Monday, October 6, 2014


The dawn brings a new day with many choices and many experiences of moments of grace.

As we gathered with loved ones on Sunday many memories filled my mind and there was a wave after wave of emotion.  We are so blessed   Everything went well.  Oliver arrived on the ferry and was picked up by his mom.

Rick had a good drive down with all the traffic jams on the other side of the highway.
Rick thinking of you at the dentist getting that root cannel down, no fun at all.  Hope you had a safe drive home.

Too much to tell so will down  load pictures later.  Everyone has been  so pleased to see Ken and we are all so thankful he could come.  Have to be  quiet everyone is sleeping.

Sometimes our lives seem to become so focused on our own issues and if I am not careful I can alllow myself to be squeezed in a mold that says well you are just old and useless.
“Despite this, something deep in us that holds our integrity inviolate
will find ways to remind us of the breathe and depth of the life in us and assert its wholeness.”   -  “My Grandfather’s Blessings.
Life is good!  My goal is to have fun, to be compassionate, to enjoy my family and friends and my faith that breathes into me new life everyday.  I want to be myself and continue to discover the inner beauty that is promised to us all as a gift from heaven.
Their is a statue of the goddess of compassion that is a porcelian statue of a slender Asian woman spilling water from a flask onto the ground. 
Even as the ground becomes dry and thirsty so does the soul thirst for fresh water that Jesus received from the woman at the well and now we share with each other.
Each one of us has the potential to bring the water of life to others.


Sandra said...

There was not a lot of quiet yesterday! Glad that so many could make it on such short notice. I don't know about anyone else, but I am sore from lifting that heavy furniture yesterday. I was a bit surprised to see anyone jump in the pool. Well, have a great last day with Kenny. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Yes it got noisier as the evening wore on. Good fun and games. I am amazed at Ben jumping in the pool.
Waiting for everyone to wake up. dad is now listening to the radio.

I am sure there will be many sore backs today. Yes, we will enjoy the day.

Thank you for all the hard work and effort you put into our dinner together. Thank you again to you both.

I am glad more people are becoming helpful.

love mom

beth bennett said...
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Steady-as-rain said...

Roads were nice and clear and the weather was grand on the way home last night. Was speeding much of the way, I suppose, but so was most everybody else.

It is too bad Christopher didn't come.

Mostly x-rays and so on at the dentist this morning. This fellow (a root canal specialist) agrees that my old root canal from 25 years ago or more has become infected. So the 2 hour operation will happen on November 6th. Now I have to see how much the dental plan will cover of the $1,500 cost.

Food was absolutely wonderful last night!

Maybe one day we will force everyone to eat my curry! Ha ha.



beth bennett said...

Sure if it is GF and vegetarian?

Add the chicken later maybe.

Oliver has left. We all appreciated the long distances you and Oliver traveled for the visit. Ken is trying to book a flight to Hong Kong and my computer is being used.

Ken has cut the lawn and Oliver pulled out some overgrown flowers.

Dad has been to the Water Shed with Haiti for a walk and I am just doing odd jobs.

Great to see you,
love mom

beth bennett said...

Sure if it is GF and vegetarian?

Add the chicken later maybe.

Oliver has left. We all appreciated the long distances you and Oliver traveled for the visit. Ken is trying to book a flight to Hong Kong and my computer is being used.

Ken has cut the lawn and Oliver pulled out some overgrown flowers.

Dad has been to the Water Shed with Haiti for a walk and I am just doing odd jobs.

Great to see you,
love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

My curry is gluten free (as far as I know). The veggie people can eat around the chicken - ha ha ha ha!

