think of the words of Paul who writes and tells others to take on the mind of Christ.  I think we all want and need feelings of connection, contentment, inner peace, joy and love.
Several days ago  had a spell of feeling weak and unsteady on my feet.  The good thing is I know if I keep on walking etc. it will improve.  I am using my cane again for a short while and maybe it serves me right for being "Braggy Pants". 
"In the beginning the hole in my heart seemed so big as an empty swimming pool.  But taking in a few experiences (a smile or a kind word) each day of being included, appreciated or cared about felt like tossing a few buckets of water into the pool."  -Rick Hanson

Yesterday I read "The Brain That Changes Everything."

The brains of blind people who read braille recruit the visual cortex to process information by touch.

I can image that Jesus could use that energy to touch and heal people.  Anything is possible!

I find that learning can be fascinating ; especially when you use your imagination.

Dad does not want me cutting the grass but Sandra is with a broken bone floating around in her foot.  I hope she can get her results quickly and get treated.  She has had this for a while.  Her mother is the last to know.

Kim went off to a wedding last night so dad and I watched hockey and off to bed early.

Leah phoned Howard passed away.

Saturday, October 18, 2014


A few pictures from the future home of Carol and Panteli~

A drizzly day not the best time to view Carol and Panteli’s new place.  It is full of light and has a lovely view from their balconies.  It has great potential but needs tons of work taking out old carpets and washing and taking off wall paper and painting.  They are getting estimates and picking colors etc.  Very hard work.

A busy day after seeing the new town-house then out to Cloverdale to visit with Jane and Geof.

Dad and I came home to find a glass china cabinet in our front room which Kim can have if she wants.  Just looking at it makes me fearful and thinking some how it could  get broken.